Morning Sunshine.


Well-Known Member
so i was thinking of my next years grow and was wondering if the sunrise has a different light spectrum that promotes much better growth been thinking of relocating my grow spot to a place with fresh morning sun.


Well-Known Member
i read somewhere that marijuana plants like morning sun. dont kno the science behind it tho. when i asked in the past, someone reply'd it will help dry the morning dew off ur plant and reduce chance of budrot. but i think there more to it than that.


Well-Known Member
I did a little observating and I have not come up with scientific facts but I thikn all plants that are in morning sun grow atleast 4x faster and thinker then one not in morning sun. For example I have 2 sun flowers one in my garden that gets no morning sun til 11am and one in my front yard that gets sunrise sun and this thing in the front of massive and is about 2 months older then th eone in the back its crazy.


Well-Known Member
I prefer to grow with morning sun because after a cool night they will be covered in dew.

When the morning sun comes out it drys the leafs off. If they were in shade the leaves would stay wet longer and it raises the risk of mold or fungal infections.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
I've do it both ways, have some that catches morning sun and some that get late morning/noontime difference that I can see, they have flourished by getting at least 6 hrs of sun per day.