Mold On Soil


Well-Known Member
Ok i have a quick question, its kind of a no brainer but i want to hear what you guys think. I went and bought a bail of pro-mix from home depot, i mixed it in a very large bucket like i normally would with a little extra perlite and some coco. I also added a little water because i know th ph changes when you water the soil so i usually let it sit a week before i use it, how ever for the first time and ive done this many times before but when i opened my bucket containing the soil it was a blanket of white frosty mold covering the top of it, was the soil bad? Do i just toss it out or can it still be used? i heard someone from another thread say that its beneficial bacteria. Someone with experience please and thank you!!
I just went through this yesterday and was reading up on this, so my opinion isn't based from experience, just education at this point.

I found a small white web covering the outside of the top of the soil, hair like, I thought mold.

But like you mentioned, from the posts I read, which I felt appeared to be from educated experienced growers, the general rule was that if it's white, you're ok. any other shade, you've got problems.
I just went through this yesterday and was reading up on this, so my opinion isn't based from experience, just education at this point.

I found a small white web covering the outside of the top of the soil, hair like, I thought mold.

But like you mentioned, from the posts I read, which I felt appeared to be from educated experienced growers, the general rule was that if it's white, you're ok. any other shade, you've got problems.

Thanks, Appreciate the response
I have had white mold form on my soil in veg and flower, never what i would call a "blanket" though. It is never an issue as it normally goes away as soon as the soil drys out.
I have had white mold form on my soil in veg and flower, never what i would call a "blanket" though. It is never an issue as it normally goes away as soon as the soil drys out.

Well i said blanket because it wasnt on my plants, or in a small pot. I mixed a whole bag of promix which is 3.8 cubic feet of soil. It filled a pretty big container up, after i opened up the container a week later it had some white hairs on the top. it was so cold in the basement that they almost looked like crystals.
Well i said blanket because it wasnt on my plants, or in a small pot. I mixed a whole bag of promix which is 3.8 cubic feet of soil. It filled a pretty big container up, after i opened up the container a week later it had some white hairs on the top. it was so cold in the basement that they almost looked like crystals.
Could just be a fungal web like the kind you try to develop when cooking super soil, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Check out this web site , Folks pay money to grow white fungi on there soils.
The white fuzz is mycelium fungi. Very beneficial for soil and worm bins.. Breaks everything down faster. Worms love to grub on it too.You can make your own using pureed oatmeal.. If your soil already has it going then you are already ahead.
Aspergillus tereus. Keep it in there. Add castings to it explode. You will find that you need way less fertilizers if any and plant roots will thrive. You will probably never have root pathogens like pythium ever also
Mycelium is what funguses are in the soil. When they get big and/or are disturbed, they form dense nodes that grow into fruit bodies (mushrooms) as you know them