Okay soo I did them, but it was a terrible night. I guess ill start from the beginning. Alright I ordered the morning glory seeds from
Legal Highs, Glass Bongs, Pipes Head Shop, and they came last monday. When I ordered these, I shipped them to my house and I told my parents that I was getting them to clear my mind. I convinced them because I am reading a book which is about meditation, and I told them that the book recommended to take them, which was a lie. Anyways on Thursday, my friend came over and we took the seeds and grinded them with a coffee grinder. We made three drinks, one for the two of my friends and one for me. However in mine I put a little bit more than 400 seeds, which is around 10 grams. I gave my friends 350 seeds. We then put each in a little gatorade bottle filled with water and let it sit in fridge for one day. It looked just like mud. Soo on Friday my friend came to pick me up, and i snuck the drinks out through my back yard. Soo then we went to a store to get a strainer we strained each drink twice to get all the mush out. I also bought tea incase I needed it. then we drank it around 9 at night. It was pretty hard to drink down, tasted foul, really foul. Luckly I had the tea, which i chased it with. Soo we went to a park, and waited for the trip. Soo an hour later, I started feeling sick. I wanted to throw up but I held it in. Same with my friends, they were not feeling good. So after 30 mins it calmed down, and I started feeling weird. Then suddenly I had this buzzing high throughout my body. Best way to describe it is when u cut off your circulation and then let it go and you feel that buzz. Anyways soo couple of our other friends came to the park to chill. I then took a walk around the park cause I didnt want to be near them. So as I was walking, I noticed that I felt really really drunk. I couldnt walk straight and at the same time I felt that high though out body. After a lap of walking throughout the park, I was feeling sorta of sick again and worn out. Someone gave me chips to eat, but I just spit it out, I was not in the mood. Soo things were starting to get weirder and weirder. Then I got a phone call from my mom at 12! I tried to keep it straight but then she was like, I saw you sneak the drink you made from the back. And i was like fuckkk! Im screwed. Then i told her that I only had a sip and it tasted really bad so I threw away the rest. Then she asked me where I was, and I told her I was at my friends, so then she was like, Im comming to pick you up. I was like let me just sleep over and she kept on saying no. So then I admitted I was at the park and I had to get one of my sober friends to drop me off. Soo on the ride home I started to feel really weird. My visions was starting to expand and contrast. Soo anyways I came home and I was deciding to chill at the side of my house until I was cool but my dad opend the door. And I was just thinking, fuck im screwed. Soo I go inside and sit in the living room with my parents. They ask me what I did. I told them that I only had a sip of the mornig glory and then I threw it out and I told them that I was drunk. Soo then they started yelling at me and blah blah blah. So then I went to my room to sleep, however this was only the begining of my trip. Whenever I was laying down in my room, it started getting weirder and weirder. I started hearing insane music, literally insanity music, so i had to close my ears. Then I started seeing colors and things were getting blurry. 2:30. is when I hit the peak, which was five and half hours after I drank the seeds. My stomach was making weird noises and It was awfully loud and my liver made weird ass noises too. I started to hear loud trains go by and speeding cars go by on the street but when I looked outside, there was nothing. I heard people also talking. At this time, I felt something cracking inside my head, and the right side of my body became slightly paralyzed. Also my liver was burning, and I felt some liquid inside. I thought something popped inside and I was slowly getting poisoned. So I got up, went into the bathroom and I still felt uncomfortable. At the same time when I look at my skin in the mirror, it was moving around like waves. My vision was expanding and contrasting too. Like one sec i felt really tiny and the other moment I felt really tall. So i went back to my bed and laid down, but then I heard weird noises again and the right side of my neck was stiff. I was panicking, i thought I would have to go to the hospital. Instead of waking up my parents first, I went downstairs and I tried to looks up side effects of morning glory seeds, but I was too into the trip, that I failed to do soo. Then I got up and looked outside of my back door. The trees were melting and they were moving like waves of water. They were really disfigured. It was 3 fucking AM! 6 hrs after I drank the seeds and I was full out trippin. I thought there was something wrong, and my spine felt weird. I thought maybe somehow, too much spinal fluid drained. But i dont know if that is possible. So i went back upstairs and into my bed and my liver was still making weird noises and it was burning. Soo I went back to the bathroom and took off my shirt. I looked in the mirror, and I saw that the right side of my body was rotting away. I thought that poison was slowly spreading throughout, so i freaked out and woke up my parents. I called my dad to the bathroom and I told him that I didnt drink beer and I drank the morning glory seeds. He told me that my body wasnt rotting and whenever he touched me, I thought that he went crazy. To me it seemed like he turned completely insane. So I was yelling at him, DAD YOUR CRAZY! Then i freaked out and I ran to my mom and I told her that dad was going crazy. She told me that he was normal and I look back and shook my head and realized that my dad was normal. WOW. morning glory seeds are fucked up. Soo i went back to bed. However I was still feeling uncomfortable. I decided that I need to digest this shit but there was nothing in my stomach cause I didnt eat anything prior to the consumption. SO I ate cereal but It was really hard to consume. I also started drink alot of water. I stayed up all night. Whever I sobered by 7 am, the right side of my body was still feeling paralyzed. So i do think that I go some poisoning. So my mom made me ginger tea. Then I talked to my parents about the trip and told them that I was taking morning glory seeds to meditate better but I didnt realize that it would make me go crazy. They understood me and now I am cool with them, but I am still recovering. This trip on MGS was not what I expected. I was expecting it to but more soothing and I was expecting less of a trip. I didnt sleep till 1 in the afternoon. However my trip was beyond belief crazzy as fuck. I also had crazy intellectual thoughts, yet I do not recommend it. Before I thought I would be okay to take them, but take the words of the majority. The majority is right, it is not pleasant. It is nothing like shrooms. This shit is bullshit. Never again do I want to see these seeds or the flower.