More tax cuts?

Speaking of taxes, still keeping two sets of books and doing felony tax evasion, illegal?

Yeah, I've noticed that these republican "law and order party" morons, are the first to justify their own crimes as nothing to be concerned about.

"It's no big deal that I'm committing a crime, it's only a minor crime, it's nothing like those illegal asylum-seekers!"

Ya just can't fix stupid. :lol:

Yeah, I've noticed that these republican "law and order party" morons, are the first to justify their own crimes as nothing to be concerned about.

"It's no big deal that I'm committing a crime, it's only a minor crime, it's nothing like those illegal asylum-seekers!"

Ya just can't fix stupid. :lol:

But everyone is prolly doing it ...but Obama ,,,but Clinton LOL
Yeah, I've noticed that these republican "law and order party" morons, are the first to justify their own crimes as nothing to be concerned about.

"It's no big deal that I'm committing a crime, it's only a minor crime, it's nothing like those illegal asylum-seekers!"

Ya just can't fix stupid. :lol:

So, hypothetically speaking, it's wrong to provide a bogus tax return? Duly noted.
The rich are the biggest welfare queens, the more money they have the more the want from taxpayers. Billionaire sports team owners get poor cities to build stadiums for them. Huge corporate farms rake in farm subsidies. Big oil and gas even get tons of money from the government.
The rich are the biggest welfare queens, the more money they have the more the want from taxpayers. Billionaire sports team owners get poor cities to build stadiums for them. Huge corporate farms rake in farm subsidies. Big oil and gas even get tons of money from the government.

This is why we need local government and smaller federal government. There would be less to exploit.

How is it that someone who only comes around during election year actually cares about the state that elected them? Diane Feinstein seems more interested in foreign politics than the affairs in her own state.

The federal government is a boated pig. Just think, people that work for the federal government will be collecting city/county/state pensions and probably life time medical benefits to boot. Many public retirements pay as much as 90% of their top earning wage.

You need 30 years in the armed forces to collect a retirement pension. As little as 8-10 years for some city level government. Disgusting. Almost all private business offers no pension. No unions protecting private sector jobs. Hmmm?

I have worked several government jobs, these people are lazy and entitled to the max with unions. They won't let you defer retirement payments, but if you separate they keep your contributions. This a theft. There is no reason why the tax payer should bear the burden of a "public servants" retirement, while the tax payer fends for him/herself at age 70.

They got paid. The job was voluntary.
what Buck said:

Job numbers are the worst since 2011, wages are falling, healthcare and gas are skyrocketing, and billionaires are swimming in tax breaks while the working class gets $1.50 a week

Trumps economy sucks

Everyone fucking hates trump

The article says that this will add another 1.5 trillion to our deficit in 10 short years!

This is not how the bills get paid! We're never going to get out of debt, never.

Another gem in the article,
"Also, workers would be able to tap their retirement savings accounts without tax penalty to cover expenses from the birth of a child or an adoption"

Look, if you have to borrow money to have a kid, that means you can't afford a kid and shouldn't have one. Not fair to a child to be born and raised on borrowed money

One thing I'm very conservative about is money, sorry guys I'm a tightwad, but I'm not in debt because I don't live beyond my means. I make sacrifice and pay my bills
Stop voting for Republicans is a first obvious step.
But it's almost impossible. Especially in the next decade. Any party marching in total lockstep towards our financial ruin are not any part of a solution.

It has happened in american history before.
The independent presidential ticket has been growing in voter base every election cycle.