• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Morning glory wine


Well-Known Member
So I want to make morning glory wine, but I have found no information on how to do it, just that you can. It also doesnt sound very healthy as the plant has the whole strychnine thing. It says all you have to do it put the flowers in water for 1 to 2 weeks.(really that simple?)

Anyone know anything on this subject.


Active Member
check out Erowid.com for info on this type of thing. They have neutral info on just about every drug you have ever heard about, and quite a few you have not

That being said, I tried these seeds a few months ago. I gathered them once dried and ground them up in a coffee grinder. Then I simply mixed them in with a bit of apple sauce (heavy on the cinnamon) since they taste incredibly bitter. I might not have taken enough of them since it was only barely noticeable. Then again, I have taken LSD a few times so perhaps the LSA found in these seeds was just not comparable.

One more thing, try and get the seeds from out door sources, in a natural setting. The ones sold in the seed packets contain very nasty chemicals and would not be worth ingesting in any form. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I know man I'm growing my own, I need to know about the wine though, and I looked on erowid already.


Active Member
I know man I'm growing my own, I need to know about the wine though, and I looked on erowid already.
Nice, I would like to try growing my own and trying the wine concoction. I felt sort of like a fiend running around my town at 2 in the am harvesting MG seeds from ppls yards! Let me know if you come across any good info. H

Would you consider LSD or are you already familiar with its greatness?


Well-Known Member
Yea man, I know exactly how you feel, only I did it on a busy street in broad daylight >_<

Man I've been trying to get LSD since before I ever thought of or smoked cannabis dude. Oh well though, I know I'll get some one day.


Active Member
you dont have to make wine out of it man you can just extract the lsa outta the seeds. and its easier to use baby hawaiian rosewood seeds as morning glory has .02 lsa and baby hawaiians have .25 lsa.


Well-Known Member
Man, I know how to extract and shit and about the seeds, but my intention is to make wine out of some flowers. Yea but I couldnt find these seeds.


Well-Known Member
So I put flowers into a wine bottle with distilled water. Everything says to just leave in it for a week or two, but this is not how you make wine. This is just adding flowers to water to rot im pretty sure, Im still gonna try it but i highly doubt its gonna work.


Well-Known Member
So it has been a week, and I opened the bottle today. It smells pretty rank, like rotting caca or something lol. I know I have to filter the crap out, but if it keeps its stench, it's highly unlikely that I will be drinking it.

Once again, any tips will help me(About morning glory wine, not extraction.)

I have noticed that the water glows when i put it up to my black light, so I know theres LSA, so regardless if it turns into wine, I might trip a little. Its an up side.

i am just a new user (on all sites)... I have been trying to do the same: make mg wine out of the flowers. I tried it once with water and got the same result (stinky non-result). I tried it a second time with no water, since fermentation is not a process where you add water (I did it with a lot of things and never added or heard of adding water). Still, it didn't work. I searched the net for info, in vain. I think there must be a hint about "anaerobicity". If you happen to discover something please let me know. I'll do the same.


"The flowers of the morning glory may be steeped in water for a week or two to produce a mildly alcoholic wine with a distinctively pleasant flavor and very mild psychedelic effect, on the order of hemp. Once again herbs and/or honey can be added to good effect."
that's from erowid. the reason it is only a tiny bit alcoholic is because there's only the naturally occuring bacteria on the petals. i reckon if you added yeast to it, you could make some pretty strong shit, but i think the intention of making morning glory stuff is for the psychedelic effects. i havn't tried making it, but it doesn't look like it's worth it. better to do the seed extraction, then you have LSA and you'll trip. btw, for the seeds, you need quite alot of seeds to get a good effect. i think it's mentioned on wikipedia.


Well-Known Member
The whole 'they put chems in the store ones', I don't know about that. Because one night, me and a couple friends all cleaned off about 300 each, ate them. Then there were more seeds that we didnt feel like cleaning(we were drunk) So we just ate them. NONE ofus puked ONCE that ngiht, and we ate at least 200 un-cleaned seeds. Lol we put them in our mouth and chewed.

If you were to go about making wine, yeah I guess thats how youd do it, pretty simple aint it xD I think the flower would go through fermentation pretty fast. PLEASE tell me your putting the seeds in there too :)

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
You yeast to start the fermentation process......The bacteria on the peddles will not guarantee fermentation. Although i have no clue how it may effect the LSA....


Well-Known Member
Lol its gonna be a waste of time, wine is already terrible in itself, I cant even imagine morning glory wine.. Ick. You'll be the only one with morning glory wine though :D

chico, the fermentation shouldn't destroy the lsa because lsa is soluble in alcohol


i also came up empty when looking for references to MG wine outside that erowid page. ...

the method seems plausible but likely would need some serious help to be made safe and reliable... i have just started learning about traditional lacto-fermentation, the kinds used to to make kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir, and ginger-beer type products.

a common practice seems to be to use water-kefir grains to do a primary ferment, decant and add fruits, herbs,etc to the secondary, perhaps with addl sugar to bump up the alcohol content. most people report this method yielding a brew of no more that 2-5% alcohol. im guessing that 5% would be pretty nasty due to the sourness that would develop from the lactobacillus component.

but before we go down that route, this begs the question is there any psychoactive component to the flowers in the first place? is the florescence observed in a later post true an indication of lsa or other similar compounds? if so, why don't people just eat the flowers?

and if fermentation doesnt damage or even enhances the availability of the desired ingredients, couldn't we try this with the seeds?

does anybody know germination affects the LSA content?

its known that both sprouting and fermenting help reduce the phytic acid and other gastric irritants that are present in raw grains, making them easier to digest. perhaps these methods could be of use with MG seeds?

I know man I'm growing my own, I need to know about the wine though, and I looked on erowid already.
I dont know where you guys went wrong, but ive made gallons of morning glory flower wine in the last month, and every bit of it has been the most amazing tasting wine ive ever had. Its comparable to champagne, has fermented and become "bubbly". its really great, clear headed buzz. Fermenting some more right now for a longer period of time to see if it has any possible psychedelic effects. Great when combined with smoking skullcap. I didnt even add yeast, the naturally occurring ergot chemicals help with the fermentation proccess