Cap and trade turns pollution into a commodity. Its not a bad idea as long as there are lower standards set. It would give companies incentives to lower emissions on there own without government interference. Which is what I always hear people preaching.
Private businesses would save and make money by lowering pollution emissions.
I think your insane if you really think it's a bad idea. The only other alternative is force emission standards by law which would only cost private industry money. This is the best solution I have heard. And don't say pollution is not a problem.
ONLY thing Cap & Trade will accomplish is to outsource more pollution to China, India, and other places that don't mind us shitting on them. Which will result in polluting the Earth
MORE than we already do. A side effect to this accomplishment will be less manufacturing jobs, and less coal fired power plants on US soil. {a much dirtier coal plant, burning slave mined coal will be opened in China to replace it} That and Congress gets a big pile of money to invest in Green energy, because we are too ignorant to invest that same money {which comes from us} ourselves.
Not what I would call "forward thinking". The supposed forward thinking {liberal} politicians who propose Cap and Trade should apologize, and stop referring to themselves as Liberal {forward thinking}.