• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
no . . . you asked me to show they sue and try to own peoples farms for having patented a genetics . . .and i did

i know you already knew that .. monsanto has patented a gene and claims that pollen from these crops cant travel . .and pollinate other fields . . . i mean what is their to support . . all they wnat to do is make money off screwing other farmers
I asked you to support this

  • monsanto does own your crop if their genetics are found in it . . . they own teh genetics . .if you have their genetics in your crops they own a piece of you . . . . .it may seem ugly but its true . . .​

The case you posted the farmer deliberately acted in a way that would guarantee him gmo seeds at a much higher concentration that would be possible as simple windowing contamination

Now if you want to argue that monsanto owns a piece of you for pollen contamination then I suggest you find a case that supports that claim

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I dont need any paperwork to know what these things do, i saw it with my own two eyes, Farmers FORCED to grow that garbage , back when people still had integrity . When they still wanted to make a quality product with good nutritional value.
no american farmer has ever been "forced" to grow any crop.

you are once again slinging shit.


Well-Known Member
keen perception doc...its also true that if you intentionally 'help' a person spiral into economic hardship and desperation they will probably agree to things they otherwise would not, especially when such contracts are all talked up with fanciful untrue promises of getting wealthy by 'feeding the world' etc...then once your in for a penny your in for a pound...its a deadly game of capitalist roulette that most lose...


Well-Known Member
I dont need any paperwork to know what these things do, i saw it with my own two eyes, Farmers FORCED to grow that garbage , back when people still had integrity . When they still wanted to make a quality product with good nutritional value.
Tell me how you saw that with your own two eyes. Because I would like to see that. Help me out?


Well-Known Member
keen perception doc...its also true that if you intentionally 'help' a person spiral into economic hardship and desperation they will probably agree to things they otherwise would not, especially when such contracts are all talked up with fanciful untrue promises of getting wealthy by 'feeding the world' etc...then once your in for a penny your in for a pound...its a deadly game of capitalist roulette that most lose...
Now you are simply talking down on farmers. They have their heads in the game with skins, their wallet their families, their lives, you don't. You are a 3rd hand observer, and know nothing but what you are given to repeat here.

All contracts are eyes open, between adult US citizens. All win in Capitalism. And there is no alternate that can stand the test of time. And you LIE about deadly.

Monsanto is the Devil and Envy is Lord in the Hippy Religion.

It all comes down to your lack of money and Envy. You are a socialist. Obvious. Or the latest is Shared Prosperity to hide the word socialist..


Well-Known Member
dear deer Doer, actually it all comes down to 'cause and effect'...here's an example of what happens when folks allow themselves to become dependent on corpsegov etc


(the SHDT is another shining example;) )


Well-Known Member
If you cared you could go back through your posts and highlight all the times you lied through exaggeration. All the times you claimed this study that proved anything and it didn't. All the times you could have used the words socialism and envy, instead of your Hippy Church tap dance. Yeah, be more honest.

That would be fun....for you.


Well-Known Member
far more 'honest' to say that if you were being 'honest' you would go back and do this highlighting you speak of yourself, but at last you cannot deer Doer because such spots do not exist to be highlighted ;)

now back to the irregularly scheduled program :D
(because here at RIU politics we can do that!)

Hedge funds, insider traders begin dumping Monsanto stock as reality of GMOs sinks in across Wall Street
Friday, August 23, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
(NaturalNews) Monsanto executives and insiders are dumping Monsanto stock in record volumes, sending the stock price spiraling downward. CEO Hugh Grant just sold off 40,000 shares at $97.74, and both Janet Holloway and Gerald Steiner -- both high-level Monsanto executives -- recently ditched more than 10,000 shares each. Tom Hartley also bailed on another 6,000 shares at $100.15. (See sources below.)

Hedge funds, meanwhile, are also dumping Monsanto stock, most likely due to sharply increased "negative sentiment." This means people increasingly don't like Monsanto, and that's a direct result of all the growing realizations about the dangers of GMOs, Monsanto's predatory business practices, the company's dangerous experiments that have already unleashed genetic pollution, and the fact that GM corn has been experimentally found to cause widespread cancer tumors in rat studies.

Just the fact that Monsanto's GE wheat trials got out of control and contaminated a wheat field in Oregon -- causing Japan and South Korea to ban U.S. wheat imports -- has resulted in 150 groups now demanding the USDA keep a tighter lid on Monsanto's GMO experiments. These groups are fed up with seeing the market value of their crops destroyed by sloppy "open field" experiments being conducted by Monsanto that spread genetic pollution across the country and contaminate non-GMO crops. (Monsanto goes even further and actually sues the farmers whose fields they contaminated!)

Hedge funds dumping Monsanto

As InsiderMonkey.com reports, Monsanto "has experienced declining interest from the entirety of the hedge funds we track."

The report goes on to say:

At the top of the heap, Jeffrey Vinik's Vinik Asset Management said goodbye to the largest stake of the 450+ funds we monitor, totaling close to $100.8 million in [Monsanto] stock. Sean Cullinan's fund, Point State Capital, also dropped its [Monsanto] stock, about $54.7 million worth.

