Monsanto cannabis yes or no? more needed 4poll here@RIU, also ballot prop...

well folks it looks as though i will soon be banned because potroast aka rollitup doesn't like the natural news or the poll numbers...
322 votes so far (now shooting for 420)

As the feds 'contemplate' ( = dog and pony show to help get us all to swallow the coming new regs etc) new laws to regulate cannabis its a good time to let the corpsgov know how you feel about genetically engineered cannabis (or GMO cannabis as some might say) and one way to do that is by voting in the poll here @RIU in the politics forum:

in case i disappear from here suddenly please try to keep the poll alive for the corpsgov to see...thanks<3
well it appears i aintdeadyet around here...and this morning the first thing i saw @RIU was a post by someone NORML trying to get folks to join up and lobby congress etc and imo entirely misleading folks about where we are and where they (meaning NORML and the corpsgov) are trying to take us in terms of reforming the cannabis laws...
i posted this in the poll thread but im thinkin the folks who will most likely 'get it' are in Michigan :)

  • imo we must settle the cannabis question by way of the constitution and in court as plaintiffs, otherwise we leave the door wide open to gmo cannabis being the only legal cannabis in the coming times of the laws changing, and if we leave it up to congress etc i feel this will be the outcome...
    its a plant, it comes from where we all come from and goes to where we all go, its your relative, will the real cannabis lovers please stand up' for the plants natural right to exist...stand up for your natural right to partner with the plant for your food, meds, cloths and shelter etc...stand up for truth, not lies built from compromise...
    theres only one place other than a battle field where this can be resolved by the facts and that is the court room...
    but pro cannabis folks almost always only go to court as the defendant...loosing battle, wrong field...
    folks who love cannabis must walk into court as plaintiffs seeking to affirm the rights we were all born with...​

The biggest problem for most of us DNA is that we don't have millions of dollars to work with, court time, lawyers, and have to work full-time jobs to support ourselves. If they go forward with trying to get patents, and or some type of ownership over strains they will have to battle the rightful owners now and then who knows? I can't see them being able to win in court with all the evidence pointing to rightful ownership. They would have to make there own strains like every other breeder and then start suing anyone who uses it for crossing.
I don't know though...
i totally hear ya about the recourse and time constraints, folks can barely make it from week to week and its getting more like day to day for many, its kind of an impossible dream to imagine a coordinated court effort i guess...and the ones who get paid to do this work (ie DPA, MPP, Norml officers etc) have no interest in taking this to court where it belongs because they are way to busy cutting deals for compromised legislation etc...
im afraid though that unlike corn and canola etc which are legal cannabis is not yet under fed law and so all congress really has to do is simply allow for individual state laws under the condition that the only cannabis 'cultivars' legal under each state law would be FDA approved /registered/permitted etc and i'm guessing that there would be some mechanism which would give genetically engineered plants the exclusive advantage within that process...just my opinion...and considering that Monsanto has done gene ohm mapping of cannabis under fed anti-bio-terrorism programs (from there its just a matter of re sequencing and inserting this or that gene etc just enough to call it an original design and it basically becomes patent-able) it seems they might be plenty ready for such a change in the law that in my opinion they are pushing hard for under the radar...
[h=1]just rounded up a few articles here so we dont forget whats coming...
(cali just passed and signed into law a 'hemp bill as well...perfect train for genetically engineered cannabis to ride in on)

[/h][h=1]Genetically Modified Ozs. &#8211; Yes Monsanto Cannabis[/h]Posted by Jake Bobay - August 27, 2013 - Crony Corporatism

[h=2]"Monsanto Poised To Take Over the Weed Industry"[/h]by Rick Paulas
on August 21, 2013 1:05 PM

[h=1]"Manipulating Marijuana: Monsanto and Syngenta Invest In RNA Interference Technology"[/h]

By Tracy Giesz-Ramsay, Cannabis Culture - Tuesday, July 30 2013


[h=2]"Is Monsanto Ready to Enter The Medical Marijuana War?"[/h]

The company is called prairie plant systems, I believe, and they will be operating in the white pine mine in Ontonagon Mi. They go by the name SubTerra. They r not growing it yet. Google it, it is the same company that has the Canadian government contract.
I say no to all things Monsanto.
Whether it's food crops or mj no one has the right to put a patent on these things and then charge a fortune.