Mosca seeds? Cinderella 99.

Can anyone compare these with Femlae Seeds C99?As I heard they're fire too and they would firstly be cheaper and tehy would be femmed, if u dont have much space wasting time on males is something I can not really afford..
Since this thread seems to pop up on google searches I will give my belated opinion on the earlier question of Mosca germ rates..bought a pack of C99 BX from the Seed Depot..all germinated but did have that weakness you get from older seeds. A couple of months ago bought the same but was in a memory card container distributed by Seedsman....none popped, which has never happened to me. but then again I never have bought a seed pack that was NOT sealed...just a folded up bag inside a plastic container. I am about to order directly from Seedsman to give it another try. If you have no breeding desires go with Female seeds, their C99 is just as good in the end but there is less branching for clones.