
I know my Dad smokes and he knows I smoke but we have never smoked together. For me it has more to do with repect for my father more than anything, but it may just be a culture thing.


Well-Known Member
you don't share your sexual experiences with your mom so why would you share other intimate parts of your life with her? keep hiding it. ignorance for her is bliss for both of you.


Well-Known Member
if they raised me right. id have worked from 15 on earning my way in life and having whta i need to live a better life. i hope they find out some how and take it seriously, cause i do.


Well-Known Member
Or gosh you know what I hate...i'm relatively new to smoking and I don't know if i'll grow out of it the more I smoke, but I still stumble around incoherently when I try to walk. So...when she comes over I actually have to leave my room, lock my door (deadbolt knob, I have a little person) and then i'm stumbling around with blood shot eyes trying to act like everything is normal and i'm just feeling sick and was in bed lol. It's...bad.


Ursus marijanus
I'm so far past screwed it takes the smell from screwed a minute to reach me. I have to hide it from my ex and my kids. cn

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
No my parents don't smoke. A few years back my mom ate one of my brother's brownies without knowing and was pissed. My bro said he made em extra strong too LOL.


Active Member
That stinks. I'm 24 and had no real family to speak of until just last year, and everyone knows I like to smoke. I couldn't imagine hiding something from family your close to.

My mother once came out of the shower in a robe, and I handed her a bowl packed with tobacco from a smoked newport, and I told her it was clogged from resin so she had to hit it hard. She did, and she literally pissed on the floor. That shit was funny.

If it bothers you, you should just tell her. Nothing bad can happen from it, just don't smoke in front of her. Unless you guys don't get along already.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I understand your dilemma. I wouldn't smoke with parents around or discuss it with them. It's good to be open but if you don't feel comfortable with it then I'm sure you have your reasons why. It depends on their view of it I guess. I do know some who smoke with their kids but that's not always a good thing. I didn't even smoke cigs with parents around...but that was my choice.