mold on the walls can reach to my plants?


Active Member
hi guys , i have some problems in the room where my wardrobe-grow is. i have mold on corners, i already buyed a chemical to kill this mold tommorow, i just want to ask if this mold is the "cannabis mold" or is transmisible??. i will try as much as possible the mold to not return caz in 2 days i will start flowering.

this is the type of mold , photo from google



Well-Known Member
Get some ”greencure” and spray that shit! I'm not sure if it can transfer, but who cares! Its mold in your house! Kill it! Bleach will do it too. But greencure can also be sprayed on your plants.


you should really be careful with any type of mold in your home, esp one that is on the walls like the pic above, you should actually have a specialist come in and check behind the wall as well, this is a very serious subject and could lead to some pretty terrible things. best of luck friend


Active Member
no no is not such a big spot , is just a beggining , that photo is from google , i put it here caz is that type of mold like mine, i uploaded it caz i was lazy to make a photo with camera . :P


Well-Known Member
Mold travels by spore. If it's on your wall it's most likely all over the room. If it is some kind of mold that could attack your plants, it would most likely be showing by now. If you don't see any you might luck out. I would still consider marc88101's reply. I'm not familiar with the product he suggests, but having something around to fight mold, that's safe for the plant, can't be a bad idea.


Active Member
rinse your walls with a bleach solution to start. if the mold is from your grow ie: high humidity then you're okay and you could maybe repaint the wall with a mold resistant paint or stick a dehumidifier in your wardrobe. also increase your airflow.

....ummm now that i've looked at your pics if your mold DOES look like that pic then you have black mold it seems and that shit is bad news. where a mask when near it and yeah you might want to call a specialist.


Active Member
is from outside , when it's snowing ,walls are getting wet and then getting mold , i think i will continuous spray from now on with anti-mold solution , i wiill spray even will not any signs of mold, hope things will be good,


Active Member
hope is a fleeting thing my friend. I suggest you have a professional come in and take a look at your place. usually this can be done for a free estimate. do it between cycles when you have everything taken down if you're worried about someone knowing about your op.


New Member
Air circulation is most critical as well as maintaining proper Relative Humidity .. When walls show mold like so its usually due to poor insulation and air leaks .. Its best to get to the bottom of this issue and correct as need be ..

Dont worry about it attacking your plants as the spores are already there no matter , your goal is to reduce the chances of mold in the first place by maintaining air circulation temps humidity ect .. Looks like you have some work ahead of yourself .......