Mold on top of my soil


Well-Known Member
So I decided to go organic with my soil this time around and mixed up something to cook, put it in a container and threw the lid on. After a couple days it looked fine but checked on it today and there is alot of condensation and a lil bot of mold on the top. I put it outside to dry up but idk if this is bad? Should i scrape the top layer of moldy soil off? Idk
I would post a picture of what you see growing on top so someone with more experience than me can see what you're dealing with exactly. I would venture a guess that what you are seeing is mycellium growth which would be an awesome thing to see. As long as it's white and not some strange color or something, you probably aren't dealing with mold. From what I understand, that means you have some fungi in there and they are busy breaking down the additional amendments you added to the FFoF. If it were me, I would allow the mycellium growth to continue to do its thing for a bit, then gently turn it all over after a week or so. I would just monitor it and make sure you have a good moisture level going on in the bin it's "cooking" in and everything stays aerated and does't become anaerobic, other than that things should be just fine in there.

Again, a picture would probably help and someone with more experience and knowledge can chime in. These are just a few of the things I have picked up on in my limited experience with making my own soils. If nothing else, hope this helps put you at ease knowing your "mold" problem is most likely a great sign to the start of your soil.
I agree with loco41. I bet it's just mycellium which is a normal part of the process.

If you're nervous, there are plenty of youtube videos of people making organic soil mixes and some of these videos show the mycellium.

Could be wrong but soil could be too wet.
usually mycelium doesn't come to the top of the soil, if it did the oxygen would induce the formation of fruiting bodies, if not too moist it would also quickly dry and die back.
i cooked up some subcool shit earlier this year and had alot of that mold too. i did research and read somewhere that its caused due to the soil being alive/thriving . lol sounded weird but i ran with it and thats ehat i used to grow in.

right now i have 2 plants goin on to week 6 veg.
i cooked up some subcool shit earlier this year and had alot of that mold too. i did research and read somewhere that its caused due to the soil being alive/thriving . lol sounded weird but i ran with it and thats ehat i used to grow in.

right now i have 2 plants goin on to week 6 veg.
alrighty good stuff man, may have fudged up because I put it outside to dry up abit then it rained haha, got outside in time before was completely flooded but it got another watering lets say that lol
Its pseudomycelium. It's a good thing. It promotes root growth and it makes crops healthier, hardier and more productive by increasing their resilience to pests, pathogens and environmental stresses and improving access to soil nutrients.
2 years later. I wonder if anyone will respond. I have green stuff growing in my mix that I have cooking. Its been about 5 days since I mixed it. this is how it looks any ideas? mold or algae. harmful? I found something growing in there too and I didnt even plant anything yet. Is this a weed/grass?



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