Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

  • Total voters

(excerpt from above link)

Here are a few things to do that will keep you and your family safer. Bring this list of GMO products when you are shopping and share it with everyone you can. Stop supporting the companies that put profits ahead of the consumer’s well being.
Buy Organic
Certified organics are not allowed to contain any GMO. Fruits and vegetables have a number code on them organic always starts with the number nine.
Keep GMOs out of your home garden. There are lots of places online that you can order organic seeds and ask at your local nursery where they got their seeds.
Don’t be fooled by the deceiving catch phrases: whole grain, all natural, select harvest and real fruit.
Soy Lecithin is considered GMO, and sweeteners like aspartame, NutraSweet and Equal are derived from GM microorganisms. These ingredients are found in over 6000 products.
Eat less meat and make sure dairy products are free from antibiotics.
Never Buy:
Aunt Jemima
Aurora Foods
Balance Bar
Best Foods
Betty Crocker
Birds Eye
Boca Burger
Calumet Baking Powder
Capri Sun
Chef Boyardee
Con Agra
Country Time
Crystal Light
Del Monte
Dinty Moore
Duncan Hines
Eggo Waffles
Famous Amos
Frito Lay
Gardenburger (unless organic)
General Mills
Ghirardelli Chocolate
Graham Crackers
Green Giant
Hansen Beverage Company
Hawaiian Punch
Healthy Choice
Healthy Request
Honey Maid
Hungry Jack
Interstate Bakeries
Kc Masterpiece
Kids Cuisine
Kraft: ALL condiments and dressings
Land O’ Lakes
Lay’s Ruffles
Lean Cuisine
Life Saver
Loma Lindia
Marie Callender’s
Minute Maid
Morningstar Farms (unless organic line)
Ms. Butterworths
Nature Valley
Near East
Nilla Wafers
Nutter Butter
Ocean Spray
Old El Paso
Orville Redenbacher
Pepperidge Farm
Peter Pan
Phillip Morris
Pinnacle Foods
Pop Secret
Power Bar
Procter and Gamble
Progresso Soups
Rosetto Frozen Pasta
Simply Home
Smart Ones
Smucker’s: unless labeled “Simply 100% Fruit”
Snack Wells
Sunny Delight
Teddy Grahams
The Country’s Best Yoghurt
Tombstone Pizza
Uncle Bens
Wheat Thins
Baby foods: Beech-nut, Enfamil, Good start, Nestle, Similac, Isomil
Bonus: Non-GMO Shopping Guide.
Read more: Why don’t we like GMOs?
And more: 5 Myths about Genetically Engineered Foods. {Infographic}
Not everything I said is opinion. I know what I typed to be factual information that science has uncovered, I don't throw bs up in the air just to watch some shit hit a fan. I gave up on giving citations to people long ago cause even if I did give you hard factual information you still would try to say I'm wrong. Its all good cause you're entitled an opinion as well. But instead of trying to pick apart my post and trying to be dicks, throw out some facts as evidence to why Monsanto should be allowed to do what they do. Monsanto has become a seed monopoly and at least 70% of agriculture in the U.S. contains a form of their genetic modifications. This isn't just random bullshit. This is hard truth that people don't want to hear. Farmers get harassed by Monsanto everyday. If they aren't using Monsanto's seeds, they are getting harassed. Fact. Not to mention that the farmers that refuse to go with Monsanto aren't allowed to be seen (in public at least) with any of their friends or former farmers that do use Monsanto seeds. Monsanto will and has started up law suits on these farmers with the motive that their customers are breaking their contract and possibly not using Monsanto seeds. As I said, Monsanto is a seed monopoly in the world today. Fact.

Should? That is a legal term. You don't know anything about Corp. motives. I told you the suits are about breaking contracts these farmers signed in the USA. You aren't bringing facts. You bring earth first type assumptions. Your entire lingo is slanted.

Why should you get to talk? Oh right. Constitutional protections same as Monsanto. It is a public company owned and staff by WE the people.

So, stop underlining your ignorance.

Please tell me what a worldwide seed monoply would look like, in have no idea, do you? It's bullshit,. that is why.

IMO, in the great Golden State, buying organic is your ticket to salmonellae poisoning.

It is a bunch of dipshits, like we see on this forum, picking their asses while they "wash" the food.
Official version of the Law as of May 6th is Here

This article appeared at

The Commission is reviewing EU legislation on the marketing of seed and plant propagating material (SPPM) consisting of 12 basic acts.
Many date back to the 60s and 70s. Priorities have changed since as food safety, traceability, new technologies and environmental aspects have become more central. EU enlargement has also required more adequate legal instruments to regulate marketing of SPPM.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

All About The New EU Seed Law

Fritz Kreiss
Activist Post
Well, what a hectic week. Everyone we know has been lobbying hard, and thanks to the hundreds of thousands of people who have been emailing and writing about this, there were some important last-minute changes to the proposed law, even as late as Sunday night.

