Moss, Algae & Cyanobacteria – Welcome To The GREEN (and occasionally purple) Side of The Microbiome

cannetix Inc

Well-Known Member
Moss, Algae & Cyanobacteria – Welcome To The GREEN (and occasionally purple) Side of The Microbiome

A Research Project By 'Cannetix'


Most of us have heard of Rhizobacter such as Nitrobacter as well as the famed Mycorrhizae fungi, but there is less information available regarding what I call “the green side of the microbiome” - consisting of algae, phytoplankton, cyanobacteria, etc. More accurately, this ‘community’ within the soil ecosystem consists of autotrophic organisms (organisms which obtain food from photosynthesis) as opposed to the more widely known heterotrophs, which includes most of the bacteria and all fungi found in soil. Essentially, anything that is not a higher plant and that is capable of photosynthesis may be
classed as part of this community.


These organisms play a number of important, often overlooked functions in soil, most notably the fixation of Carbon. When most people think of the carbon demand of higher plants, they think of atmospheric CO2 absorption through the pores in the leaves known as Stomata, but some data suggests that as much as 30% of a plants carbon content may be assimilated by the roots, assisted by the bi-directional transport of Carbon between host plants and Mycorrhizal fungi (learn all about these organisms here). Due to the fact that Algae and Cyanobacteria can assimilate Carbon and Carbonates at a much faster rate than higher plants, they can, in turn, magnify carbon uptake in higher plants. Carbon fixated by soil Autotrophs also plays other roles in the soil system, including contributing to Assimilable Organic Carbon (AOC) and Bioavailable Dissolved Organic Carbon (BDOC) content. Assimilable Organic Carbon (AOC) and Bioavailable Dissolved Organic Carbon (BDOC) are two important parameters which determine the heterotrophic bacterial growth potential of water, and in theory, terrestrial soil systems. Heterotrophs are a group of microorganisms (yeast, molds & bacteria) that use organic carbon as food (as opposed to autotrophs like algae, which use sunlight to produce their own food source. One important form of Carbon produced by autotrophs in the soil is carbohydrates. Free Carbohydrates produced by these organisms not only play an important role in feeding heterotrophs, specifically fungi, but also play other important roles such as aiding in early stage sprouting. Seedlings that have not yet formed leaves capable of photosynthesis obtain all of their carbon from carbohydrates absorbed by and stored in the roots.

Figure 1: Comparison of bidirectional phosphate and carbon exchanges


Due to the capability of these organisms, like higher plants, to convert CO2 and H2O to Glucose in the process of photosynthesis, they also release substantial quantities of Oxygen into the uppermost layer of soil known as the O Horizon. The O Horizon, which consists of high concentrations of organic matter, and the subsequent layer consisting of the partially decomposed organic matter is where the majority of decomposition is carried out by aerobic decomposers. These aerobic decomposers make up the majority of the heterotrophic microbiome in a well-drained soil system. These micro-organisms, as is widely known, decompose organic matter in the soil and/or convert un-useable forms of a nutrient into its assimilable form. Nitrifying bacteria, for example convert Ammonia released by the degradation of nitrogenous matter into Nitrate, which is absorbed by the plants root system. Some beneficial Anerobes do occur in soil but these organisms tend to exist in lower, naturally less oxygenated layers. The majority of a plants feeder roots, where the majoprity of nutrient and oxygen uptake occurs, exist within the top 1-12” of the soil.

Oxygen present in this upper layer of soil also has a chemical effect on the soil, oxidizing organic molecules and further increasing AOC. The chemical oxidation that occurs from small quantities of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and its effects on AOC content is one of the primary reasons Organic growers shouldn't be too concerned with the trace amounts of Chlorine in tap water. Due to Chlorines method of disinfecting (oxidization), as the number of colony forming units increases, so does the disinfectant demand. Small amounts of an oxidizer such as Chlorine or Ozone present in tap water prevents re-growth within the sterile distribution system but is not enough to meet the massive disinfectant demand of soil which is as much as 50% micro-organisms by dry-weight. The long-term net effect of irrigating with chlorinated water is actually likely to be an increase in biotic growth factors. I put together a more in-depth article on the effects of Chlorine on the micro-biome available (here). ORP, or Oxidation-Reduction Potential, is “a measure of the intensity or activity of an aqueous environment or soil to mediate reactions of important elements in biological systems”. In biological systems such as soil, an equilibrium between oxidation and reduction is necessary to allow redox reactions to occur. Micro-organisms play a key role in driving redox reactions by using reduced carbon as an electron donor and oxygen (in aerobic environments) as an electron acceptor.


Nitrogen & Sulphur

Autotrophs not only fixate carbon & Oxygen but also fixate Nitrogen. Algae and Cyanobacteria (As well as Lichen with Cyanobacteria Symbionts) produce nitrogen-containing amino acids, which, over time, enrich the soil with Nitrogen for plant growth. Some studies also suggest that amino acids play a direct role in stimulating biotic activity in both micro-organisms and higher plants. A study carried out by () in () showed a 27% increase in the yield of () treated with a foliar amino acid spray or amino acid root drench, with the root drench showing the most efficacy. Cyanobacteria and purple-sulfur bacteria which are two types of photosynthetic bacteria, Oxidize hydrogen sulfide to produce elemental sulfur, which is oxidized to sulfate by sulfur oxidizers, which also includes Cyanobacteria. Sulfate, the form of sulphur which plants use, is reduced to hydrogen sulfide by sulphur-reducing bacteria, therefore, it is important to maintain an equilibrium between sulphur oxidizing and sulphur reducing activity to 1) maximize sulphur availability/uptake and 2) minimize hydrogen sulfide content (hydrogen sulfide is a highly toxic and flammable gas). This type of microbe-microbe relationship is referred to as mutualism.


