
Well-Known Member
Where I'm from; very north continental u.s. the beginning seems right to being in mid spring (may 15 - 20 ). Proceed to my grow where it is tucked nicely away in weeden. A lot of amish folk live around my town (population 5,000) and have lumber mills and what have you so I go to the local Amish lumber yards and grab scrape maple ply scrap about one - two feet high 4 foot long and about one inch thick. I manufacture my own raised bed with these boards. After making these boxes leave the bottom s open, and make sure you take all of the sod out of the ground underneath the box perfectly so the box can kind of sit in the ground maybe 1 or 2 inches nice and snug. Now proceed to put about 15 feet diameter of small hole chicken wire around the grow circle with the raised bed perfectly in the middle. This will keep away all kinds of small animal pests that will eat your beautiful ganj goddesses. Its kind of funny that animals enjoy a plant that is illegal in the u.s., but back on track. Fill your raised bed with any good mixture of soil mixes. sometimes I use barn scrappings and 2 or 3 year old manure that has turned into pure black dirt basically. use pete moss earthworm castings and guano properly according to dose based on how much dirt you have. Now most people I know that grow don't do this but I do, that is to start your plants right after new years inside and get them about 4 foot tall and sexed (if mommas, clones no worrry) I take them from inside and bring them out around may 15 - 20 and transplant them into my raised beds. Throughout the year I make special trips once a weekend to feed my ganja goddesses a well dose cocktail of P and K and sugars to help ripen all those swolen glands she will acheive not too long down the road. Throughout the year make sure you pay attention to drought and rain forecasts, don't worry too much if there is a small drought if there is a mediocre to severe drought obviously worry, but since all the sod was removed and your raised bed is actually connected well into the earths very own the roots will grow deep. especially of when you transplant your goddesses make sure to dig halfway to the wholeway to the earth.. put your goddesses in and fill them right back up so the roots are already there. Now this has worked great for me and a few older guys that taught me how to boogie it. If anyone has any input or wants to ask me any questions about this please don't hesitate because ya never just know what could happen.


sorry I pinched the skunk and forgot to explain the rest this is the edit to finish what i began.

Through the beginning of spring and through the summer ledge your plants which means bend them over and tie them down so they run parrallel with the ground. as the later months and budding starts to occur this is going to be reversed, the buds will get heavey and the plants will want to fall and lay on the ground. You can't let this happen, if you are in the woods find some branches that have a nice crutch in them and stick them in the ground every foot or so until your whole plant is resting nicely in the middle of all those v's and never touches the ground that will consume it. As your plant grows normal branches that would be smaller buds on the bottom of your plant if you grew it normal will actually turn into huge giant headies, just as big as a normal headie, but the difference is now since you have done this with the plant you have multiplied the main headie count by however long and how many branches your goddess has. now I dare someone to try this as soon as possible because once you see what happens you will never forget why you started growing in the first place. Thanks and excuse my broken story for I got blazed and went into a daze and forgot what i stated for a bout a day and about a day later I remembered I had to complete this. Peace
Wow! Thats a helluva first post.
i'm thinking you joined RIU just to make that post?either way, welcome and make yourself at home... :bigjoint:


Active Member
"before you try and belittle me again, maybe you should look at my post count and my reputation, then look at yours....then logic might strike you some sense!!!!" -LBz

What sorta BS is that?? My post count is low as is my rep. Thats `cos I only just started using this forum. I have been growing for some years now, so thats not mighty logic is it?


Well-Known Member
if you grow in ground instead of in pots they will grow bigger, now for the people that have read fdd's "It's all Bullshit" page you might argue with me nut even he said that you can grow monsters in pots but they will just grow bigger in ground


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can grow "monsters" in a pot, but ITS way eaiser to do it in the ground for sure.

Step 2, Love and Care for your plant
Step 3, Feed only the best ingredients
Step 4, Watter, Watter often
Step 5, Let the Magic Begin.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can grow "monsters" in a pot, but ITS way eaiser to do it in the ground for sure.

Step 2, Love and Care for your plant
Step 3, Feed only the best ingredients
Step 4, Watter, Watter often
Step 5, Let the Magic Begin.
so far heres what i have...
-start it now, and transplant outside in april/may
-good strain
-alot of nitrogen [fish in hole, maybe]
-big hole
-good sun
-plenty of water
-good nutes [VHO/Advanced Nutrients]
-love and some TLC


Active Member
I think all these ideas from everyone are a great start on ideal conditions to start a monster. When it comes down to it though either your a farmer or not. I would consider my first grow a monster and I started end of June and have no experience at all and used none of these methods.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
I think all these ideas from everyone are a great start on ideal conditions to start a monster. When it comes down to it though either your a farmer or not. I would consider my first grow a monster and I started end of June and have no experience at all and used none of these methods.:leaf:
wow. i had one that i started last year at they end of may and it only got ~4.5', but it should be done in about a month... what did you do to do that?


Well-Known Member
because sunday is gods day and were all gettin stoned... haha its because its the end of our weekend and we dont wanna waste it on the computer


Well-Known Member
do u think cops r actually on this site.... if so i wanna say what up to all my porkers nigga... what up to my badge wearin home boys... little fucker from an ugly mother peace love to ya strap ya bullet proof vest on every time u go out the door cuz u know people gunnin for ya... ya digg one love rastafari


Well-Known Member
i dont think youd like the cops that are on THIS i dont care cause im legal..jsut thought it would be fun to put out the idea hehehe..


Well-Known Member
have any of y'all every gotten REALLY baked and then gone to a church service? it makes everything more understandible. only downside is the sick feeling in your stomach thats telling you that you're going to hell...


Well-Known Member
have any of y'all every gotten REALLY baked and then gone to a church service? it makes everything more understandible. only downside is the sick feeling in your stomach thats telling you that you're going to hell...
you are absolutely i get that feeling too.. but i know god just loves me being there... lol... actually i havent gone to church in 10+ years


Active Member
fish thing works ive done it b4 we do it all the time in australia even with dead kangaroos theres a guy here on riu that has done it with previous monsters, its in grow diaries somewhere.

ok the fish thing works, if you live in australia where there aren't animals called racoons and bears. if you plant your plants outside anywhere these critters roam they will find it. i have had a whole harvest dug up by coons, and its sickening. i thought the same thing as anyone else who has thought to grow like an indian, i went down to a river which is spring fed and caught some of the best small suckers you can find blened them up for fert. then plant 3 feet in the ground beneath my babies, came back the next day and they were dug up and stressed too much to revive. just a personal experience, but if you must try it go for it. let me know how you do. i suggest setting 3-4 coon traps with canned sardines to keep the coons from messing up your harvest.;-)


Well-Known Member
ok the fish thing works, if you live in australia where there aren't animals called racoons and bears. if you plant your plants outside anywhere these critters roam they will find it. i have had a whole harvest dug up by coons, and its sickening. i thought the same thing as anyone else who has thought to grow like an indian, i went down to a river which is spring fed and caught some of the best small suckers you can find blened them up for fert. then plant 3 feet in the ground beneath my babies, came back the next day and they were dug up and stressed too much to revive. just a personal experience, but if you must try it go for it. let me know how you do. i suggest setting 3-4 coon traps with canned sardines to keep the coons from messing up your harvest.;-)
would it work if i out ScrOG cages around it?


Active Member
yeah give it a shot:-P if you put out a horse feed that is really high in copper the coons will eat it and die. be careful b/c that stuff can kill a bunch of different animals. it will should kill them off for you though. i dont have a name but check a local feed supplier, its a horse feed that is high in copper we just started to use it on our ranch.