More Guns = More Safer

Trump amd the right wants to give guns to teachers. Even give them "bonuses" for doing so. Alot of people are on board with this. What about a depressed low paid unbalanced public school teacher who just had even more benefit cuts...with a gun? Matter of fact didnt something like this just happen yesterday in Georgia??? Thankfully the school was safely evacuated and no one was hurt. But the nut job school teacher (with a pistol) managed to barricade himself in a classroom and fired off a shot before being talked down..surrendering and arrested. And wouldnt you know..the right is saying this incident is big conspiracy to take away our guns and its too coincidental with the timing. Fukin crazy. Just fukin crazy. So let's let teachers have some guns in schools now. We will be safer biggly!!!
From the article:
"The Sanctuary Church says they expect “hundreds” of people to come with their iron scepters for the blessing. This group is a “breakaway faction” of the Unification Church, and run by the son of Rev. Sun Myung Moon..."

Sun Myung Moon's other son owns KAHR firearms
I will say

I love my kahr k 40 :)

One of the best little carry guns around though shes a little heavy :)