• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Monkeys or Aliens?

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
You wouldn't breed with them...

But lets say there are aliens...
And then lets say that the aliens were playing around with genetic manipulation techniques...
But perhaps they have very strict laws and guidelines on there home planet or planets... or perhaps it is against their morals to experiment on their own kind... or perhaps they were working on a top secret method of modifying creatures genetically so they came to a back water planet with no higher life forms, nobody to object to their work... Maybe they were working on modifying a species to be able to make a slave race... who knows...


Well-Known Member
But we've been here long enough that if we were put here for a purpose, any purpose, aliens would have surely used us by now. If we were bred to be slaves, we would be by now...if it was to hold the planet they'd probably be back by now...if it was to experiment then it's most likely that we would have been wiped out a long time ago and a new experiment started...there aren't any ulterior motives that would require waiting this long that make any sense.

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Too many variables in this theory tho...

Who is to say that if we are the end product of an experiment to make a slave race that they didn't already take the breeding stock they wanted when we were ripe for the picking..?

Or that a catastrophe didn't wipe out there existence...

or perhaps we are failed experiment and they moved on, or realized that what they were working towards couldn't happen...

or that the ones responsible for the experiment weren't put into a prison for illegal experiments and then we were left on our own to develop...

or perhaps it is an ongoing study of the development of culture...

or it was all to provide entertainment and we are being watched from a great distance... The ultimate reality TV...


Well-Known Member
Too many variables in this theory tho...

Who is to say that if we are the end product of an experiment to make a slave race that they didn't already take the breeding stock they wanted when we were ripe for the picking..?

Or that a catastrophe didn't wipe out there existence...

or perhaps we are failed experiment and they moved on, or realized that what they were working towards couldn't happen...

or that the ones responsible for the experiment weren't put into a prison for illegal experiments and then we were left on our own to develop...

or perhaps it is an ongoing study of the development of culture...

or it was all to provide entertainment and we are being watched from a great distance... The ultimate reality TV...
My money is on the last two.lol


Well-Known Member
You don't let slaves grow to our numbers.
If there are aliens that created us surely there are more aliens then? Why wouldn't more aliens come? Such superior beings that thought of us as cattle or slaves wouldn't be worried about invading it.
You couldn't let us live as a botched experiment. It'd be like letting a parasite grow, or letting a virus spread. You don't do that, you kill it.
Ongoing study, eh, that's somewhat reasonable but still...our numbers...it doesn't seem rationale to let your experiment get that far out of hand.
And I would think beings of such superior intellect wouldn't even have televisions anymore...

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Think about how certain elements of the human race attempt to protect lower forms of life... Yes you could let a botched experiment live on, especially if the aliens were/are so much more advanced and we provide no direct threat to their continued existence what benefit would there be in destroying us..? none...

But there would be potential benefit in letting us expand and studying us, knowing us better than we know ourselves... we would be potential allies a long time down the road, especially if they are waiting to greet us when we take the required steps to warrant their intervention... They step out of the shadows, offer assistance and some greater understanding in return the human population on mass love them for their help, instant allies...

or as I started up the top, perhaps they are morally against the wholesale slaughter of sentient beings...

Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
What makes you think that the whole population of an advanced race would have no need for entertainment, a way to relax at the end of the day... and who is to say that they would all be so advanced... look at our own species... the expertise and brilliance of a very small minority devise what we use to better our lives, make things easier, but we lack the understanding of how most of it really works, how to fix it, how to make one... we just consume it from those that do...

Why would you think that an other species would be any different..?


Well-Known Member
I just say debating because we took different sides. You'd make a great debater btw! You're very intelligent, and very good at making your point.


Well-Known Member
You don't let slaves grow to our numbers.
If there are aliens that created us surely there are more aliens then? Why wouldn't more aliens come? Such superior beings that thought of us as cattle or slaves wouldn't be worried about invading it.
You couldn't let us live as a botched experiment. It'd be like letting a parasite grow, or letting a virus spread. You don't do that, you kill it.
Ongoing study, eh, that's somewhat reasonable but still...our numbers...it doesn't seem rationale to let your experiment get that far out of hand.
And I would think beings of such superior intellect wouldn't even have televisions anymore...
7 billion slaves would definetly build a pyramid in 20 years.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member

It's possible that we "evolved"/adapted, from forest/jungle/hunter gatherer life, to become what we are now.
By planting seeds we learned to farm, by farming we learned to domesticate, etc. (And speaking, grouping, civilizing)...
So one possibility is that we are a species of monkey, from the planet Earth, that found it's way into deep consciousness...

Another possibility.
We might be aliens. We committed a "Sin", or great crime against a space traveling species, or union of species. Or they realized we're violent, and stupid.
And now have been left to our own devices (to rot) on Earth. Because of the crimes of our fathers, and farming and talking wasn't too hard to start with our jump start from the stars.
Yet another thread where you display your ignorance. You do realize we share a portion of our dna with every living thing on earth? This common dna is what tells us we had a common ancestor.

