Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Do the leg work're intelligent enough, right? I'm adding to's all there on the net to's and con's of GMO... straight from the people who deal with this situation on a daily basis....don't like doing leg work? Then don't..i said where to look, the hawaii tribune
Well, not really adding anything, I can get. What do they mean by released?

a crop "release" is a permit to grow a particular cultivar which had been subject to injunction or prohibition for any reason.


Red Currants are forbidden to be grown in many regions, and the Black Currant was completely illegal in the US as these plants are a host for Pine Blister Rust disease, but the Black Currant cultivar named "Consort" was "released" since it cannot host pine blister rust, while all other cultivars of Black Currant are still banned, and most regions still prohibit Red Currant.

the same holds true for new GMO and hybrid cultivars, they are generally prohibited except for clinical trials, and if they are deemed worthy, they are "released" for cultivation by farmers and home gardeners.
but discussing GMO CROP RELEASES sounds scary, like they were enraged by flash photography, broke their chains and are rampaging through the countryside.

if the GMO-nazis have to explain themselves, the shit wont sound terrifying to those with no understanding of agriculture.

you should have done the legwork yourself. they dont have to explain themselves to you, they are on the side of gaia!
Ummm keep posting and make yourself sound more retard with every post. ..the articles are neutral, they talk of both sides..i entered this thread as a neutral, but it just goes to show where your agenda is at talking the way you do...
under there stupid ass laws and shit, if a monsanto seeded plant, where to somehow become planted on a farmers land that was not a monsanto farmer, the corporation could take them to court (win by crazy money, there the walmart of the growing world) and take the fuckers farm/garden... NO WAY! Just google there damn name, they are nothing but bad news for farmers, world wide.
Monsanto GMO clinical trials are as valid as DEA sanctioned clinical trials for the medical validity of cannabis~

--fapping to the future responses of pro-Monsanto nazis (GMO is an excellent science under the RIGHT hands.. lol ., too bad its ran by a bunch of supreme douches)
under there stupid ass laws and shit, if a monsanto seeded plant, where to somehow become planted on a farmers land that was not a monsanto farmer, the corporation could take them to court (win by crazy money, there the walmart of the growing world) and take the fuckers farm/garden... NO WAY! Just google there damn name, they are nothing but bad news for farmers, world wide.

Oh bullshit. You have no idea. You are following crazy woo-woo Shamanism and just believe the daily prayer.

That is not happening in the way you describle.

And google it?? The Shaman crowd has pushed the truth to page 3 for google, in any can be found.

What happens is this a royalty. Now BeBop Smith the DJ can play stuff he stole on the internet and make money doing it but he is breaking the law. And, if he gets pushy about Free Music, No Royalty!!!, he can become a target.

So, you go out into your field and find corn you didn't plant. Hey, you didn't buy or plant that corn. You know this.

It not a landrace maze corn or a thistle weed. You know what it is. So, that is not illegal and no body gets sued for raising that corn and eating it or feeding your own pigs.

But, you can't cultivated that to save the seed corn. You can't suddenly show a big acreage of Monstanto cash crop.

It is so uniform, it sticks out to the Monsanto field guys that are working with the other farmers.

You are now stealing seed corn. Get a lawyer. You will need it.
Well, true about cotton. But, Roundup Ready corn and soya is a bust.

Don't know the papaya story. I cannot provide any evidence +/- on heath factors.
lol@u ..this is a i supposed to beat my chest and sling insults like the lot of you?? I'm spitting facts, not go the legwork instead of playing armchair quarterback...

This goes out to no one in particular but just the thread itself iN General..can't have a decent conversation in politics without all the bs
lol@u ..this is a i supposed to beat my chest and sling insults like the lot of you?? I'm spitting facts, not go the legwork instead of playing armchair quarterback...

This goes out to no one in particular but just the thread itself i. General

i'am insulted that you are not insulting others, how Fn dare you-- Sir! :clap:
lol@u ..this is a i supposed to beat my chest and sling insults like the lot of you?? I'm spitting facts, not go the legwork instead of playing armchair quarterback...

This goes out to no one in particular but just the thread itself iN General..can't have a decent conversation in politics without all the bs

But, you said it like it was a bad thing and now you are being a cry baby. So, don't a drop flat statement of fettered non-content in a drive by post, and then come back and act almighty like we don't understand your last toss off sentence.

See, I agreed with you but not that it is bad. But, it is a good thing to me.

You don't like disagreement. Shit walks. Go walk around?