Morning Dabs....who loves em?


Well-Known Member
Well, it becomes a different drug. Lol. Concentrates are sort of unnatural. Even hash has an extensive processing...process. Even these strong hybrids allow my ego to remain intact. To me, that concentrated stuff might as well be 10 hits of acid.
Actually, at some point today, I'm going to smoke some scissor hash, but only because it's kind of like a celebratory action and my own plants and I have the day off. Other people like it though, that's completely fine by me. I just don't understand how people finish a whole joint amongst each other let alone dabs. 2-3 hits for me, if not just one, I'm good for at least an hour before my next toke


Well-Known Member
we are all different
different strokes for different folks
its simple stuff

to much little.......... WHO IS TO SAY? :idea:

10 hits of acid??? lol
some people dont feel 250 mgs ingested where as the next guy is high for a week!!!

my god people Please..

SMH here
I'm sorry, I was under the impression this thread was created for conversation. you just said in your own message different strokes for different folks. You're absolutely right, too much, too little, who's to say? Why are you shaking your head? Maybe not 10 hits of acid, but you don't know me when I smoke a concentrate. My bad acid trip was better than that experience. ::smh::


Well-Known Member
I only dab occasionally and don't think I have ever done it as my first high of the day, if I did I think I would just go back to bed :D now 5 -15 joints between the wife and myself is easily doable a day without the nap :D Even though we only do dabs occasionally I always like to have some on hand just in case the mood strikes


Well-Known Member
I only dab occasionally and don't think I have ever done it as my first high of the day, if I did I think I would just go back to bed :D now 5 -15 joints between the wife and myself is easily doable a day without the nap :D Even though we only do dabs occasionally I always like to have some on hand just in case the mood strikes
The last time I smoked more than I wanted to, which was not long ago, I asked my wife if she ever thought about her pms as her body being in withdrawal from not being pregnant LoL, She thinks that's a crazy idea but I feel like it was a brilliant observation personally :) Any higher than that, I'm uncomfortable but I have nothing against the practice, just not for me :)


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I was under the impression this thread was created for conversation. you just said in your own message different strokes for different folks. You're absolutely right, too much, too little, who's to say? Why are you shaking your head? Maybe not 10 hits of acid, but you don't know me when I smoke a concentrate. My bad acid trip was better than that experience. ::smh::
greening out does that
and good acid is better lol


Well-Known Member
The last time I smoked more than I wanted to, which was not long ago, I asked my wife if she ever thought about her pms as her body being in withdrawal from not being pregnant LoL, She thinks that's a crazy idea but I feel like it was a brilliant observation personally :) Any higher than that, I'm uncomfortable but I have nothing against the practice, just not for me :)
The moon has more of an effect on her pms lol Ask how her period is on the next full moon if they coinside?!?!
or even the week of.. :shock:


Well-Known Member
greening out does that
and good acid is better lol
The moon has more of an effect on her pms lol Ask how her period is on the next full moon if they coinside?!?!
or even the week of.. :shock:
I don't think there's any correlation. PMS is evil. My wife even apologizes ahead of time...i'm telling you, it's her body and hormones going crazy cause back in the day, 200,000 years ago, we were a lot more animalistic and women were pregnant all the time. Evolution hasn't caught up to civilization. that's my hypothesis. Think about it, if a woman gets pregnant, no PMS, just more weirdness. But pregnant women are often described as "glowing, radiant". When her eggs aren't viable any longer....they stop going through that. Coincidence? I think not!