We didn't evolve from monkeys, we evolved from a common ancestor of monkeys. Sometimes new species emerge. That "monkey" we evolved from evolved himself from a totally different species, and if you trace back far enough, from the first living thing on earth.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
That's awesome. When did they give up?

Anyway, i've heard of monkey evolving theories and i've heard of alien theories but this is the first time i've heard a combination of both. It just doesn't seem plausible, does it? If we are a result of a monkey and an alien, we'd be 50% of each parent. So we're 50% retarded and 50% superior intellect. That part makes sense to most people who believe in aliens because they typically believe aliens are far more advanced than we are. What doesn't make sense is...OK to most HUMANS, having sex with a monkey would be absolutely disgusting. You're telling me something SMARTER than us had the desire to mate with a monkey??

And evolution has not been proven any more than the creation theory has. Nothing has been proven either way because nothing ever will be proven either way, because none of us were there and the ones who were aren't here to tell us about it. The evolution theory only takes so much credit because many scientists back up the theory. But scientists are human and their personal beliefs do contribute to their work. If you have an atheist scientist they're going to use the evidence they have to fit their theory.

A good example is the methods scientists use to determine the ages of bones they find. They use carbon dating to estimate how old a bone is. They take into consideration things like how far down it was, how decomposed it is, etc. BUT if you actually read just the facts, the same facts that are used to say the earth is billions of years old could be used as proof by Christians that the Great Flood mentioned in the Bible happened, because a worldwide catyclysmic event like that would cause the same damage to the bone and would bury it about the same distance.

My point is that nobody knows. We just have raw facts and random theories.
Dude. Wow, just wow. That is some finshaggy quality ignorance you are farming.


Well-Known Member
Yet another thread where you display your ignorance. You do realize we share a portion of our dna with every living thing on earth? This common dna is what tells us we had a common ancestor.

We didn't evolve from monkeys, we evolved from a common ancestor of monkeys. Sometimes new species emerge. That "monkey" we evolved from evolved himself from a totally different species, and if you trace back far enough, from the first living thing on earth.
That's exactly right. No scientist ever claimed we CAME from monkeys, rather that monkey came from the same thing we did. That thing was an evolutionary dead end like neanderthals were, and they were not strong enough and thus didn't survive. We were and monkeys were strong enough.


Well-Known Member
...it is a possibility that aliens came to earth and started it all and that we still evolved from apes....we'll never know 'till we pass on to the next life....maybe not even then ==== but conversations of this nature always intrigue me.


Ursus marijanus
Yet another thread where you display your ignorance. You do realize we share a portion of our dna with every living thing on earth? This common dna is what tells us we had a common ancestor.

We didn't evolve from monkeys, we evolved from a common ancestor of monkeys. Sometimes new species emerge. That "monkey" we evolved from evolved himself from a totally different species, and if you trace back far enough, from the first living thing on earth.
Great Scott ... do you think they might want it back? cn


Well-Known Member
I'm no scientist, but I'm gonna play one on riu.

May they started it all, and were experimenting with gene splicing. Get rid of the half man half horse, let the man with some quality of horse live,and see what happens.
after inbreeding for couple thousand yrs, come back gather the best specimens, and let the solar system flush the experiment,

No science behind it just a lot of thought to what's possible. If they created us, we'll be seeing quite a bit more of them soon.

Nothing wrong with creative thinking in my book.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps it's a combination of both... we come from apes genetically modified by aliens...
This isn't MY theory.
This was told to me, by a teacher. In like my 10th grade year.

But it is a theory as to how something like this could happen.
He said (I know this is not truth, but it is an interesting theory):
The Freemasons have a secret (he said a Freemasin family member of his indulged him in these secrets) the name they carry, is actually the name of an alien race. And the Freemasons are waiting for their return.
Here's the story:
The Freemason's came to Earth when we were nothing more than 3-5ft monkeys, with no knowledge of language, or anything.
They set up shop on Atlantis. This included advanced weaponry, transportation, and most important. A nuclear power plant...
The Freemason's were 10-20ft tall each, and brought with them an alien slave race that was about 10ft at its tallest.
The slaves became angry, they did not want to work for the Freemason. So they began a rebellion, and some of them left Atlantis, and went to the mainland, where humans and other animals were living.
There they met humans, taught us words, and how tools worked.
They bred with us, and in a few years we attacked Atlantis with the freed slaves.
We destroyed Atlantis' power plant, causing an explosion greater than 10 volcanoes, and the Freemason's left.
Vowing to return in 2012. To reclaim their planet...
He also told me that the government would announce this in 2010...They didn't.
But it's a cool theory :D