More once or Less often?

Hey everyone, I just finished my set up - i am using a AC 600w hps in a 12sqft box - 6ft tall.

My basic question is what is safer - growing 1 - 2 plants year round or growing 6 plants 1 time a year?

Also i know strain dictates output as well as lights - but on average with a 600w hps set up how much output should i be getting off my average plant?


Active Member
Hey everyone, I just finished my set up - i am using a AC 600w hps in a 12sqft box - 6ft tall.

My basic question is what is safer - growing 1 - 2 plants year round or growing 6 plants 1 time a year?

Also i know strain dictates output as well as lights - but on average with a 600w hps set up how much output should i be getting off my average plant?
As far as 'output' you have plenty of light for the space you are growing in. Yield will depend on other factors. since your box is 6 feet tall your plant height is limited. remember plants can easily triple in size when flowering with enough light.

my opinion, growing 6 plants is just as simple as growing 1 or 2, the difficulty comes from controlling the environment the plants are in. grow 6! or however many you can fit in their, with spacing depending on how large you want then to grow.