Month into grow. Kinda Saggy?


Well-Known Member
ive seen people with 2 plants have double that many lights.... i tried using cfls but i figured out that nothing is better then a 150watt hps light for a small grow like that... if u cant get a 150 hps or dont want to then ide say throw another 6 cfls in there... also are you testing the run off water on the plant or the water before you water the plant... i also found out that the lithmus paper doesnt work very good so i got a 20 dollar digital ph meter.. nothing beats the digital... post some pic later.. ill check it out late tonight


So your plants are sitting in a bucket with no drainage holes or whatsoever and you are feeding her nutes, so i would suggest to cut some holes into the bottom, and set them in a saucer to collect the runoff water after each watering, and also give her a little flush, it could be that everytime youve been watering her that the water has accumelated at the bottom and is drowning your roots, or through the same problem salts could be causing your roots to rot, wouldnt mind you pulling the plants out the pot and take a quick pic so i can see what your roots are looking like, my advice is to concentrate more on the roots and soil


Well-Known Member
when you water do your leaves perk up? if so it's probably under watered. If they never straighten out and always sag like that, it's likely due to over watering. It's also nice to post some info about your grow when your asking people to help you out, ex nutes, lights, soil type, etc...


Well-Known Member
yea thats pro;;y enuf ..... but some simple nutes might also be worth considering. Some lower leaves yellowing and wilting is normal, but caution if the phenom continues ..... good luck. from the first set to second set the plants improved huge. Just keep giving 'em da luv! Walk On!!~~~ :blsmoke:
Well I have 5 26watters and 3 40watters. Thats prolly enough for only 2 plants, but I dont know?


Active Member
Holy cow sooo much for me to read...... but yes I have drainage holes. Ill get some more lights buddies and my plants seem to be always perkin. ha I guesss there days of sagging are over!


Active Member
Thanks buddies. How could I get that temp down? Its in a closet in my basement. Its pretty cold down there at night and warmer during the day. So i turn my lights off at 12pm and turn them on at 6pm.