More jobs thanks POTUS

remember how abandonconflict then posted your whiny, crying PMs to me on the public forum and didn't get banned and you deleted thread after thread?
Damn -- this sick, twisted fuck has had quite a history here! It's been recommended by several that I put him into 'ignore' mode but it's kind of like watching a car accident in slow motion. It's hard to look away even when you know you should.
Damn -- this sick, twisted fuck has had quite a history here! It's been recommended by several that I put him into 'ignore' mode but it's kind of like watching a car accident in slow motion. It's hard to look away even when you know you should.

You're infatuated.
You're infatuated.
With poking the stupid with a stick?
Damn -- this sick, twisted fuck has had quite a history here! It's been recommended by several that I put him into 'ignore' mode but it's kind of like watching a car accident in slow motion. It's hard to look away even when you know you should.

yeah, he's a real bag of shit alright. used to be the grand poobah here. even had everyone rooting for him once we found out he was busted.

then he spent his last few days before prison lashing out at everyone on here, basically proving what a bitter piece of shit he was.

then he came back as 'sheskunk', which i identified as him pretty much immediately. he denied it for months before admitting it, and asked me not to tell anyone. but he was such a piece of shit that i told everyone and he cried even more, got even more bitter.

now he's universally despised here, and known as a snitch.

definitely not worth ignoring, his meltdowns are spectacular.
yeah, he's a real bag of shit alright. used to be the grand poobah here. even had everyone rooting for him once we found out he was busted.

then he spent his last few days before prison lashing out at everyone on here, basically proving what a bitter piece of shit he was.

then he came back as 'sheskunk', which i identified as him pretty much immediately. he denied it for months before admitting it, and asked me not to tell anyone. but he was such a piece of shit that i told everyone and he cried even more, got even more bitter.

now he's universally despised here, and known as a snitch.

definitely not worth ignoring, his meltdowns are spectacular.

Nice wall of text on me. I'm flattered.
Once Chaffetz manages to sell the land you enjoy so much you can never get it back. Once the owner trashes it, you won't want it. A national monument can be returned to BLM multiple use status. Just saying, you have more in common with environmental groups than with Republicans.

Once Chaffetz manages to sell the land you enjoy so much you can never get it back. Once the owner trashes it, you won't want it. A national monument can be returned to BLM multiple use status. Just saying, you have more in common with environmental groups than with Republicans.


holy fuck you are dumb. beyond all hope. no wonder the government has to send you a subsistence check just to keep you alive, and even with that i'm still kinda wondering how you manage.
Once Chaffetz manages to sell the land you enjoy so much you can never get it back. Once the owner trashes it, you won't want it. A national monument can be returned to BLM multiple use status. Just saying, you have more in common with environmental groups than with Republicans.

Link to what? What would you like me to substantiate or provide more information about? I posted a link to the bill that Chaffetz wrote. He submitted it five consecutive years. Is that what you want a link to?
Once Chaffetz manages to sell the land you enjoy so much you can never get it back. Once the owner trashes it, you won't want it. A national monument can be returned to BLM multiple use status. Just saying, you have more in common with environmental groups than with Republicans.


There is many more if you care to dig.
And why would Exxon pass on this only to sell to Multi-Nationals???
...because it wouldn't look right if all the lobbying dollars to weaken EPA came from one corp.

We seriously need to have a talk with the "Global Chairman".