
I love me some MOOG Guitar Pedals.

I have every guitar pedal they ever made, though no pics of all of them.
The big pedals are called??
Small ones are called?

They stopped making them 2 years ago, and went up insanely in value.

The Delay alone is worth at least $1800

Ive got 3 of the large MF104Ms, and 2 of the MF104M-Super Delays. They got for $3000
Isao Tomita, is the JIMI HENDRIX of the MOOG synth. Sadly he died a couple years ago.

Tomita also did all mixing, engineering, production ect. A true genius.

Thanks, I've never heard that before, he's good, I enjoyed that.
Have you heard Bernie Worrell? He has been called the Jimi Hendrix of the Moog synth, he was a child prodigy, was writing concertos at age eight, did mixing, engineering, production, etc, and unfortunately died a few years ago also.
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