Month and a half and already flowering?

I have a friend that planted her plants on February 15th and now they are about 7 inches tall, 1 of them is flowering the other is not, should she just keep it in a flowering mode or try to get it back into veggie mode. It is already showing pistols.


Active Member
You're only getting about 10.5 hrs of light on Feb 15, that's why it flowered. I don't know if it will finish, but I would bet it won't before it revegetates. The days are quickly getting longer. I'd like to see how it turns out, you'll probably have a big, happy plant by the end of the summer.
I just took out the other plant that wasn't showing it's sex and transplanted it into another bucket but the leaves turned curly and looks like it won't be making it. I am going to just wait for a while and maybe pluck some clones. Do you know when the best time for clone plucking is? I want to get some kind of bud from this little fellow


Active Member
It's best to take clones from healthy vegetating plants. That said, If I'm in a rush I'll take a clone that includes the third node of a young plant (leaving two nodes), then in a few weeks you can take more clones as the plant forms side shoots in response to being topped. Once they're rooted, be good to them. Give them at least a few weeks under lights if you can, and don't plant outside until after May 1st. Planting them outside before they're ready and while the ground is still cold only leads to frustration for you and the plants. Good luck, it would be great to hear how you turn out.
thanks man I appreciate the help. I just put an order in for a few seeds so I am just using bag seeds to see how it'll turn out but so far I Have been putting the baby girl in darkness after 12 hours so I can get some budda from her sooner than later. I have another going I'll post pictures after she is done blossuming