Went out myself today and faced the most brutal hunt of my life this far and I have hunted mushrooms since the late 70's . Today the weather was unpredictable but I knew with the recent rains that some morels might be found .
Got my gear all set and a few fatties rolled up , it was raining so they were packed accordingly in a ziplock . All set and I was off in the rain knowing less people would be out due to this .
Once on the hunt again , I spotted my favorite Ash grove and headed in , after a few miles of tree hunting I found myself surrounded by a damn spring snow squall and a heavy one at that . It got really cold and wetter than anticipated while the ground grew white faster and faster . I continued on and found my first in the snow and it was very hard to see , much more so than normal as the Blacks are a bitch to see in the woods most times not . But I had spotted one and knew that there was more and I did find a few more blacks ..
Once I had gotten back to my truck I only had four morels and some cold ass feet and hands but I had one last place to check before I called it a short hunt . My favorite area that always turns up some morels was not quite ready but I did find a few flushes of whites while there and that made the day worth it all .
Again I made way back towards my truck and pulled some leeks as well for the dish I was planning in my head to avoid the cold wind cutting into my face . The wind chill was below zero and everything was white but no matter I had claimed victory once again as this previous weekend I only found 3
Hopefully the warm weather will return soon here as we need it for a decent season as thus far it is one of the shittiest on record !