More pics of the girls and the room set up


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics from this morning of the babies and the set up in general. I am still putting up insulation, mylar, etc. I have yet to address the ventilation issue, which I GOTTA do soon, they is a stinkin' to high heaven!!! (Thats a GOOD thing!!!)
My germinating/seedling shelf is adjustable with the shelf brackets, so I can keep the seedlings under floros until they are big enough to go under the MH for vegging.
I like the reflectors that I got with the units, but they hang down too low. I topped half of my plants, and they are fine size wise, but the ones I didn't top are only 3 weeks into flower, and I am afraid they are gonna get too tall for the room.
I have 1 MH and 1 HPS on them right now, I move them daily so that they get the benefit of a day under MH and a day under HPS. Anyone else using both MH and HPS for flower? Any thoughts on how to combine the different lights?

The germination/seedling shelf:

More of the room setup:

And finally, the buds as of this morning:

I have no idea exactly how old these are, I didn't write down dates of planting, or when I started the flower phase, only approximates.
From the looks of these pics, can I get a guestimate of how long until harvest? As I said in another thread, this grow was not documented real well, I had to adapt to the growth rate of the plants. Dammit, they aint giving me much time to get shit done. They grew alot quicker than I envisioned, and the room is way behind the plants as far as the set up. They are already smelling real good, and I don't have the ventilation set up yet!!!!


Well-Known Member
looking good...You've got lots of space...I'd put some side light to fatten up the inner buds.. plus to fill in so not so stretched.. +rep for growing..


Well-Known Member
'Preciate the positive comments. Thanx Twisty, if I supplement them with, say, 4' or 8' Floros hung on the wall would that be advantagous? This is great input, as after this crop, I'm gonna refine the room set up! Make it look like something other than a rushed, cobbled together mess. What do you think of the reflectors? I had them powdercoated white inside. My only malfunction with them is that they take up 2' of grow space.
I have come to the conclusion that topping them will keep them down to a managable size, so thats how the next ones will be.
Any and all input is greatly appreciated.

Peace :peace: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
What strain is that? I'm growing "free" seeds I got and they were not labeled and my plants look very similar to yours.


Well-Known Member
What strain is that? I'm growing "free" seeds I got and they were not labeled and my plants look very similar to yours.

Quite possibly the same strain you have. It's seed from the "not bad at all" weed we've benn getting. I have no idea what they are, but the thc content is there.