Montgomery pushing for dispensaries and private growers - caregivers to stop


Active Member
It would really make my day to find out this hard on died in his sleep.

Getting sick of this fuck face.

Decided to go out all Perez Hilton on his ass. Might get really motivated later and break out the CS3 and start shopping his Mormon ass into some gay porn.



Active Member
Would be better to find an old pic of him back when he attended Cortez High School smoking Pot.....

This is what former attorney Mel Mcdonald said about prosecuting medical marijuana patients & caregivers in Arizona...


Follow his lead Bill.....


New Member
This guy is amazing. Right after the judge in the Sun City case said its ok to zone for a dispensary, Montomery rears his commie head and files another case to the AZ superior court:

Montgomery claims the impact would be greater. He contends if the Supreme Court accepts his legal arguments it would wipe out the entire Arizona Medical Marijuana Act
Great post. Lets all hope they shut down the dispensaries and we can all grow.