More questions from the new guy


Active Member
Ok I got 13 going 2 r toast probably. 7 Look super happy and 4 r all droopy and looking like the new growth is drying out guess I should have watered yesterday instead of today. They r different stains white rhino and A skunk the white rhino looks happy and healthy and are twice as big as the others, so whats the deal do some drink more than others or were the clones too weak to make it? I don't know what I am going to do I want to put 20 in there 10 one month and then 10 the next so I can harvest once a month. So should I give them some time or hack them and clone the white rhino and just have a small first harvest? I have a vegg box thats with a 150 hps will that get them from clone to 12"? in 2-4 weeks? Just don't get why the 7 look so good and the others look like shit. Using advanced nutrients micro grow and bloom w carbo load ph a 6. Help please.



Well-Known Member
Stop using nutes.... how often are u feeding? dont let the soil dry to that point... stick ur finger in the dirt to the 1st knuckle and judge moister that way.


Active Member
only used nutes once and have only watered twicein a week(they have only been in there a week). I used neem on all of the plants too and the ones that droop seem to still have a coating on them, a friend told me to wash them with water and then let them dry before putting them back in the room.


yea that dirt looks real dry, some plants can withstand droughts better than others, for example, i am currently growing a blue dream, ice, green crack and sour grape... Ususally when i dont water on time, my soil will look real dry but most plants will still be sanding, sour grape is the only one that wilts when the soil is to dry... some plants put up with shit and some dont.


Active Member
Hey lazeiboy... I just harvested some Ice blue dream & blue widow. Loved the bw & bd But the ice seemed disappointing by comparison. I would be interested to know how your grow goes...

And Goatslayer... I would also check your ph on top of a good watering... Good luck


Active Member
Well sounds like I'm not watering enough. Ph is 6 when I watered. I heard over watering is the most common mistake.


Active Member
Ok wiped them down and they already look happier. Was using the neem or should say my friend brought them over and mixed neem and water and dipped them all before we transplanted them cause of mites he said. I also bought that dr doom spider mite spray so hopefully I won't have a problem, I have a dr doom room mister thingy too just incase.