most effective way to get high


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever heard of poppers? NO not the shit gay guys huff rght before they get off, Your gonna need a straight metal shaft, then u rip off a hunk of tobacco of a cigarrette (paper and all) stuff it in, then you pack the weed in, only about a 0.1 of a gram, you gotta rip it all in one hit on the bong and it gives you a massive head rush and keeps ya baked for hours, around here all the local scumbags smoke em, and i used to to, but i dont like coughing up black tar every morning, i even used to pass out off em. Anyhoo I only smoke joints and bongs now, but it was fun while it lasted... POPPERS GOT ME FUCKED


Active Member
solar bong rips or anything solar. I don't know why solar hits get you higher than when you use a flame maybe it has something to do with the gas or the high temp fire is vs. solar temps and no gas involved but its the best. just go get a magnifying glass and roast the bud in a pipe or bong like you use to do with ants and there you are solar hitting and getting really high. Plus you are doing your part to be a more green smoker!


Active Member

can't believe so few people like these.

I've gone weeks before with only a couple grams, break off tiny tiny baby nuglets and hit those. If you can figure out a real good way to get all of the smoke, Knifers are usually the best way to conserve weed. Plus you can hit Hash, Resin, or anything really with them and get 100% efficiency from that smoke.


Active Member
So let me get this straight........ both of you guys are telling me if I smoke my weed instead of smelling it Ill get High :)


most effective way to get high with out wasting alot of weed....... thats easy....fake ciggarette one hitter, you get a green toke every hit =) hold hit as long as possible.
i used fake cigs every once n a dont take much weed to fill it up n if u kno how to use it proply its the way to go if u aint got much weed


Active Member
with doob's I think the most loss is in the fact that ppl tend to hold it and yak instead of puff puff passing that shit along. Bowls can be smothered with the lighter (same with bongs) and most vaporizers are self contained. I like the taste of the plant if it's good stuff, but if it's schmeg than I'll just bud-bust the x-tal off of it and use the plant bits for oil or something.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
yeah thats alot more efficient.... and cleaner, safer, smarter.... lol Just sniff it instead... its less addictive and dramatic
Yeah but we are going for most efficient here.

Maybe take a tab of acid with your heroin. You'll unquestionably be high.