More jobs thanks POTUS

I really think all of these Trump fans are Star Struck, The love the apprentice show and dream of being on it, of course with Donald.
What else could it be, Everything Trump Bullied Hillary on He is doing, and Trumpsters stood behind him chanting lock her up, with Flynn leading the Parade, Now Trump is doing 10 times the same shit they were all slamming Clinton for, and they're okay with it. I mean WTF..... Goldman Sachs, Hiring people with money,working for the Poor, now Dumb Dumb Say's, " I don't like Poor people working for me" " I like Rich People working for me" What do you think People? thats a good thing hey?
I have to ask Why are you standing behind a guy that is doing worse things than he said H.C was going to do, and you people were up in arms about it. But now it's Okay...... Are you just to Bullheaded to change your Views ?
I really think all of these Trump fans are Star Struck, The love the apprentice show and dream of being on it, of course with Donald.
What else could it be, Everything Trump Bullied Hillary on He is doing, and Trumpsters stood behind him chanting lock her up, with Flynn leading the Parade, Now Trump is doing 10 times the same shit they were all slamming Clinton for, and they're okay with it. I mean WTF..... Goldman Sachs, Hiring people with money,working for the Poor, now Dumb Dumb Say's, " I don't like Poor people working for me" " I like Rich People working for me" What do you think People? thats a good thing hey?
I have to ask Why are you standing behind a guy that is doing worse things than he said H.C was going to do, and you people were up in arms about it. But now it's Okay...... Are you just to Bullheaded to change your Views ?
They're Cucks, they like the humiliation when he fucks then and squirts on their face then sends them home without cab-fare.
presidents do not control fiscal policy genius.

Had spending and revenue been held at the exact rates they were the day before Obama was sworn in, the debt today would be $14 trillion. Bush was handed a budget surplus and turned it into a huge budget deficit which along with a tanking economy is what he handed off to Obama. If you retards understood how ANYTHING works you'd sound a lot less stupid to the rest of us.
presidents do not control fiscal policy genius.
Won't matter who it is, China is on the brink of full fiscal control over USA.