Mold on my weed caused by powdery mildew?


New Member
I have some bud here that looks and smells amazing. But when you take a closer look, it appears there is a powder mildew infestation. I'm not too familiar with molds, I have already smoked a half oz of it, and feel the normal wheezing I get after a lot of smoking, due to me being asthmatic. It's fully dry and smokes fine. I'm wondering if there is anyone that can clarify If there is mold or not. It seems somewhat peculiar that this bud was trimmed so nicely, I think in attempts to hide the pm infestation. Later, tomorrow i will post pictures, but as right now i can't ad images with my iPhone to this post. Thanks again and pictures soon.
You need to look at it under magnification. Do you have a 30x loupe or a handheld microscope? (you should anyway, so you can tell when to harvest).

Under magnification it's easy to tell powdery mildew vs. trichomes/"frost". The mildew strands have a much thinner diameter aand look like a mess of tangled fibers.
You need to look at it under magnification. Do you have a 30x loupe or a handheld microscope? (you should anyway, so you can tell when to harvest).

Under magnification it's easy to tell powdery mildew vs. trichomes/"frost". The mildew strands have a much thinner diameter aand look like a mess of tangled fibers.

I do not grow actually, and do not own a microscope or a loupe, but plan on purchasing one soon. For now, any opinion on these pictures, I uploaded would be great. I know, you can't really examine the mildew off pictures, but atleast you guys can see a picture of my yummy, pretty, bud, that could be mildew infested.
if the mold just blows off or wipes off its alive.... if its just white leaves and wont wipe off its probably been sprayed with something like greencure
if the mold just blows off or wipes off its live pm....

if its just white leaves and wont wipe off its probably been sprayed with something like greencure or h202

most of that white shit wipes off... So it's alive? Anything I can do with this bud? I have quite a bit of it.
give it a h202 bath.. dunk and swish... let it dry out or just pick the effected leaves off... looks like the outer leaves were effected

Looked at your first photo that's pm but it looks treated
give it a h202 bath.. dunk and swish... let it dry out or just pick the effected leaves off... looks like the outer leaves were effected

Looked at your first photo that's pm but it looks treated

Well if its treated, i guess its good to smoke? If theres dead mold, would an h202 bath help? I have a half p, of this and I have to scavange through it, to find any leaves like that. They trimmed the shit out of this weed, and I'm suspecting, they've done that due to PM. I remember finding one nug though, when you broke it apart, u can see a white like paste on the a leaf, near the stem.
ya sounds to me like they tried to trim it .....but pm is a likes to causes bud rot too

looks like some crystally hydro
imo, the first pic, that little white patch looks like PM to me but it's not zoomed in enough for me to say for sure. the other pics it looks like crystal. it's kind of hard to say.

a good test is take a nug between your thumb and middle finger. start flicking it with your pointer finger onto clean surface. crystals do not come off so easy. when it does it's heavier and yellowish in color, see pics of kief. PM will fall off very dusty like and not be as heavy. it's also white. if you have a good enough magnifier you can just look right on the bud itself. research pics on google image and such for what to look for.

i personally dont like treating with h2o2. it kind of ruins the buds. i mean they're ok, but not as good once treated. as a matter of fact i dont like ever spraying my plants or treating with anything at all. i only spray the surface of the soil. i keep PM away by keeping low humidity and high temps.

by medical stardards no the stuff is no good at all, if that stuff in fact is actually PM. according to medical laws, at least in mi, the product has to be mold free.

personally though, i've seen a lot of powdery mildew stuff. i've even had an issue with it myself about a year ago. that smoke actually looks real good but those white patches scare me. i've smoked shit just like it before and you should be fine. it's not good for you but neither is smoking anyway. i probably wouldnt use it for cooking. vaping may even be a bad idea since the low temps may not be enough to destroy the shit. i guess smoking your going to inhale the spores anyway from sucking the air in before it gets the flame or hot air.

truth about mildew spores, they are everywhere! we are all breathing them in right now. unless your a bubble boy or in a completely sealed room with a proper air filtration setup and in a sterile environment. most people dont have that though. for growers they need to keep the humidity down. one huge overrated factor is keep temps up. there are many different mildew strains and some dont need much humidity. the little condensation caused by going from low temps to high temps is plenty of moisture for some strains of PM to reproduce. you can treat with neem, azamax, or use a sulfur burner, but growers are better off just taking steps to prevent it from forming in the first place.


  • PM 004.jpg
    PM 004.jpg
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This will sort it out:

- streptomyces lydicus
- azamax
- ph up

I had this problem last month and there was a thread that I responded
to. However, I did followup because the above afforded a true sledgehammer
to those fungal spores on my babies *fanny*. True story. I had it inchingu
up the stalk, too. Also, I was in a shaded spot that had to be moved, several
treatments and I have forgotten about that issue. Hope this helps broski!
Will the white powder go away or how will I know that the mildew is dead. I have sulfer burned several times and still see white on leaves. Should I cut off all the affected fan leaves? Will the spores be destroyed by sulfer? What will I see?

thanks for any responses.
Will the white powder go away or how will I know that the mildew is dead. I have sulfer burned several times and still see white on leaves. Should I cut off all the affected fan leaves? Will the spores be destroyed by sulfer? What will I see?

thanks for any responses.
from my experience it always seemed to come back until i set my temps higher. yes cut off anything infected. as far as sprays i would have to say azamax seemed to help.

heres what i would do and it might not be what a lot of people would want to hear. get rid of every infected plant, burn them or take them far away or at least seal them in a garbage bag to minimize spores. clean the fuck out of the room with bleach or something similar. the plants that you dont see mildew on, treat with azamax. dont let your temps hit below 75, not even at night. add a heater if you have to. an advantage of burning propane is it gives off co2. actually how the generators work. dont let your humidity go higher than 40%.

i think sulfur does kill spores but the problem is they're always around anyway and don't take long to reproduce. it's all around us and will form anytime the conditions are right. even if you sulfur burn it can still come back. i've had it happen to me a couple times. burned so much sulfur one day my neighbor could smell it an called me asking if i had a gas leak. i just straight up told him i was using a sulfur burner because it's supposed to kill the bugs and mold in my house. he said he never heard of it LOL. try not to breathe too much of the shit. i kinda fucked my lungs up one day but being around too long when it was venting. it's actually really bad for you. i dont really like them anymore and find preventative measures work best.