• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member

their are tons of labels on food, they dont show intent to harm . . . . .they let the consumer know what they are buying adn choose what they want based on the contents of that food

GMO is no different it is not religions pretense . . . . .did you really just stand behind your comparison of kosher to GMO . . . . . .talk about apples and oranges

and to be honest i dont think you can answer me, just that fact that you bring up Kosher being alike to GMO makes me wonder about why your here in this discussion OP is a fool . . but you jst matched him

ethical and moral advertising of products based on their composition . . .this is basic and is apart of every facet of teh food industry . . but somehow GMO deserves to be treated different...?

Ten characters

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
so basically what it coems down to . .is that you could care less, and you find no reason to advertise GMO

im glad you are so sure of what you want,

thing is

what i want

doesn't have any negative effects on you in any way, your GMO food and such will be the exact same

but those who did not know and would prefer to not eat GMO foods now have a choice

what is it about that you find issue with, cause for the life of me i cant see any logical reason so have GMO foods labeled as such like

every other food product we can buy, as to its contents composition nutritional value and its origins or a very super simple GMO green check mark

GMO food deserve to be labeled as a part of responsible consumer advertising . . . id love to hear why you think otherwise, but im sure another yawn post is coming . . . . super classy


Well-Known Member
so basically what it coems down to . .is that you could care less, and you find no reason to advertise GMO

im glad you are so sure of what you want,

thing is

what i want

doesnt have any negative effects on you in any way, your GMO food and such will be the exact same

but those who did not know and would prefer to not eat GMO foods now have a choice

what is it about that you find issue with, cuase for teh life of me i cant see any logical reason so have GMO foods labeled liek every other food we can buy, as to its contents composition nutrinal value and its origins or a very super simple GMO green check mark
WE voted against you. Self rule.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
ya not sure if thats an answer . . . . . not sure what thsi self rule thing is your going on about either

so GMO foods are so holly and god like they dont have to be labeled . . . .got it . . . have fun with your pizza as a vegetable . . . .makes just as much sense

got to love the pied piper

and technically the vote is still in my favor for GMO labeling, and no GMO weed here as well,, to bad WE dont get to vote on it . .WE hope our representatives act accordingly to those who vote them in . .but the all mghtly dollar sign sway his/her ethics and politics resumes as usual

The New York Times, 07/27/13
A recent New York Times poll found that 93% of Americans favor labeling of GE food: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/28/science/strong-support-for-labeling-modified-foods.html?_r=0

MSNBC, 2/25/11
Do you believe genetically modified foods should be labeled?
Yes – 96% of over 45,000 voters believe genetically modified foods should be labeled

Reuters / NPR, 10/10
Poll conducted by Thompson Reuters and National Public Radio finds 93% of
Americans believe all GE foods should be labeled as such
; only 35% willing to
eat GE fish

Washington Post, 9/17/10
Should genetically-modified food be labeled?
Yes – 95%

KSTP – St. Paul/Minneapolis, 9/21/10
Should Genetically Modified Salmon Carry a Different Label?
Yes, Should be labeled as genetically modified fish – 95%

Consumer Reports, 11/11/08
2008 Food Labeling Poll found that 95 percent of respondents said they thought
food from genetically engineered animals should be labeled, and 78 percent
strongly agreed with this.

ABC News, 6/19/01
An ABC News poll found that 93% of the American public wants the federal government to require mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods.

Older Polls


Well-Known Member
ya not sure if thats an answer . . . . . not sure what thsi self rule thing is your going on about either

so GMO foods are so holly and god like they dont have to be labeled . . . .got it . . . have fun with your pizza as a vegetable . . . .makes just as much sense

got to love the pied piper

Of course you don't know about self rule. You don't believe the Manual is valid, I guess. You represent the anti-con which rejects that. You project it is we, not you, who follows done the primrose path.

The self rule around here says we can ignore your angst for a lack of science. You can only spin sophistry.

soph·ist·ry (säfəstrē)
noun: sophistry
1. the use of fallacious arguments, esp. with the intention of deceiving.

No one but you has said they are Gods against your Earth First religion. You say that, Sophie.