These sales leave Stephen Mandel's Lone Pine Capital with the largest holdings of Monsanto, over $613 million worth of the company's stock. Natural News urges all investors to ditch Lone Pine Capital and take your money somewhere else that doesn't invest in "the world's most evil corporation."

Blue Ridge Capital also owns over $320 million in Monsanto stock and should be immediately abandoned by all investors.

Monsanto share prices plummeting ever since the March Against Monsanto

So far this year, Monsanto (MON) share prices have plummeted from a high of $109 to a current trading range around $95. That's a drop of nearly 13%, and the bad news for Monsanto just keeps coming.

For one, the European Union's new food safety guidelines affirm the methodology and findings of the Seralini GM corn rat study. As much as the biotech industry and all its pimped-out science trolls have attempted to attack the study, the secret is already out: GM corn causes cancer tumors and consumers accurately see GM corn as equivalent to a "poison" symbol on foods.

The Seralini study, by the way, found that:

• Up to 50% of males and 70% of females suffered premature death.

• Rats that drank trace amounts of Roundup (at levels legally allowed in the water supply) had a 200% to 300% increase in large tumors.

• Rats fed GM corn and traces of Roundup suffered severe organ damage including liver damage and kidney damage.

• The study fed these rats NK603, the Monsanto variety of GM corn that's grown across North America and widely fed to animals and humans. This is the same corn that's in your corn-based breakfast cereal, corn tortillas and corn snack chips.

Anyone who is still investing in Monsanto is investing in this:

All food companies that use Monsanto's corn will be punished in the marketplace

The future for sales of Monsanto's GM corn look especially bleak due to the simple fact that GMO labeling is now inevitable. The consumer push to know what's in our food is unstoppable, no matter how much lobbying Monsanto conducts in a desperate effort to keep consumers ignorant about what they're eating.

Whole Foods, of course, has already announced mandatory GMO labeling on everything it sells by 2018. I believe Wal-Mart and other retailers are also considering a similar move, or they'll lose market share to Whole Foods.

At the same time, major food manufacturers are realizing they must either get the GMOs out of their products or face a massive consumer backlash. As a result, there is currently a mad rush by food companies to get their products certified by the Non-GMO Project. Across the board, products that achieve Non-GMO Project Verified status experience an almost immediate 30% increase in sales nationwide.

Do the math: companies that use Monsanto's GM corn are punished and boycotted in the marketplace. Companies that use non-GMO corn experience huge increases in sales. In food company corporate boardrooms all across America, this is a no-brainer: dump GMOs if you want to survive.

The same is also true for hedge funds and mutual funds: the more they invest in Monsanto, the more they stand to lose from the global outrage against Monsanto, GMOs and GM corn in particular.

Plus, I also happen to believe there will come a day when many of the top Monsanto executives will be arrested and prosecuted for their role in carrying out crimes against humanity (not just from GMOs but also from glyphosate). When that day comes, Monsanto share prices will obviously fall through the floor. The company may, in fact, implode like a dot-com bubble, leaving investors holding worthless paper instead of valuable shares... a kind of poetic justice for all those who furthered the means of such a destructive entity in the first place.

See the funds that still invest in Monsanto

The mutual funds still investing in Monsanto include:

• Fidelity Select
• American Century
• Rydex Basic Materials
• Hartford Growth
• ICON Materials
• Vanguard Materials

If you own any of these mutual funds, sell them now and invest somewhere else. Become an "activist investor" and put your money in companies that create a better world, not companies that destroy their world for their own selfish greed.

See a more detailed list at:

Why humanity will achieve victory against Monsanto

Monsanto is at war with humanity and the planet, but humanity will achieve victory against this evil corporate force of death and destruction. It is already happening in the marketplace and across the minds and hearts of millions of activists in stand in solidarity against corporate evil.

So spread the word about not just avoiding GMOs but also avoiding owning Monsanto stock in any form. If you have money invested in a mutual fund or hedge fund that owns Monsanto, sell the fund! Don't let anyone use your money to further the profits of the biotech industry. Invest your money in something that helps humanity, not harms it.

Sources for this story include:


Well-Known Member
Cancer mice. NO. Bunk. You know that and still lie.

far more 'honest' to say that if you were being 'honest' you would go back and do this highlighting you speak of yourself, but at last you cannot deer Doer because such spots do not exist to be highlighted

That makes no sense. But, is this the answer? Damn right there's not! Nice of you to point that out. But, it is well known among our cadre.


Well-Known Member
" if you were being 'honest' you would go back and do this highlighting you speak of yourself, but at last you cannot deer Doer because such spots do not exist to be highlighted"

makes sense to me deer Doer, maybe it doesnt make sense to you because you cannot produce what you claim exists?...or maybe its because you are the real miss-leader here (please stand up lol) and aside from your SHDT 'cadre' it seems that at least 78% of the folks that have voted in this threads poll have figured that out;)


Well-Known Member
" if you were being 'honest' you would go back and do this highlighting you speak of yourself, but at last you cannot deer Doer because such spots do not exist to be highlighted"

makes sense to me deer Doer, maybe it doesnt make sense to you because you cannot produce what you claim exists?...or maybe its because you are the real miss-leader here (please stand up lol) and aside from your SHDT 'cadre' it seems that at least 78% of the folks that have voted in this threads poll have figured that out;)
I'm debunking your claims. If you are looking at my stuff, for any claims...you're right. There are none.

