Monster Marijuana Tree Harvest In Nepal

whats happenin farmers. been busy yo. tried to make some ice water hash. this is the first time i made it. the first couple of times the hash was hard but then the hash started gettin creamier n creamier. hash makin is fun.
I'd grow all the time outdoors if I could. Good bag seed comes out exquisite with just spring water and chicken poop. Rivals all the best weed in California. A healthy tree fends off insects on her own and I never stole electricity, or brought in bags of foreign soil. Or worried about someone stealing my grow cause it was my land. Reading all these instructions and criticisms and bragging rights and whose led is bigger and more expensive n so much green thumb it smells gangrene at times is a drag. Even good bag seed can bring a smile, relax the mind, and body, promote peace on the planet and peace in the body. It grows good anywhere. Happy growing nirakar. You rock.
Is that catapillar eating your buds? Do you have budworm problems? Just curious what type on insect problems you have at your location. Here in Nor Cal budworms are terrible. Love those Sativas.
here ppl dont use nothin on their ganja plants.. i hike to villages n see all them ganja trees growin n take pics n harvest some n ask them villagers wat nutes they use n they laugh sayin u aint got to feed notin to them ganja trees..yes i see bugs in them plants like worms, grass hoppers. heck man sometimes i even see snakes when i am really stoned. farmers dont even water them plants. the plants growin in my granny;s house never watered too. all the water they get is durin the rainy season which was a lot this year n by the time the rainy season has ended they grown into trees with roots goin way way deep...

you need to give those plants more direct light. The only reason they are so tall is because they are stretching for the sun. More sunlight will make them more compact and stronger. Also if you put them in an area that gets more wind they will grow stronger stalks. Your plants need more light trust me on that. At least your doing the work and as long as you get good advice you will learn what can be done different for each grow. Good luck and don't listen to the negative.
Nice plants! Do you grow enough to last you the winter months? Is it cheap to buy ganja there?
the video u seein is a backyard garden n it get no sun durin the winter. yet it still doin good. but u seen how huge these trees can get when they get all the sun they want. i am just makin use of the only garden i have in my home. all the other trees u see my harvest r like guerrilla harvest. i am a ganja farmer without no land n i hope this change pretty soon. i wanna grow ganja jungles now........ n the reason they not stretched is coz i topped them a lot n i planted them around august. if i had planted them around april may they would have been trees which would not be good in that small garden. so this year i tried to spread my plants around that small garden n make all my plants not get huge, this way i can reach all the parts of my plants while i inspect them everyday... only 1 plant u see in my garden was from seed which was first grown in a pot. the rest r all clones.
n the reason to plant late was the later i plant the less changes my plants gettin pollinated with a lot of male pollen. i have been growin ganja since 2009. most think i know nothin about what i am doin hahaha yah at first i just threw seeds n them popped out but over the years i have learned a lot about the strains i grow here. n the plants that r harvest around September October have a lot more seeds than the plants u harvest around november n december.
i need feminined marijuana seeds tat retract pollen yo. get into ur labs n make them seeds....:mrgreen: coz i am sure u could make seeds like that. i see sometimes when i hike to villages where ganja is growin in plenty males females all of them all together but yet u will find a plant that is lot lot less pollinated then the other females..