Most common ways to stress a fem plant to a hermie?


Active Member
I want to order some barneys farm LSD and i hear people say that in YEARS they have never once had a seed not germ or a hermie. Others say they get half or more hermies. The ones with good luck says its the growers fault for stressing them, or occasional bad luck. The ones with bad luck say that barneys farm has crap genetics even tho its a respectable breeder, with some top strain/genetics. I would say from reading that it TYPICALLY is the grower not the breeder, which brings me to the question, What are the most common ways that new/unexperienced/bad growers stress female plants into hermies? How can i avoid these problems?

smokey green

Active Member
1. light leaks during flower...
2. heat stress
3.deprivation of water
4.temperature flux
5.Light schedule fluxuation (using no timer)
....Those are a few off the top of my head....

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I think the biggest culprit is light leaks. As a rule of thumb, anything in their environment that is not properly regulated can cause it.

smokey green

Active Member
To avoid the situation..
1. make sure there are no light leaks
2. use a timer
3. try to control temps as best you can by not allowing more than a 15 degree temp flux during the whole grow process
4. do not underwater (dont wait until the soil has pulled away from the pot around the outside edges of the pot)
5. do not over water ( i use the "lift your container method") (if its light and the top of your soil is dry, water...)


Well-Known Member
Also dont top, supercrop, ect.... during the flowering but light leaks are the most common


Well-Known Member
well yes, aside from genetics...
throwing the plant male environmental factors during the first 4 weeks of life seems to do it for me...
shallow soil (early root binding), temps, incorrect humidity, any type of training, transplanting, or damaging the plant/roots

light leaks in flowering only show the hermi for what it is in my opinion...the damage was done long before that

you raise a princess on a diet of male influences and you end up with a tomboy....ya know?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
pick off the pistils on the tops till they are bald..i belive Soma does this..but dont hold me to it. I smoke alot pot and never remeber who tells me things or were i read them lol

Jack Larson

Active Member
A small red L.E.D. like those on a clock , a stereo any small electric with this type of light will work and leave it on durring the dark period .Most growers find this out the hard way by not covering the lite on a power strip.I have done this to produce hermies and it has worked every time.
after years of clones its fun to grow from seed again. Seeds are like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're ganna get!!


Active Member
so a red light on during dark will produce hermies? ok good to know man il have to cover the one on my power strip, anyone know anything about the spray


Active Member
Its called Dutch Master Reverse, I hear it works well and will also increase yield. It should be used in conjunction with DM Saturator. I just sprayed it on my hermie plant yesterday, waiting to see the results. I haven't seen any new male flowers since I sprayed, but it's a dense plant, very difficult to check. I figure I'll know for sure within a week.


Transplanting plants late on in growth has been my biggest reason for herms and also unstable light schedules newbie shit

Jack Larson

Active Member
I had a remote thermostat receiver in my grow room with a little red lite on it but didn't know it becouse I never went in after lites off. All hermies. Covered the little red lite, and no more hermies. At least this has been my experience.