More Bubble Issues


Active Member
Okay, maybe someone can tell me what's going on here.. *sigh*

Two problems.

The leaves are curled and browning. And I think there might be mold on the stems.

Those don't look like stems, and that white blotch looks like mold to me.

Also, there is a slightly odd smell.

This started happening after I began using the Formulex Clonex nutrient solution in the water.

I really feel disillusioned by all of this..


Wow I'd be going apeshit if I was having as many issues with cloning as you do but I don't.
It certainly looks like you're flogging a dead horse.
The symptoms you describe had already started even before you added nutes to your bubbler reservoir, they are just progressing
Time to consider ordering some seeds if you want to continue with this moneyball, otherwise you'll never make enough money to buy my house from under me.


Well-Known Member
Okay, maybe someone can tell me what's going on here.. *sigh*

Two problems.

The leaves are curled and browning. And I think there might be mold on the stems.

Those don't look like stems, and that white blotch looks like mold to me.

Also, there is a slightly odd smell.

This started happening after I began using the Formulex Clonex nutrient solution in the water.

I really feel disillusioned by all of this..
ur trying to clone a flowering clone hard at the best of times


Well-Known Member
Add h2o2, but I don't think those clones will survive anymore. Do you change your cloners water every few days? Your water Temps must be alot higher than originally thought


Active Member
Wow I'd be going apeshit if I was having as many issues with cloning as you do but I don't.
It certainly looks like you're flogging a dead horse.
The symptoms you describe had already started even before you added nutes to your bubbler reservoir, they are just progressing
Time to consider ordering some seeds if you want to continue with this moneyball, otherwise you'll never make enough money to buy my house from under me.
Well, I hadn't buying your house, but it's not a bad idea. I'd watch out, if I were you.

As for the seeds, yeah.. it seems that way.

its pulling nutes from ur leaves trying to bud gota shock it out of flower be4 she will grow any roots

Add h2o2, but I don't think those clones will survive anymore. Do you change your cloners water every few days? Your water Temps must be alot higher than originally thought
Add H2O2 to the water? Wouldn't that kill the cuttings? It's kind of like adding bleach, isn't it?

No, my water temps are low. 75-80F. I check every day and I have an AC next to it.


Well-Known Member
No h2o2 is a disinfectant. It's hydroton and oxygen . . Basically water, once it breaks down in 24 hours. It prevents things such as what your experiencing.


Well-Known Member
Water = h2o
Peroxide =h2o2 (one extra oxygen molecule than water. If you read around, you can find the levels in mL to add to your water. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
For any new equipment, I'd highly recommend running a very mild bleach solution through it before adding plants. Maybe a capful of bleach. Then clean it, then run fresh water through it and rinse throughly.

At this point you could try doing a h2o2 dunk on the stems. It probably won't work but it's worth a shot if it's your only clones . They'll be very stressed. If you can get some new clones that would be best though. Try gently getting the mold off and dunk it in h2o2 then rinse (use the search to read up about the h2o2 dunk first). You might get lucky and be able to save a couple

Good luck man
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Well-Known Member
Rapid rooter plugs and a humidity dome.
aerocloners are the worst. Plugs are fool proof and fast. A heating mat helps speed things along. Also, I've held rooted clones in plugs for as long as six weeks and they'll just sit there idling until you are ready for them. Try that in an aero unit.


Well-Known Member
aerocloners are the worst. Plugs are fool proof and fast. A heating mat helps speed things along. Also, I've held rooted clones in plugs for as long as six weeks and they'll just sit there idling until you are ready for them. Try that in an aero unit.
His is a bubble cloner, I've had success with Aero cloners but they definitely are a pita sometimes. I switched to bubble cloners recently and love it, 100% success rate so far. I'll have to look into the plugs though, definitely can not leave the clones in a bubbler for 6 weeks. I have to change the water every few days which can be annoying.


Well-Known Member
I have a tray with a styrofoam insert that fits plugs exactly and floats. All I use is rootone and ro water.