More bud rot


Well-Known Member
Nah, I didn't mean that they need dried really fast, like in a microwave, just not excessively so. If you leave the cupboard door open, or at least crack it, that'll be a good start. Air circulation is most important, so make sure you have plenty of air flowing around the area. if not directly, at least indirectly. As long as they have their air exchanged regularly, and don't hang for more than a week, they'll be fine. Also, keep the temps over 70*, and less than 90*. If they aren't in complete darkness, it won't hurt them either, just as long as the light isn't direct.

Of course, this isn't the ideal way to dry bud, it's a method that'll save you from ruining anymore of your smoke, and lots of hard work. :)


Well-Known Member
Nah, I didn't mean that they need dried really fast, like in a microwave, just not excessively so. If you leave the cupboard door open, or at least crack it, that'll be a good start. Air circulation is most important, so make sure you have plenty of air flowing around the area. if not directly, at least indirectly. As long as they have their air exchanged regularly, and don't hang for more than a week, they'll be fine. Also, keep the temps over 70*, and less than 90*. If they aren't in complete darkness, it won't hurt them either, just as long as the light isn't direct.

Of course, this isn't the ideal way to dry bud, it's a method that'll save you from ruining anymore of your smoke, and lots of hard work. :)
yea thanks man for your help. i left my cupboard open just a crack when i came to work this morning. i think everything should be cool.
now its just if the smokes nice. i think it will still be seeing as it was so close to harvest. i still got the botom, half to hrvest anyway, so that should be alot better when i do.
