Molly prices??

where i live its about 25-35 dollars a gram depending on the hookup. 28x35 =980
so what you heard sounds about right.
i recently managed a hookup for 20 a G and am very anxious about the quality
Usually, depending on location it goes for 100 bucks a gram. If you purchase in bulk say for an half oz. or more... it'll go for 25-30 a gram. A 1000USD is a little high, but its not an outrageous price!
I can get ahold of it for less than $500/oz. But the most potent and outrageous molly I have seen goes for $800/oz. I am going to get a small amount of the "sand" for personal use when the supply is replenished.

~$17,000kG would make an ounce ~$476 :-) Although I have seen it cheaper than that before... I paid $400 a zip a while back.
my area's pretty messed for MDMA , you NEVER know what you get .

I got some good stuff a while back 60 half B . (1.75)

but now theres a guy 1 zip 1 solid stone 260 . which is NUTS . but Im not sure if its legit .

Ive heard 700 though . and thats CANADIAN . so thats like what 7 dollars for you guys ? ;) loool .
Of course if you have the right connections and purchase in larger quantities the price will be cut... but the normal asking rate for an oz. of molly is 900USD. Shepj is just a special privileged individual ;)
nah. i think shepjs guy is just very pleantiful. theres always gonna be someone with lower prices,but it doesnt nessecelary mean their gonna be your prices. get what u can and have a blast.
Some amazing random person[im not even kidding] recently sent me some molly prints. =] i dont think ill be getting rid of a g at all. =]