Mold or Mildew need help (pics included)

I didnt have good air flow and my room was really humid for like a week or 2 and I started getting this white stuff on my leaves and stalks. Im pretty sure its mildew or mold but I dont know how to get rid of it, ive increased my air flow and now have a exhaust fan to keep the humidity down. My plants look a bit better but still have this white stuff growing all over them. I searched a few other threads but didnt see any good remedy to get rid of this. So heres my questions

1. Is it mold or is it mildew
2. how do i get rid of the mold/mildew
3. What should the humidity be at in the room



Well-Known Member
Most likely mildew, spray with 1 part milk 9 parts water. Any milk but skim will do fine. The enzymes in the milk kill it.


get a fan going

Keep humidity between 45% to 55% some strains like it a little higher or lower. but your safe with 45 to 55.


Active Member
Ya bro thats powdery mildew, which is a very common mold for basements without the right controlled conditions. First you need to fix your environment problem,keep your humidity between 45-60%,temps anywhere from 60-90F, I'd bleach everything and get mold resistant flat white paint for your walls etc. Last thing,spray your plants down with water, and they make something especially for powdery mildew, although i've never had a problem with it I couldn't tell you what it is, do a google search on it. Stay up Oregon,the chronic state.
K im using the milk on it right now but am worried that it wont go away anyone have other suggestions to go along with using milk on it? ive already fixed the air flow but I still see alot of it on some stems and leaves


Well-Known Member
no stop now with the milk and all the other sure fire remedys. the only thing that will help stop the mildew in its tracks is a sulpher vaporizer. thats it and thats all. everything else will either slow it down or nothing at all. the vaporized sulpher will change the ph of the plants surface so the mildew cannot thrive. its what the grape farmers in the napa valleys use to keep their grapes free of the powder mildew which runs rampant through those not use the vaporizer past 4 weeks flowering. please stop all the home remedys now and go down to your local grow shop and get a sulpher vap.


Well-Known Member
Ya bro thats powdery mildew, which is a very common mold for basements without the right controlled conditions. First you need to fix your environment problem,keep your humidity between 45-60%,temps anywhere from 60-90F, I'd bleach everything and get mold resistant flat white paint for your walls etc. Last thing,spray your plants down with water, and they make something especially for powdery mildew, although i've never had a problem with it I couldn't tell you what it is, do a google search on it. Stay up Oregon,the chronic state.
:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall: wtf???????? that has to be the worst advice ive read on here in awhile....


Active Member
:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall: wtf???????? that has to be the worst advice ive read on here in awhile....

LOL,you obviously never built a grow room and know nothing about molds spores,powdery mildew spores ,or basements,wow. Thats halarious. Hey buddy I grow the chronic,stick with the outdo.:dunce:
Wheather or not the sulfur vap. takes care of the plants or not the spores will still be in his room and the only way to deminish those fuckers is to follow some real advise and get to the heart of this thing. You can either run a vap. and hope it takes care of your problem or get rid of it for good with a controlled environment. LOl, nice advise outdo. Stay up OrEgOn,The chronic state baby.


Well-Known Member
LOL,you obviously never built a grow room and know nothing about molds spores,powdery mildew spores ,or basements,wow. Thats halarious. Hey buddy I grow the chronic,stick with the outdo.:dunce:
Wheather or not the sulfur vap. takes care of the plants or not the spores will still be in his room and the only way to deminish those fuckers is to follow some real advise and get to the heart of this thing. You can either run a vap. and hope it takes care of your problem or get rid of it for good with a controlled environment. LOl, nice advise outdo. Stay up OrEgOn,The chronic state baby.
:bigjoint: yeah your right buddy...i dont grow indoors at all...


Who's your m8?

Active Member
had same prob myself m8 didnt really see it at first and didnt deal with it prop and the end result was a lot of fucking bad weed dude!!!hope it doesnt happen to you peace!!
Congrats you both earn the fucktard of the year award, I came on this forum thinking there was some people that wanted to help each other learn to grow but you two hijack my thread with a bunch of dumb fucktard rambling. Well congrats im not taking any of either of your advice cuz you've only proved to me that your both fucking dumb. I checked into the burner and its like 150 bucks and bulky and kinda feels like overkill. although the milk has seemed to kick in and i see much less fungus so thank you woodsmaneh for that, for the rest of my problems maybe ill just asking my local hydro shop instead of here...


Active Member
Congrats you both earn the fucktard of the year award, I came on this forum thinking there was some people that wanted to help each other learn to grow but you two hijack my thread with a bunch of dumb fucktard rambling. Well congrats im not taking any of either of your advice cuz you've only proved to me that your both fucking dumb. I checked into the burner and its like 150 bucks and bulky and kinda feels like overkill. although the milk has seemed to kick in and i see much less fungus so thank you woodsmaneh for that, for the rest of my problems maybe ill just asking my local hydro shop instead of here...

Actually bodazephyr, theirs some very valuable information on here,I think you should think twice instead of whining about a real informative arguement. Arguements teach you the real facts on a matter,trial and error. I'm sorry I hijacked your thread. If you have the budget, you should controll your environment,do some reconstruction,and get a sulf. burner,i've heard some bad stuff about the burner though.:fire:


Active Member
Congrats you both earn the fucktard of the year award, I came on this forum thinking there was some people that wanted to help each other learn to grow but you two hijack my thread with a bunch of dumb fucktard rambling. Well congrats im not taking any of either of your advice cuz you've only proved to me that your both fucking dumb. I checked into the burner and its like 150 bucks and bulky and kinda feels like overkill. although the milk has seemed to kick in and i see much less fungus so thank you woodsmaneh for that, for the rest of my problems maybe ill just asking my local hydro shop instead of here...
Dont worry about me posting on your threads again either because your a noob that doesn't deserve the valuable info. that I have. BTW,the milk idea is weak your a noob for even using that.