Well-Known Member
so basically what it coems down to you find no reason to advertise GMO
Slightly edited for truth

im glad you are so sure of what you want,

thing is

what i want

doesn't have any negative effects on you in any way, your non** GMO food and such will be the exact same
**edited for truth

And back atchya "champ"
but those who did not know and would prefer to not eat GMO foods now have a choice
Buy 100% orgAnic, it's not allowed to be GMO
what is it about that you find issue with, cause for the life of me i cant see any logical reason so have GMO foods labeled as such like
I have issue with hysterical idiots that demand we confirm to their view of the world based on nothing but hokum

every other food product we can buy, as to its contents composition nutritional value and its origins or a very super simple GMO green check mark
100% organic already serves that purpose for those that give a duck
GMO food deserve to be labeled as a part of responsible consumer advertising . . . id love to hear why you think otherwise, but im sure another yawn post is coming . . . . super classy
Show harm in gmo I'll agree with you

Otherwise your right "yawn" your just repeating the hysterical sound bite you heard sometime in past ?


Well-Known Member
so basically what it coems down to . .is that you could care less, and you find no reason to advertise GMO
Again, why don't we label carrots as potentially bad for you?
If you eat to many carrots you can have some problems.
Labeling something as GMO just does not make sense.

im glad you are so sure of what you want,

thing is

what i want

doesn't have any negative effects on you in any way, your GMO food and such will be the exact same
Buy organic then you do not have to worry about eating vegetables that are potentially unhealthy, even though there is no evidence and hundreds of studies that demonstrate the contrary. I beleive the score is 600-0 and the gap is widening.

but those who did not know and would prefer to not eat GMO foods now have a choice
Buy organic. That is a choice. shop at Whole Foods. They like junk science and fear based lies because it helps them sell more food.

what is it about that you find issue with, cause for the life of me i cant see any logical reason so have GMO foods labeled as such like
You are not using logic or reason.

every other food product we can buy, as to its contents composition nutritional value and its origins or a very super simple GMO green check mark

GMO food deserve to be labeled as a part of responsible consumer advertising . . . id love to hear why you think otherwise, but im sure another yawn post is coming . . . . super classy
The main reason is because it is not logical to label it so.
If you don't want it, buy organic.

Can you tell me why GMO fruits, vegetables and grains are not good for people to eat?
I have never heard of unhealthy fruits, vegetables and grains.

Have you heard of Golden Rice?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member

[h=1]"GMO Poll Results (and More)[/h] By MARK BITTMAN Clearly this is something I’ll be writing about for years to come; emotions are high and many pro-GMO people are industry boosters in disguise. Nothing wrong with that, I suppose, but fake impartiality is obnoxious......."".......In short, in last week’s blog poll, about 83 percent of you are bothered by the presence of GMOs in food; 89 percent want to see labeling of such foods, and about 85% percent would like to see stricter regulations...."

and here is why you dont want it, as i assume since you wont talk about your real reason just personal views(aka you dont think it shoudl be labeled cause kosher food has no law to be labeled-GanjaW good fallacy but still not an excuse)

"The Facebook and Twitter polls were similar: between 82 and 85 percent of those responding would choose not to buy foods with GMOs if they were so labeled."


Well-Known Member
ya not sure if thats an answer . . . . . not sure what thsi self rule thing is your going on about either

so GMO foods are so holly and god like they dont have to be labeled . . . .got it . . . have fun with your pizza as a vegetable . . . .makes just as much sense

got to love the pied piper

and technically the vote is still in my favor for GMO labeling, and no GMO weed here as well,, to bad WE dont get to vote on it . .WE hope our representatives act accordingly to those who vote them in . .but the all mghtly dollar sign sway his/her ethics and politics resumes as usual

The New York Times, 07/27/13
A recent New York Times poll found that 93% of Americans favor labeling of GE food: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/28/science/strong-support-for-labeling-modified-foods.html?_r=0

MSNBC, 2/25/11
Do you believe genetically modified foods should be labeled?
Yes – 96% of over 45,000 voters believe genetically modified foods should be labeled

Reuters / NPR, 10/10
Poll conducted by Thompson Reuters and National Public Radio finds 93% of
Americans believe all GE foods should be labeled as such
; only 35% willing to
eat GE fish

Washington Post, 9/17/10
Should genetically-modified food be labeled?
Yes – 95%

KSTP – St. Paul/Minneapolis, 9/21/10
Should Genetically Modified Salmon Carry a Different Label?
Yes, Should be labeled as genetically modified fish – 95%

Consumer Reports, 11/11/08
2008 Food Labeling Poll found that 95 percent of respondents said they thought
food from genetically engineered animals should be labeled, and 78 percent
strongly agreed with this.

ABC News, 6/19/01
An ABC News poll found that 93% of the American public wants the federal government to require mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods.

Older Polls
See, you label polls to be technically voting. And technically they are not. You are anti-con and proposing we go by mob rule.

And that is so you hippies can tamper the mob. DENIED.

Yeah, buy organic they don't have to label either.