Chlorophyll Biodegradation, Nitrogen & Magnesium

The photosynthetic pigments (Chlroohpylls) themselves are also an important source of nutrients for the soil system. Chlorophyll is the molecule responsible for the majority of the consumption and storage of Nitrogen and Magnesium. When released into the soil, chlorophyll is degraded by decomposers which release its Nitrogen and Magnesium into the soil. Once again, because algae and cyanobacteria assimilate nutrients more efficiently they can magnify the uptake of these nutrients in higher plants. Research into the biodegradation of chlorophyll is (for some reason) quite limited at this time, however, there is no question that biodegradation does occur.
Growth Stimulants & Natural Soil Amending Compounds

Not only do these organisms play important roles of their own in the soil ecosystem, there is also evidence that some, most notably Algae and Cyanobacteria, have the ability to secrete plant growth regulators or “biostimulants” into their surrounding environment, including various cytokinins and growth regulating polysaccharides, were shown to stimulate plant growth as well we B vitamins including Cobalamine, Thiamine, and Biotin. All three of these B-Vitamins have been shown to stimulate both bacterial growth and plant growth. Interestingly enough, Thiamine may be particularly effective at promoting plant growth when combined with Cytokinins, Auxins, and other growth regulators found in Algae. Filamentous cyanobacteria, in particular, secrete a mucilaginous sheath, helping bind sand particles together, as well as Calcite (Calcium Carbonate - CaCO3) crystals which help in natural bio-cement formation. This mucilaginous sheath and bio-cement help the soil capture dust from what are known as “Aeolian processes”, a wind-shaped geological activity that deposits materials rich in plant nutrients. Bio-cementation also helps in the remediation of sandy soils by improving hydromechanical characteristics.



Mosses, although not technically a micro-organism, are one of the most diverse and widespread groups of plants and often form the dominant vegetation in montane, boreal and arctic ecosystems. Unlike higher plants, mosses lack developed root and vascular systems, which is thought to limit their access to soil nutrients. Mosses may play a relatively important role in soil ecosystems by improving physical qualities of the soil, such as water retention and the prevention and wind and water-induced erosion. The erosion of nutrient-rich dust deposited on the surface of the soil by aforementioned aeolian processes can contribute to the leaching of nutrients from soil over time. Mosses may also help filter water as it enters the soil system, preventing the toxicity of certain nutrients and contaminants, and promoting a healthy equilibrium between aforementioned oxidizers and reducers. Much like micro-algae, there is also some evidence that mosses may produce and secrete growth regulators or biostimulants that improve plant growth, but more research is needed to confirm or deny this.


What Factors Affect The Health of The “Green Microbiome”?

The presence or lack of a “green” microbiome is primarily affected by 2 factors, those being1) Insolation (sunlight absorption),2) moisture levels. A lack of sunlight reaching the surface of the soil (caused by too much mulching) and/or low levels of moisture (caused by infrequent watering especially in sandy soils) in the uppermost layer of soil, known as the O Horizon, can both lead to a reduction in the number of these autotrophs. CO2, in the form of Carbonic Acid, is mostly obtained from the atmosphere or from metabolic processes of heterotrophs, which produce CO2. The CO2 released by aerobic micro-organisms reacts with water in the soil forming Carbonic Acid. Carbonic acid is also produced via a reaction between water and calcite, a common calcium-based mineral present in soils. Assimilable organic carbon (AOC) and biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) The effect of Ozonation & Filtration on AOC Assimilable organic carbon (AOC) and biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC): Environmental Factors Affecting the Diversity and Abundance of Soil Photomicrobes in Arid Lands of Subtropical Taiwan Microalgae: The Potential for Carbon Capture Algae, lichens, and mosses take up huge amounts of carbon dioxide and nitrogen from atmosphere Carbon Metabolism and Transport in Arbuscular Mycorrhizas Cyanobacteria & The Cryptographic Crust Biological Soil Crust US Department of the Interior Technical Guide on Biological Soil Crusts Microbial Decomposition of Chlorophyll Purple Sulphur Bacteria Plant Growth Biostimulants Based on Different Methods of Seaweed Extraction with Water Characterization of a carbohydrate transporter from symbiotic glomeromycotan fungi ORP of soil Field Measurement of ORP Sulfate Transport and Assimilation in Plants Hydrogen Sulfide soil ecosystem improves plant growth&f=false Green Roof Ecosystems Soils, Weathering, and Nutrients Direct uptake of soil nitrogen by mosses Water pollution by agriculture Plant biostimulants: Definition, concept, main categories, and regulation Agricultural Biostimulants Microbial CaCO3 Precipitation for the Production of Biocement abstract final.pdf Bio-cementation of sandy soils for improving their hydro-mechanical characteristics abstract reis_62381_afa.pdf Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Compacted Soils with different Compaction Water content

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Thanks for the positive feedback!

Just found this company called "Carolina" - They offer an extremely wide range of Cyanobacteria, Algae, and other living organisms. They are made for educational purposes and not soil inoculants, however, I do not see why one could not make their own inoculant using these products. I might give it a try sometime in the near future.
Thanks for the positive feedback!

Just found this company called "Carolina" - They offer an extremely wide range of Cyanobacteria, Algae, and other living organisms. They are made for educational purposes and not soil inoculants, however, I do not see why one could not make their own inoculant using these products. I might give it a try sometime in the near future.

By all means do! and let us know how it works out. You may be onto something here.