More Money then Brains -OR- hey look I got a new Tamisium Extractor!


Active Member
The manual is amazing, not your comprehension. . I was kudo ing your purchase, sending good vibes to you, and suggesting that if you already have an understanding of solvent extraction, polarity, and water solubility, that this maching will be a beautiful piece of functional art.
And, if you do not have this experience, or knowledge, that the manual is amazing. You see, we started with the object in the conversation-that would be the ....."simple manual......It's amazing...without an understanding..... and art...with an understanding.
what part of that could possibly imply that without a chemistry degree, one may be incapable of following instructions??

with this in mind, you, quite possibly, may have difficulty reading the manual, with or without a degree. no offense, but you kind of spelled it out for us.


Active Member
the fact you saw no wisdom, nor offered any appreciation for any of the pearls of operational wisdom here, after spending over a grand, tells all. This info alone could save the first time tami user hundreds of dollars in material, as well as many failed extractions. oh, you are most welcome anyway.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
the fact you saw no wisdom, nor offered any appreciation for any of the pearls of operational wisdom here, after spending over a grand, tells all. This info alone could save the first time tami user hundreds of dollars in material, as well as many failed extractions. oh, you are most welcome anyway.
I misread your post. I apologize. And I do appreciate you sharing your experience with them.

But still, I just asked a question. You could be less condescending.


Active Member
Dan Kone

You are right, too big of a hammer, I am sorry. stay safe and have fun with the new toy. I love mine.(easy to use, and cool to show!) the seller will not discuss details for marijuana ex, unforturnately.


Active Member
sure thing man, just got done evaporating the carrier solvent, now ready to mag stir with activated charcoal, then it gets cut with some 'shine, vanilla, warmed to decarboxylate, and bottled into mini sprayers for an under the tongue solo, or an errogenous zone licker for two. this slick is from 9 oz of Ace of Spades, a black cherry soda hybrid. absolutely killer spray. I use a Hashmati Bell Curve to vaporize the oil, when feeling classy, but when knowbodys lookin, I use the glass ball/stem thing !!

Tokes to ya !


Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
sure thing man, just got done evaporating the carrier solvent, now ready to mag stir with activated charcoal, then it gets cut with some 'shine, vanilla, warmed to decarboxylate, and bottled into mini sprayers for an under the tongue solo, or an errogenous zone licker for two. this slick is from 9 oz of Ace of Spades, a black cherry soda hybrid. absolutely killer spray. I use a Hashmati Bell Curve to vaporize the oil, when feeling classy, but when knowbodys lookin, I use the glass ball/stem thing !!

Tokes to ya !
lookin good! Will you explain " now ready to mag stir with activated charcoal" in more detail please? What is the purpose and process for doing this?

Also how is ace of spades? I've been curious about it. Does it really yield good and does it color up well?


Active Member
sure, its no biggy. stirring in activated charcoal(filtered out later of course) removes many more impurities like waxes and fats and chlorophyl. Its used in labs for this purpose, and also many water filtration systems, to do the same. It makes for a more pure product. I use a magnetic stirrer, with the oil in a pyrex, and the ceraminc stirrer in the pyrex with the oil. the magnet machine spins, and spins the solution also, via the ceramic coated steel stir rod. making stirring much faster and thorough. got it for under a hundy on amazon


Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
sorry, I know I'm asking a lot here. But if you get some time could you do a step by step demonstration for the class? I'm still not entirely clear on how this process works.

Again, sorry for being a pain in the ass. But if you get some free time I'm sure everyone would love to see this process.


Active Member

So do you heat it and stir with the charcoal then strain in a coffee filter or metal screen for your finished product?


Active Member
which part of the process would you like to explore? not a problem at all. the tamisium process is online, but if theres more you want, let me know in detail. I put water in the pyrex so you could see the vortex spinning in the center. replaced with the oil, does the same thing. Over 500 different strains grown, ace of spades may be in my top 5 now. untrained she gives me 2-4 oz of big rocks like most, but coaxed a little that doubles. the most unique flavors and stone I've had. breeder says its like your first high again, pretty close I'd say. no tolerance buildup issues, stinks awesome, get some. if could only have one strain, shes it.

When tami is finished extracting(200grams liquid tane, twice, a few minutes apart)the product,after all butane is recovered, and its carrier solvent is poured through 000 steel wool. then heated to decarb, and evap the solvent. after the solvent is gone(by weight) then its decided what to use the oil for. it is awesome vaped, smoked, or ingested right now. If further purification is desired the oil is again gently heated, (less viscous) and auto mixed for awhile with activated charcoal, filtered out when done, for a finished clearer, cleaner product, void of any trichome heads, plant materials, most chlorophyl,and waxes. jelly, ear wax, oil, etc is heat/cool/whip, depending.



Active Member
it's a different grade than the aquarium store, got it at a lab supply. the granules go into a small micron pouch first, then its poured through a coffee filter or steel wool again. theres no powder to deal with, like I suspect fish store activated charcoal has? the stirrer is kept on low so not to whip the oil, just enough to gently stir it through the .....its technically activated carbon, not charcoal i think. but its not being smoked of course.

i'm over here now,


Active Member
sweeeeeet! and you got the delux package !!!!! You have arrived at the Honey Oil slickery !!!! be careful... did you get your lab butane yet?


Active Member
airgas, look no further. pick up only, unless you have a buddy with a biz address to deliver to.
it comes with an attachment to use cans of butane also. and then you can recover the tane for later
recovery is a bit slower,but still is A-1 extraction

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
airgas, look no further. pick up only, unless you have a buddy with a biz address to deliver to.
it comes with an attachment to use cans of butane also. and then you can recover the tane for later
recovery is a bit slower,but still is A-1 extraction
kickass. I'm really excited about giving it a go. It took all my will power to stop me from doing a run today. But I've been reading the manual and watching videos on it instead. I want to make sure I 100% know what I'm doing before making any attempts. Seems not too complicated though.


Active Member
stick it on a scale, dump 400 grams tane in, pack your herb vessel tight, make sure its dry and crumbly, and run it already. use a splash of 99% alcohol in the oil tank, so no scraping. put some steel wool in the bottom of the hrb vessel to.
yo'll need a hot plate/freezer to recover the butane, as well as a scale that is big enough to accomodate the unit pieces, unless you dont need to recover, then you're ready!!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
stick it on a scale, dump 400 grams tane in, pack your herb vessel tight, make sure its dry and crumbly, and run it already. use a splash of 99% alcohol in the oil tank, so no scraping. put some steel wool in the bottom of the hrb vessel to.
yo'll need a hot plate/freezer to recover the butane, as well as a scale that is big enough to accomodate the unit pieces, unless you dont need to recover, then you're ready!!
I don't have access to 99% alcohol. I've looked everywhere. Best I can find is 91%. Will that do?