More About LED Lights

One thing that has helped is using some LEDs as side lights.

What ever for?
Lower budding does not need that direct light to grow and fill out. It is nice to have it for ripening.
Still, you can simply harvest all the mature top buds and let the lower ones go another 2 weeks...BTW, those lower, now ripened buds, will have higher THC counts then those uppers anyway!

LOWER budding on a GG#4 plant
I have made some real progress in figuring this out. As unlikely as it seems, I need to give plants in flowering more water. I started add a little peat moss to soil to bring the acid level up. That works great but it makes the soil more absorbent. I harvested one of my plants yesterday and was surprised that the root ball was much smaller than usual. There was way too much dryness close to the bottom. I am guessing that since LED lights are more efficient, they probably draw more moisture out of the soil than CFLs did. New plants going into flowering are going to get a lot more water. The original concern was that led lights were working extraordinarily well in vegetative but made no difference in flowering. I am betting that more water will make a lot of difference. I can see that some lights would work better in vegetative than in flowering but a huge difference is not realistic. Anyway, I am going to try going with more water since what I was doing was inadequate.