And never watched Welcome Back Carter.

And it is a good thing we don't vote on Science.


Well-Known Member
"your posts and highlight all the times you lied through exaggeration"
lol deer Doer that certainly looks and smells like a claim to me, one that your are clearly unable to substantiate...while conversely the 'claims' I have definitively made go to the facts of the numbers game which you also run from like the wind...more like breaking wind actually:D


Active Member
no american farmer has ever been "forced" to grow any crop.

you are once again slinging shit.
You are once again wrong.
Our whole society is swirling down the tubes and you embrace it.
Again, i was there, i saw it, farmers paid to NOT farm, all it took was a few less than scrupulous farmers to start using this garbage, their yields increased and the nutritional value of their crops decreased, these farmers reaped this so called reward and any other farmers who didnt want to lose their family farm had to capitulate.

See , i use facts, things ive seen with my own eyes and i do it without name calling etc maybe because i can actually think unlike you, try it some time, you may like it.


Active Member
keen perception doc...its also true that if you intentionally 'help' a person spiral into economic hardship and desperation they will probably agree to things they otherwise would not, especially when such contracts are all talked up with fanciful untrue promises of getting wealthy by 'feeding the world' etc...then once your in for a penny your in for a pound...its a deadly game of capitalist roulette that most lose...
Spot on dna


Well-Known Member
thank you thats a good article
"Many American farmers are enjoying higher profits due to the widespread use of certain genetically engineered crops and are reducing environmental impacts on and off the farm," said David Ervin, professor of environmental management and economics, Portland State University, Portland, Ore., and chair of the committee that wrote the report.

Environmental BenefitsImprovements in water quality could prove to be the largest single benefit of GE crops, the report says. Insecticide use has declined since GE crops were introduced, and farmers who grow GE crops use fewer insecticides and herbicides that linger in soil and waterways. In addition, farmers who grow herbicide-resistant crops till less often to control weeds and are more likely to practice conservation tillage, which improves soil quality and water filtration and reduces erosion.

Economic and Social Effects
In many cases, farmers who have adopted the use of GE crops have either lower production costs or higher yields, or sometimes both, due to more cost-effective weed and insect control and fewer losses from insect damage, the report says. Although these farmers have gained such economic benefits, more research is needed on the extent to which these advantages will change as pests adapt to GE crops, other countries adopt genetic engineering technology, and more GE traits are incorporated into existing and new crops.



Ursus marijanus
You are once again wrong.
Our whole society is swirling down the tubes and you embrace it.
Again, i was there, i saw it, farmers paid to NOT farm, all it took was a few less than scrupulous farmers to start using this garbage, their yields increased and the nutritional value of their crops decreased, these farmers reaped this so called reward and any other farmers who didnt want to lose their family farm had to capitulate.

See , i use facts, things ive seen with my own eyes and i do it without name calling etc maybe because i can actually think unlike you, try it some time, you may like it.
"Co-opted" isn't "forced". The farmers are willing participants in what you describe.
Losing a family spread because it can't compete with the corporate farms is a separate evil. It isn't "being forced to grow a crop" but "being forced out of the market". I view those as distinct.


Well-Known Member
You are once again wrong.
Our whole society is swirling down the tubes and you embrace it.
Again, i was there, i saw it, farmers paid to NOT farm, all it took was a few less than scrupulous farmers to start using this garbage, their yields increased and the nutritional value of their crops decreased, these farmers reaped this so called reward and any other farmers who didnt want to lose their family farm had to capitulate.

See , i use facts, things ive seen with my own eyes and i do it without name calling etc maybe because i can actually think unlike you, try it some time, you may like it.
Where are they forced? That is your claim....

Citation, not anecdotal evidence that could or could not be true.

And where is the citation that GMO is for sure less nutritious?

not going to google it. You make the claim, you back it up. Not doing your work for you.


Active Member
"Co-opted" isn't "forced". The farmers are willing participants in what you describe.
Losing a family spread because it can't compete with the corporate farms is a separate evil. It isn't "being forced to grow a crop" but "being forced out of the market". I view those as distinct.
Absolutely they are distinct, but the end result isnt.


Active Member
Where are they forced? That is your claim....

Citation, not anecdotal evidence that could or could not be true.

And where is the citation that GMO is for sure less nutritious?

not going to google it. You make the claim, you back it up. Not doing your work for you.
Then dont believe it, you really think organic foods hold a huge market share because of hippies? Its because it works, thats why we as Americans are so obese, our bodies think they are starving since our food industry is driven by greed and not quality. Im not doing anymore research for others, even when i prove a point i rarely get a thank you.
Eat what you want, grow what you want, doesnt matter to me, im about done with everything but organic food anyway.

Try it, veg juice for 3 days with store bought veggies, then do it for 3 days with organic.

wish i could afford all organic now