Most biased and blatantly false article ever


Well-Known Member
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


Well-Known Member
I guess saying no was not an option.

It's been a few years since I bought street weed, as with yourself I try not to contribute to the coffers of organised crime gangs and I do not trust what is being sold, for instance sprayed weed is very common here and I for one do not want to be smoking crushed glass.
No's always an option. I think it was a failing in the family and the community that not only allowed the cartel in, but that didn't support it's smaller or weaker growers when the cartel started branching out. Practically, no was an option, had the family and community stood together, instead of acting like a bunch of rogue guerrillas... but, it's not my community, and wasn't my family at the time, so my opinions don't really mean shit.

People always call bullshit when I say I won't pay more than 200 a zip. I won't, I'll find the local community, and become part of it. When you contribute to your local weed community, even if it's illegal, you'll build connections, and help keep shit like imported 500 an ounce weed away. And, you'll find amazing strains and crazy local crosses that you'd never experience buying shit or ignoring your local community. (In Minnesota, I never went without for more than a few hours, and it took that long because I didn't like walking outside to snag a blunt or have my bowl packed to pass. The cost of a dub was nothing when all I had was nothing in my wallet... weed community.)


It's funny they say that marijuana is a gateway drug considering it is a schedule 1 narcotic and all of the 'harder' drugs are categorized below marijuana, so why would a user suddenly jump from what is supposedly one of the worst drugs to one that is less potent......where's the logic?


Well-Known Member
The uk conservative elite are responding to the liberation of cannabis elsewhere with a sustained anti cannabis propaganda campaign, absolutley identicle to the reefer madness campaign of old. The question I ask, is why is noone standing up to it, speaking up against it, writing PRO cannabis articles instead? In the US people have campaigned and fought for the vote to use cannabis, and hey, democracy does seem to be working a tad. The UK seems to be stuck in the perma 1950 mode , where old boys in top hats drive rolls royces to parliament and tell the peasents how to live, democracy is just a word, not a reality. I think becuase the UK is quite a small area, very small actually, the people who have the power, have too much power and are going to manipulate and censor everything to get their own way 100% of the time. Fuck the arab uprisings, the UK is in serious need of one, and thats not even a joke. But the comfortable welfare state they provide keeps the masses placated to the point where, while people may not like what is happning, they just accept it becuase "hey it's not THAT bad here" or "it COULD be worse".
there are still too many who benefit from demonizing/stigmatizing users

the same way weed in the past was associated with black people who were lazy etc
today weed in the uk is associated with lazy jobless chavs (white trash)

the amount of hatred for poor jobless people in the uk in general is high

the amount of people who care or know this ^^ is all propaganda is lower than those who don't (daily mail readers)

i think it will take a while for many of the old cunts to die off so the younger generation will change things in time
