Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Yes, I know. But, you promised not to mention my Alien status. Don't blow my cover, Dude!
Self regenisis is not easy.......gosh

You missed it. Say "doer's mom" a few times fast. cn


DOERSMOM DOERSMOM DOERSMOM DOERSMOM....huh? Oh I get With a Jamaican accent, mon?
Is it dirty? Does it insult my mother?

Must have been funny at the time. At least I didn't tell my secret to the world. <sigh> so there is that.
Oh, of course, I know that. :) Is is a palindrome? Alliterates with? Is it funny?....well. maybe....never mind. :)
Lets look at this issue with an eye on history. The history of GMO crops is short but it is there. Along with Monsanto's history of behavior toward said crops.

First of all a GMO crop is very different than a hybrid. In hybrids we take genes that are already in cannabis strains and cross them. The genes already were in cannabis and had developed over millenia.....we aren't working against nature in any way. Shanti once said that we were simply doing the work of a bumble bee.....only the bumble bee can't pollinate plants thousands of miles away from each other. I like the analogy.

GMOs use viruses that attack DNA sequences and add artificial DNA into the plant. This is a whole new ball game and can work AGAINST what nature has put into the plant. GMO crops have not even been on the market for a decade. Yet we are already seeing enough health issues with these products to scare many scientists and cause bans on entire continents.

Many may say, so what - make GMOs available to those who want them. This does not work. GMO plants produce pollen just like other plants do. These modified genes are then spread to any plant in the vicinity. Already, non-genetically modified soy is impossible to find in the United States. The newer product may be ok for some, but I personally have violent reactions to it. Also, if a company like Monsanto makes a GMO product and it cross pollinates with another persons product, what is going to happen. Historically, nature finds a way. Historically, the patented GMO genes are now in the seed of the neighboring product, and historically, you are now unwittingly in violation of patent laws.

Monsanto is making surfs out of our American farmers. There is no way in hell that I am okay with them or any of their counterparts sinking their teeth into my Cannabis seeds. Cannabis is not a cheap high for me. It is a strong neuro-protectant and ocular pressure regulator. At 19 I was diagnosed with a degenerative neurological disorder, and by 25 my ocular pressure was high enough for my doctors to begin suspecting glaucoma (a very common issue in my family). Cannabis makes one condition livable and helps to prevent the other by keeping the pressure that would otherwise cause damage to my sight at bay. It is the only thing that has worked well and not caused additional issues for me. I don't want it messed with - nor do I want it controlled by big businesses like Monsanto.

Those of you who smoke purely for pleasure may not care about the likes of Monsanto, but I urge you to think about the other users and the long term repercussions of the decision. Once GMOs are released, nature finds away. There is no recall. We Americans need to think less about enterprise and more about personal protection. My plants are important to me. One day, I would like to be able to grow them outside and not have Monsanto's goons searching my field for their genetics so that they could sue me for everything I own. If you don't think they would do that with cannabis - think again....they already do that with their other crops.
Lets look at this issue with an eye on history. The history of GMO crops is short but it is there. Along with Monsanto's history of behavior toward said crops.

First of all a GMO crop is very different than a hybrid. In hybrids we take genes that are already in cannabis strains and cross them. The genes already were in cannabis and had developed over millenia.....we aren't working against nature in any way. Shanti once said that we were simply doing the work of a bumble bee.....only the bumble bee can't pollinate plants thousands of miles away from each other. I like the analogy.

GMOs use viruses that attack DNA sequences and add artificial DNA into the plant. This is a whole new ball game and can work AGAINST what nature has put into the plant. GMO crops have not even been on the market for a decade. Yet we are already seeing enough health issues with these products to scare many scientists and cause bans on entire continents.

Many may say, so what - make GMOs available to those who want them. This does not work. GMO plants produce pollen just like other plants do. These modified genes are then spread to any plant in the vicinity. Already, non-genetically modified soy is impossible to find in the United States. The newer product may be ok for some, but I personally have violent reactions to it. Also, if a company like Monsanto makes a GMO product and it cross pollinates with another persons product, what is going to happen. Historically, nature finds a way. Historically, the patented GMO genes are now in the seed of the neighboring product, and historically, you are now unwittingly in violation of patent laws.

Monsanto is making surfs out of our American farmers. There is no way in hell that I am okay with them or any of their counterparts sinking their teeth into my Cannabis seeds. Cannabis is not a cheap high for me. It is a strong neuro-protectant and ocular pressure regulator. At 19 I was diagnosed with a degenerative neurological disorder, and by 25 my ocular pressure was high enough for my doctors to begin suspecting glaucoma (a very common issue in my family). Cannabis makes one condition livable and helps to prevent the other by keeping the pressure that would otherwise cause damage to my sight at bay. It is the only thing that has worked well and not caused additional issues for me. I don't want it messed with - nor do I want it controlled by big businesses like Monsanto.

Those of you who smoke purely for pleasure may not care about the likes of Monsanto, but I urge you to think about the other users and the long term repercussions of the decision. Once GMOs are released, nature finds away. There is no recall. We Americans need to think less about enterprise and more about personal protection. My plants are important to me. One day, I would like to be able to grow them outside and not have Monsanto's goons searching my field for their genetics so that they could sue me for everything I own. If you don't think they would do that with cannabis - think again....they already do that with their other crops.
Populations with strong, varied, useful genes survive...

Populations without either stagnate and slowly decline or just never take hold in an area to being with.

If you place so much faith in nature you should believe it'll right
To say nothing of the fact that nature" attacks" the same dna randomly with virus. And the human race was molded by virus.

And when you are crossing hybrids or marrying a blond, you are attacking the dna for undesirable traits.

He doesn't enough, yet, but hopefully, no longer too lazy to find out.
That's because you dont know a fucking thing about the consequences of skipping steps in evolution.

Let us hear your exulted expertise. What do you know about evolution if you think there are steps to skip?

You are talking Gods design, not science. Ya see, Science knows evolution is not going "anywhere" no steps in the process, no ultimate goal.

So, when we get to the very idea of "proper" consequence of which the outcome is jacked by "skipping steps?".....that means you are so lost as to not make any sense, at all.
learn the difference between genetically modified and genetically engineered

You are bringing nothing. Its the Confucius parable. "It is when we open our mouths we can be thought of as the fool."

Let's here your distinction. In technical detail please.

I'm talking but you are not reading....already you have convenced me.

To say nothing of the fact that nature" attacks" the same dna randomly with virus. And the human race was molded by virus.

And when you are crossing hybrids or marrying a blond, you are attacking the dna for undesirable traits.

He doesn't enough, yet, but hopefully, no longer too lazy to find out.
if you cant find non-GMO soya you didnt look very hard.

it's easy to grow, if you want organic edemame, or even if you wist to make your own non-gmo bean curd you can process the beans from your own garden quite handily.

another specious claim laid to rest.

thanks google
CAM00295.jpgOne more for discussion. ...articles to be found in the hawaii tribune

Sorry for the upside down, hard to read image,..but ya, articles in hawaii tribune all week