Oil will only ever go so high tho, because the price of drilled oil can only get so high before the synthetic oil replaces it. We can make synthetic oil, just its vastly cheaper to drill it for now.
EDIT: And to the guy above who said gold "amplifies current"...gold doesnt amplify shit, it just loses less current than most other metals because its generally speaking a better conductor than most. And the reason it was popular in Ancient times is because it was shiny and rare, not because it amplified mystical powers...are you on mushrooms?
Realistically in a hypothetical post-Apocalpatic world the things that'll be worth having will be food, water, weapons and medical supplies...the only thing having gold then will do is weigh you down.
Throughout time any precious metal always goes up in value when times are hard.
Gold and silver will always be the standard value.
It has shown itself to be true many many times over.
Understandalby food and water will command a higher value also.
I believe in part of my portfolio to be actual hands on gold and silver.
To the OP this would be a good spot to slowly(now remember slowly) purchase gold and silver.
As for banks, when deposting large amounts of money:
#1 Any large amounts bring suspicion and will get reported
#2 The amount at each bank is cummlative for the year, not just the month. Usually $10000, but at $5000 if you look shady they will report.
Purchase small items with cash, you cannot buy a house or a car, most definetly you will end up audited.
You can buy larger items from individuals you trust or will never see again. The problem is if they get audited with your cash, IRS will come looking for you.
Smart finances have you always having enough cash on hand to handle a two year period of inactivity. More as you get older.
Free cash also allows you the ability to gamble on business dealings a little more.
Look for those business deals that can use cash and have high risk.
And always remember what your goal is.
Hint: It is not to move drugs for the rest of your life. That only gets you killed or in prison.