Morning or afternoon sun ?

Lucky 1

Because my property runs North/South, I am forced to choose between the morning or afternoon sun.
I wish to keep them along a fence so that kind of puts me in that situation.
Any thoughts ?


Well-Known Member
which direction does the fence run in?

Realise that the sun is directly overhead at about noon. This is the point at which your plants will receive the most direct light, and so, I would advise that you use this, with the afternoon sun.

Generally, temperatures will be warmer over this period too, which depending on how hot it is, may be good or bad for the plants.


Well-Known Member
Morning sun is the best. It my be hotter through the day but the morning is when the plant uptakes its essential nutrients and that good morning sun helps it out. Not sure where I read this but, It is better in the morning. The ambient light in the afternoon will also provide light. I am in the same prediciment as you.

Lucky 1

The only think I was thinking is, I live in upstate NY in the wine country of the finger lakes.
All of the best wineries are on the west side of the lakes picking up that morning sun. But these aren't grapes:)
I am using a couple of smart pots and I will try each side and see how it turns out.

Seeming how I am more confused than before now.


Well-Known Member
Keep us posted! I hope you continue this experiment to see which is more beneficial, it will be interesting to compare the plants


Well-Known Member
Early in the morning the plants are damp from dew.

So if you give them morning sun they will dry out when the sunshine hits them. This will help prevent mold from taking over.


Active Member
x2 on morning.

just look at how the plant leaves react to morning sun compared to afternoon sun... she'll tell ya what she likes.