Money as Debt - movie


New Member
I have recommended Zietgiest and The Money Masters for absolute must-sees on monetary policies and national economics.

I now want to add another movie to the list: Money as Debt. (47 mins)

Money As Debt

Interestingly, this movie again agrees and coincides nicely with the previous two on historical accounts of the whys and whos which have led this nation and practically all on earth into the monetary disasters looming ahead.

If this U.S. government (OF, BY and FOR the people) has any hopes of taking back control, the PEOPLE must be educated in the sham system of the fake, debt created money of Central Banks.


Well-Known Member
Good movie. Most people watch this in Junior High. I'm surprised how many people don't actually understand our monetary system to begin with.


New Member
The question remains, what do we do about it? If we are so completely at the mercy of the Bankers, how can we ever get a grip on the political situation. The bankers have the law on their side. If enough people got together and refused to repay their loans, we could drive the bankers out of business, but first, we would have to endure the lack of whatever we had the loan for, houses, automobiles, furniture, appliances, boats, Motorcycles etc. So, get all your friends, rent or buy a huge tent, some camping gear, and head to your neighborhgood park and set up camp. Stop paying your bills and see what happens. You know what will happen first, they will arrest you for unlawful camping. The American people are way too spoiled to revolt against their cushy lifestyle even though it is making us poorer by degrees and making the elite bankers richer by the minute. If you want to see the epitome af spoiled Americans, Take a trip to San Francisco and watch the populace there, un-fucking-believable.


New Member
what to do?

the first thing to do is educate. that's why i'm posting these vids. we must understand the tools that the bankers and coporates have at their disposal so we can decide how best to fight or simply nullify their control over us.

your spirit of dispair wont save you or your loved ones.

there are ways of living debt free in america. people do it all the time. there are ways to prepare yourself for a depression so that you are not wiped out by the loss of your job or the decline of the u.s. dollar., thru smart investments in real commodities of value. But if you don't recognise the need for those preparations because you've bought into the president's addresses that all is well in the u.s. economy, you wont know you're toast when your very house in on fire.

help spread awareness.


New Member
what to do?

the first thing to do is educate. that's why i'm posting these vids. we must understand the tools that the bankers and coporates have at their disposal so we can decide how best to fight or simply nullify their control over us.

your spirit of dispair wont save you or your loved ones.

there are ways of living debt free in america. people do it all the time. there are ways to prepare yourself for a depression so that you are not wiped out by the loss of your job or the decline of the u.s. dollar., thru smart investments in real commodities of value. But if you don't recognise the need for those preparations because you've bought into the president's addresses that all is well in the u.s. economy, you wont know you're toast when your very house in on fire.

help spread awareness.
Your Naive explanation offers no viable plan for people that have house payments, car payments etc. People need to go to work to pay these bills, or not and be thrown into the streets. We have thousands of people in Vegas that are being evicted as we speak, what do you offer them. Hind sight is 20-20, but how many working stiffs do you know that can erase their debts overnight, thats right, none. So if the great depression is upon us, the truth is we're fucked. If that is a spirit of dispair, then so be it. If you are talking about preparing for your future and 20 or so years down the line, then your Ideas have Merit, but in the now, we're fucked. Prove me wrong! BTW your insinuation that I bought into anything that criminal Bush has said is completely insulting!


Well-Known Member
we still can make a change if not why they havent go all out open yet but keep everything in silent still because the time is close but not too late yet the sooner we aware the better we prepare and they still scare of the people at this point of time. but if we all think like you that's exactly what they wanted all of us to think so they can have control all over us. just a matter of time when who they want to be in control( the president) reverse the constitution that's when you gonna realize what you should have done.....that's right we cant erase all this over night but if the right person have the power like RP we all can make up for all this and not going deeper into the hole of debt stop borrowing start paying back is the only way....
and we the people have the power to keeps our voices heard....and badly as they wanted it to be silent....


New Member
Your Naive explanation offers no viable plan for people that have house payments, car payments etc. People need to go to work to pay these bills, or not and be thrown into the streets. We have thousands of people in Vegas that are being evicted as we speak, what do you offer them. Hind sight is 20-20, but how many working stiffs do you know that can erase their debts overnight, thats right, none. So if the great depression is upon us, the truth is we're fucked. If that is a spirit of dispair, then so be it. If you are talking about preparing for your future and 20 or so years down the line, then your Ideas have Merit, but in the now, we're fucked. Prove me wrong! BTW your insinuation that I bought into anything that criminal Bush has said is completely insulting!
whoa. take it easy grasshopper. you're getting all agitated and i mean you no hostility.

i know you dont believe bush. you insinuated in your first post that there is no hope in our situation so there is no point in viewing these videos. we should all live in tents or something. i disagree.

maybe there is someone on this board early enough in life to heed the advice in these vids. i wish i had seen them.

i thank ron paul for bringing these factors to my attention. i had only recently began to research money and economics. i needed understanding for my personal finances. now i understand the tactics and intent of the money masters around us. i see how so many of us fall into the trap. and that the corporate owners of this nation have no desire to educate us as to their machinations. we must educate ourselves and spread the word.

that's all these posts are about.


Well-Known Member
I have recommended Zietgiest and The Money Masters for absolute must-sees on monetary policies and national economics.

I now want to add another movie to the list: Money as Debt. (47 mins)

Money As Debt

Interestingly, this movie again agrees and coincides nicely with the previous two on historical accounts of the whys and whos which have led this nation and practically all on earth into the monetary disasters looming ahead.

If this U.S. government (OF, BY and FOR the people) has any hopes of taking back control, the PEOPLE must be educated in the sham system of the fake, debt created money of Central Banks.
For sure. Great thread, man, plus rep. Everybody needs to watch The Money Masters. If the majority of Americans would pull their head out of their ass and realize we've become slaves to the money masters, we might have a chance to save this country. For anybody that hasn't seen it The Money Masters - How International Bankers Gained Control of America

Its kinda boring to start. The dude's voice is a little monotone. But, pay attention. It picks up and this is important shit every American should know.