i also came up empty when looking for references to MG wine outside that erowid page. ...
the method seems plausible but likely would need some serious help to be made safe and reliable... i have just started learning about traditional lacto-fermentation, the kinds used to to make kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir, and ginger-beer type products.
a common practice seems to be to use water-kefir grains to do a primary ferment, decant and add fruits, herbs,etc to the secondary, perhaps with addl sugar to bump up the alcohol content. most people report this method yielding a brew of no more that 2-5% alcohol. im guessing that 5% would be pretty nasty due to the sourness that would develop from the lactobacillus component.
but before we go down that route, this begs the question is there any psychoactive component to the flowers in the first place? is the florescence observed in a later post true an indication of lsa or other similar compounds? if so, why don't people just eat the flowers?
and if fermentation doesnt damage or even enhances the availability of the desired ingredients, couldn't we try this with the seeds?
does anybody know germination affects the LSA content?
its known that both sprouting and fermenting help reduce the phytic acid and other gastric irritants that are present in raw grains, making them easier to digest. perhaps these methods could be of use with MG seeds?
I know man I'm growing my own, I need to know about the wine though, and I looked on erowid already.