Well-Known Member
ya not sure if thats an answer . . . . . not sure what thsi self rule thing is your going on about either

so GMO foods are so holly and god like they dont have to be labeled . . . .got it . . . have fun with your pizza as a vegetable . . . .makes just as much sense
You are not arguing logically. It is weird. You would think that there would be a study that shows that GMO crops are not safe.

got to love the pied piper

and technically the vote is still in my favor for GMO labeling, and no GMO weed here as well,, to bad WE dont get to vote on it . .WE hope our representatives act accordingly to those who vote them in . .but the all mghtly dollar sign sway his/her ethics and politics resumes as usual
You are not arguing logically.
Almost half of the country think marijuana should be illegal.
Should we post meaningless statistics now?

For what reason would you label a vegetable as GMO?
How do you make a vegetable bad for you?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Can you tell me why GMO fruits, vegetables and grains are not good for people to eat?
I have never heard of unhealthy fruits, vegetables and grains.

can you tell me why they are, over existing fruit vegetables and grains . . . .???

infused vitamins were all teh rage in the 50's on . . .oh but are bodies only adsorb 10-18% of vitamins in that form(powder) .. but they sold em to us as the cure anyway . . .golden rice you say . . . the band-aid don't fix the stroke . .eat healthy and you dont need GE food monopolized by a singular company

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
See, you label polls to be technically voting. And technically they are not. You are anti-con and proposing we go by mob rule.

And that is so you hippies can tamper the mob. DENIED.

Yeah, buy organic they don't have to label either.
you believe, do what your told . . .and i believe in democracy(majority rule) . .its ok . . you dont have to hate me, and i aint a hippy . .. .

and agreed voting they are not, our representatives shoudl care and people shoudl care its not happening . . more then a poll .. but they dont . . . . not sure why i dont deserve an opinion . . .


Well-Known Member
can you tell me why they are, over existing fruit vegetables and grains . . . .???

infused vitimins were all teh rage in the 50's on . . .oh but are bodies only absord 10-18% of vitimins in that form(powder) .. but they sold em to us as the cure anyway . . .golden rice you say . . . the badnaid dont fix the stroke . .eat healthy and you dont need GE food monopolized by a singular company
There is no difference at all. GMO is not monopolized by one company, Sophie. Don't you get tired of lying to yourself?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
ok sorry a few companies . . .its not like i can go GMO my own foods . . . . i can grow my own though . . .

this splitting hairs thing is petty . . . . . maybe you all shoudl just go create your own Pro GMO thread and i can read what you have to say/think on the subject . . . . ..

im sure GMO has more to offer then beating up the status que(aka most polls stiull in favor of less GMO ,more restricted, then more, or unrestricted, GMO)


Well-Known Member

"GMO Poll Results (and More)

By MARK BITTMAN Clearly this is something I’ll be writing about for years to come; emotions are high and many pro-GMO people are industry boosters in disguise. Nothing wrong with that, I suppose, but fake impartiality is obnoxious......."".......In short, in last week’s blog poll, about 83 percent of you are bothered by the presence of GMOs in food; 89 percent want to see labeling of such foods, and about 85% percent would like to see stricter regulations...."

and here is why you dont want it, as i assume since you wont talk about your real reason just personal views(aka you dont think it shoudl be labeled cause kosher food has no law to be labeled-GanjaW good fallacy but still not an excuse)

"The Facebook and Twitter polls were similar: between 82 and 85 percent of those responding would choose not to buy foods with GMOs if they were so labeled."
I'm an industry booster in disguise?

I have not once given a fuck about food being labelled kosher in this thread (please provide quotes)

I was asking for food to be labelled if a Jewish*** person even looked in its general direction

***Jewish Muslim Christian dribbling fucking idiot who cares I want it labeled


Well-Known Member
can you tell me why they are . . . .???
There a link posted in this thread numerous times that has 600 independently funded studies some dating back to the 1980s that show that GMO crops are safe.

Now it is your turn. You tell me why vegetables, grains and fruits are not safe.

infused vitimins were all teh rage in the 50's on . . .
Some say cucumbers taste better pickled.
Try to focus.

oh but are bodies only absord 10-18% of vitimins in that form(powder) .. but they sold em to us as the cure anyway . . .

golden rice you say . . . the badnaid dont fix the stroke . .eat healthy and you dont need GE food monopolized by a singular company
You ignorance is pretty astounding. You do not understand what GMO means.

Seriously, you do not understand what you are talking about.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
no . . .i want my food labeld stop trying to make me say things i dont intend or have not . .that is manipulative and directly intentionaly deceptive