(from linked page)

Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty
Seeds must remain part of the Commons!

Petition in different languages:
DE (German - online) – as PDF for signing on paper
EN (English – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
FR (French – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
DK (Danish – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
SL (Slovenian – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
CZ (Czech – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
HR (Croatian – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
PT (Portuguese – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
IT (Italian – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
PL (Polish – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
NL (Dutch - onine) – as PDF for signing on paper
HU (Hungarian – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
RO (Romanian – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
LV (Latvian – online) (use Character-Set UTF-8)
BG (Bulgarian – online) (use Character-Set ISO-8859-5)
EL (Greek – online) (use Character-Set ISO-8859-7)
Official version of the Law as of May 6th is Here

This article appeared at

The Commission is reviewing EU legislation on the marketing of seed and plant propagating material (SPPM) consisting of 12 basic acts.
Many date back to the 60s and 70s. Priorities have changed since as food safety, traceability, new technologies and environmental aspects have become more central. EU enlargement has also required more adequate legal instruments to regulate marketing of SPPM.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

All About The New EU Seed Law

Fritz Kreiss
Activist Post
Well, what a hectic week. Everyone we know has been lobbying hard, and thanks to the hundreds of thousands of people who have been emailing and writing about this, there were some important last-minute changes to the proposed law, even as late as Sunday night.

(from linked page)

Campaign for Seed-Sovereignty
Seeds must remain part of the Commons!

Petition in different languages:
DE (German - online) – as PDF for signing on paper
EN (English – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
FR (French – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
DK (Danish – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
SL (Slovenian – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
CZ (Czech – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
HR (Croatian – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
PT (Portuguese – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
IT (Italian – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
PL (Polish – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
NL (Dutch - onine) – as PDF for signing on paper
HU (Hungarian – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
RO (Romanian – online) – as PDF for signing on paper
LV (Latvian – online) (use Character-Set UTF-8)
BG (Bulgarian – online)(use Character-Set ISO-8859-5)
EL (Greek – online)(use Character-Set ISO-8859-7)
Have you not figured it out yet bro?

We ain't buying the bullshit you're selling.
If seeds could vote, they would be already Sovereign. I know I am. I vote however seeds are not Sovers, and the majority has it. Self Rule! Fuck Yeah!

And I think in the End. The EU will be killing and eating each other, as usual.
Have you not figured it out yet bro?

We ain't buying the bullshit you're selling.


why bother talking to that turd. he doesnt want to argue his claims, or support his allegations he is selling his agenda, and i doubt he even reads any responses now, being a dimwit.

he came to sell his story to potheads, couldnt satisfy the potheads requests for proof, and now just spams his claptrap blindly.

the fuckhead probably doesnt even grow dope.
Back on topic - We know that improper things have been done by many corporations, such as Monsanto, Phisor, Tyson, Chevron, BP, Phillip Morris and many others.

Even with all the solid proof of the atrocities commited by the aforementioned corporations, Who sits as judges at the table of accountability for said acts, NONE! - They do as they please and suffer only the consequences they are willing to suffer for the sake of showmanship and social acceptance, nothing more.
Who do you think provides the leadership and guidance for the FDA, the NOT. It is Monsanto and the likes that control the FDA and numerous other orginizations that cannot exist without accepting "private" funding.
Until there is actual penalties for real crimes against humanity, it is all just show and tell for the true holders of the trump cards.


Back on topic - We know that improper things have been done by many corporations, such as Monsanto, Phisor, Tyson, Chevron, BP, Phillip Morris and many others.

Even with all the solid proof of the atrocities commited by the aforementioned corporations, Who sits as judges at the table of accountability for said acts, NONE! - They do as they please and suffer only the consequences they are willing to suffer for the sake of showmanship and social acceptance, nothing more.
Who do you think provides the leadership and guidance for the FDA, the NOT. It is Monsanto and the likes that control the FDA and numerous other orginizations that cannot exist without accepting "private" funding.
Until there is actual penalties for real crimes against humanity, it is all just show and tell for the true holders of the trump cards.


Improper things are done by companies in lots of other sectors too, ASMALLPENIS.
Improper things are done by companies in lots of other sectors too, ASMALLPENIS.

is there an echo in here?, I think I covered that. Care to elaborate on what penalties the "other sectors" dish out to those that do as they please, or did you reply just so you could flex for

on a side note, one thing is for certain, any penis is small when compared to your gaping backside. Try and come up with an original, as ub has the copyright on that one.


Back on topic - We know that improper things have been done by many corporations, such as Monsanto, Phisor, Tyson, Chevron, BP, Phillip Morris and many others.

