moshimoshi G13 Closet Grow


Active Member
This is my first journal. I have gathered alot of information from this site for a few years and only just recently started posting. So this is my gift back to rollitup. hope everyon enjoys it. im a little further in the grow than i would have liked to be but... i took pictures from when i began flowering them so you can still see a bit of the vegitative growth.

(1) 1000 watt Metal Halide(used in both vegitative and flowering)
(1) bathroom fan on the closet door
(1) 8" inline fan for exhaust
(2)bedroom fans for cirulation

Im doing a soil grow. its a mixture of miracle grow organic and hyponex. i dont really care for it but it worked in a pinch and it was all that was availiable when i cut my clones.

Im growing 10 mr. nice (G13xHash plant) from the sensi seed bank. i have a mother i have been cutting from.

Im using all General Hydroponics neutriants. The Maxi Grow and Maxi Bloom Series.



Active Member
about 3 weeks after i began flowering. we have some hairs. and a little resin production. its begining to smell too.



Active Member
no not at all actually. my temp sence i purchased the mh has been around 73ish. no higher. at night 69. my ventilation is great. tho when i had the hps conversion bulb. it was an alarming 90 almost. this is my first metal halide grow. so im excited to see the results. ive read alot about all mh grows on here and the responce is always one of two things. no change. or smaller yeild with better buds. so im keeping my fingers crossed!!!!