Mold / Pest or Other?



I am 3 weeks into flower, 1st grow. All has been well so far but just before lights off today I noticed this shriveled bud. It is literally a solitary bud from all 4 plants. When I zoom in it looks like it could be mold? But I also noticed some holes in the leaf above it too which is the first time I've noticed anything at all like that. It's an indoor closet 4 x 3 grow.

Any ideas from looking at the picture that would aid a neophyte?




Well-Known Member
Question is what came first, the mould or the dead bud.

You shouldn't be getting bud rot at this stage, I assume you have a circulation fan.

If you have signs of bugs then that's what I would put it down to.

Now try and identify the culprit and deal with it accordingly.

Try growweedeasy diagnosing plant problems section.


Thanks for lookin'.

Yeah I dunno which came first. It was literally a 24 hour thing as far as I can tell, and I only noticed the holes in that leaf from the picture.

I've been lurking here since before the grow and always check out GWE but couldn't see anything similar to this there. I've to wait another 7 hours for lights on but I'll do a thorough inspection then.



Removed that shriveled flower and did a thorough inspection of every plant. No bugs or signs of anything at all. Actually that image was an illusion, it's that the leaves were really close together and it made it look like there were some holes in a leaf. Anyway I'll chalk it down to an anomaly and keep a close eye on everything from here on in.