Even with all the solid proof of the atrocities commited by the aforementioned corporations, Who sits as judges at the table of accountability for said acts, NONE! - They do as they please and suffer only the consequences they are willing to suffer for the sake of showmanship and social acceptance, nothing more.
Who do you think provides the leadership and guidance for the FDA, the NOT. It is Monsanto and the likes that control the FDA and numerous other orginizations that cannot exist without accepting "private" funding.
Until there is actual penalties for real crimes against humanity, it is all just show and tell for the true holders of the trump cards.



This is nothing new, and not exclusive to "corporations" or "Big ____________" (fill in the blank with "Pharma", "Tobacco". "Oil", "Agribusiness", "Food Conglomerate" etc... whatever is the whipping boy of the moment).

in eras past the holders of wealth could do far more than they can now, when was the last time you saw an entire civilization enslaved or a foreign nation being forced to sign trade agreements with the british or american navy in their harbours with cannons loaded? shit is way better now than it ever has been, as far as your personal rights to seek redress against a corporate entity or even the HOA (think venitian doge, or dictatorial overlord) and we are generally free of the domination of the khans and royal decrees.

While it is true that corporations are greatly insulated from the penalties for their bad/unscrupulous/evil moves by being non-person persons, and thus can only be fined for misdeeds. the fines are usually pretty tiny anyhow (kill 300 indian families in Bhopal, get fined $300,000, but why bother changing anything when the costs of safety compliance are less than the fines.) so what you SHOULD be demanding is stiffer penalties for corporate misdeeds, and making criminal prosecution of CEO's and board members when the misdeed is the result of deliberate choices and lawbreaking.

Demanding that monsanto never sue t6o enforce a breached contract, or demanding that they do their genetic research and give away thye results for free is ridiculous, but even more ridiculous is the insistence by the loonier moonbats like dnaprotection that they cease all genetic research and let the chinese, indians and russians leave us in the dust in genetic technology, particularly in agriculture.

See, Dnaprotection is SELLING HIS AGENDA as are all the moonbat ecoloon blogs claiming that "monsanto is going to wreck __________" (fill in the blank with farmers markets, "organic produce" soybeans, farming in general, your health etc...) and they dont mind lying to do it.
No that's called karma, because god doesn't like you either....

Keep acting like the GM lobbies "bought-little-bitch" and parroting what insurance companies, of all people, say.

Here's your cue AJ - go for it....

i tell you what you keep being a holocaust denying anti-semite jew hating conspiracy fruitcake, and ill keep saving up to buy a farm, and we'll see who is happier in 20 years.

in the meantime, eat a sack of dicks
Thanks Dr. Kynes for the straight answer. I agree that evolvement has, is and will continue in every field under the sun. My discontent stems from the fact that they can do as they please and even when caught, it is all dealt with with a complete disdain for ethics, morals and common decency. The love of money is a strong adversary to all that is good in the world.
Like daytime drama except with some cheesy insignificant monetary figures thrown in the mix.


Thanks Dr. Kynes for the straight answer. I agree that evolvement has, is and will continue in every field under the sun. My discontent stems from the fact that they can do as they please and even when caught, it is all dealt with with a complete disdain for ethics, morals and common decency. The love of money is a strong adversary to all that is good in the world.
Like daytime drama except with some cheesy insignificant monetary figures thrown in the mix.



Stop trying to use fancy words, ASMALLPENIS.
i tell you what you keep being a holocaust denying anti-semite jew hating conspiracy fruitcake, and ill keep saving up to buy a farm, and we'll see who is happier in 20 years.

in the meantime, eat a sack of dicks

Go eat some foreskins you failure... 20years to save up? In your case try 40... That would require a job and last time we checked, you were trumped by illegal labour. fucking pathetic....

I do believe you have your tongue placed firmly in the prison planet cesspool while giving netenfuckhoo a reach around.

Israel FISTERS jimmies are a rustled...
Back on topic - We know that improper things have been done by many corporations, such as Monsanto, Phisor, Tyson, Chevron, BP, Phillip Morris and many others.

Even with all the solid proof of the atrocities commited by the aforementioned corporations, Who sits as judges at the table of accountability for said acts, NONE! - They do as they please and suffer only the consequences they are willing to suffer for the sake of showmanship and social acceptance, nothing more.
Who do you think provides the leadership and guidance for the FDA, the NOT. It is Monsanto and the likes that control the FDA and numerous other orginizations that cannot exist without accepting "private" funding.
Until there is actual penalties for real crimes against humanity, it is all just show and tell for the true holders of the trump cards.



Is the FDA not the most TRUSTWORTHY agency in the US government? They independently test all GM foods destined for supermarket shelves... They would not lie to or deceive the public.

I have absolute faith in Biotech companies scientific transparency and the fact they would never put profits before safety. They learned from the tobacco industry.