Most Efficient Commercial Grow Methods

Great info, thanks!

I have but humble aspirations of harvesting about a pound every two weeks. Forgive me if this sounds retarded but its one way I thought of doing it. I'd like to run 3 different strains and each one would be harvested once every 6 weeks. I don't want to have to maintain mothers so my grow would start from seed and I would take clones from my best females right before I put them to flower. I understand at the beginning that steps will need to be taken to insure correct sexing. Anyway, the way I saw it in my head was:

Flowering under HPS
Week 8 - LSD - 8 Plants
Week 7
Week 6 - Vanilla Kush - 8 Plants
Week 5
Week 4 - G13 Haze - 8 Plants
Week 3
Week 2 - LSD
Week 1

Vegging under MH
Week 4 - Vanilla Kush
Week 3
Week 2 - G-13 Haze
Week 1

Clones Rooting
Week 3 - LSD
Week 2
Week 1 - Vanilla Kush

It would be a total of 56 plants spaced 2 weeks apart. I figured using the Ebb and Gro setup like I am would allow me to just move the inside pot without a lot of trouble. Part of the reason I wanted to veg for fewer larger plants was the legal side of it.

Don't know if I explained that all correctly (currently smokin) but in my head it sounds solid.
Please do not listen to Canibutal or the greenmonster333
with advice like this

Clearly they do not have a clue what the heck they are talking about my friend.

For one yield has nothing to do with the ammount of lumens you have it all depends on your growing methods, experience and nutrients.

The more mature the plant is before you flower it the better the quality of the product will be, it has nothing to do with size".

He must be joking when he says that commercial SOG growers are not growing 30 lbs a month

Commercial growers are clearing well over 30 lbs a month my friend in SOG..

Actually the easiest most forgiving garden method to maintain is soil or a soilless mix so he is definately way off in that aspect.

Hydroponics has to be constantly maintained (alot of work) if one thing is off your crop is ruined.

Here is my decsription of SOG METHOD.

you can use tables,or individual pots, hydroponics whatever you want.. the bottom line is for mass/commercial production you are doing a SOG method

SOG Is the theory of harvesting lots of small plants, matured early to get the fastest production of buds available.

Instead of growing a few plants for a longer period of time, in the same space many smaller plants are grown that mature faster and in less time.
Thus, less time is required between crops.

This is important to you when the electricity bill comes each month.
One crop can be started while another is maturing, and a continuous harvest, year round can be maintained.

4 plants per square foot will be a good start for seedlings.
1 plant per square foot will allow plenty of room for each plant to grow a large top cola, but will not allow for much bottom branching.

This is OK since indoors, these bottom branches are always shaded anyway, and will not grow very well unless given additional light and space.

The indoor grower quickly realizes that plants that are too tall do not produce enough at the bottom to make the extra growing time used worth while. An

exception to this rule would be if it is intended the plants are to go outside at some point, and it is expected that the light/shading issue will not be a factor at that point.

The plants, if started at the same time, should create what is called a "green canopy" that traps most of the light at the top level of the plants.

Little light will penetrate below this level, since the plants are so close together.
The gardener is attempting to concentrate on the top of the plant, and use the light and space to the best advantage, in as little time as possible. Use of nylon poultry fence or similar trellising laid out over the green canopy will support the plants as they start to droop under the weight of heavy fruiting tops.
Stakes can be used too, but are not as easy to install for plants in the middle and back of the room, where reach is more difficult.

It's easy to want big plants, since they will produce more yield per plant, but it's usually better with limited space to grow smaller plants that mature faster and pack into smaller spaces.
Sea of Green was developed in Holland. Instead of fitting 4 large plants in that small room, fit 12 small ones on a shelf above 12 other small plants.
These plants take only 3-4 months to mature from germination to ripe buds, and harvesting takes place constantly, since there is both a vegetative and flowering area devoted to each, with harvests every 45-60 days.

It's not the size of the plant, but the maturity and quality of the product that counts.
Twice as many plants grown half as big will fill the grow space twice as fast, so harvests take place almost twice as often.
Get good at picking early flowering plants, and propagate only those that are of the best quality.
6" square containers will allow for 4 plants per square foot.
You may also gauge by the size of your growing tray (for passive hydroponics)
you can use kitty litter boxes. ($3 each at walmart) Planted 4 per square foot, (for vegetative seedlings) a 12 sq. ft. closet will hold 48 seedlings on one shelf.
In any case, you can use 4" rockwool cubes that fit into kitty litter pans @ 12 cubes per pan.
You can get 5 pans onto a 12 sq. ft. closet upper shelf, so that is 60 seedlings on one small shelf!

For flowering indoors, 1 plant per sq. ft. is a good rule of thumb for SOG.

If less plants are grown in this size space, it will take them longer to fill the space, thus more electricity and time will be used to create the same amount of product.

If more than one plant p.s.f. is attempted, the grower will soon find that plants thus crowded tend to be more stem than bud, and the total harvest may be reduced, so be cautious.

It's good to avoid "topping" your plants if you want them to grow as fast as possible.
It's better just to grow 2 or 4 times more plants, since they will produce more, faster, in the same space.

Also, "training" plants with twist-ties is a great way to get them to bush out a bit. Just take any type of plastic or paper twist tie and wrap it around the top of the plant, then pull it over until the top is bent over 90-180 degrees and then attach this to the main stem lower on the plant.

Do this for one week and then release the plant from it's bond.
The plant can be trained in this fashion to take less vertical space and to grow bushier, to fill the grow space and force lower limbs to grow upward and join the green canopy.

This technique takes advantage of the fact that if the top is pulled over, it creates a hormonal condition in the plant that makes it bush out at all lower internodes.

Sea of Green entails growing to harvest the main cola (top) of the plant.

Bottom branches are trimmed to increase air flow under the "blanket" of growing tops. Use them for cuttings when you need more clones.​













I was using the sog method growing Hindu Kush and I Sucesfully Harvested over 50lbs of dry product for a whopping sale price of $150,000.

I bought the truck below with some of the money and my friend wrote it off a year and a half later while driving without a license and in turn I received nothing back from the insurance company in form of compensation.

I was not going to charge my friend, but I was not gonna tell them that I knew he had no license either.
So I ate the cost of the truck ( over $60,000 Canadian).
After all mother nature did provide it for me to enjoy it while I had it.
It was my stupidity to let him drive my truck any way, we are still friends to this day, but I bust his balls about it all the time
I can tell he still feels bad about it after over 3 years everytime I bring it up to him too.. lol

My outdoor crops this year are going to the medical dispensaries around Vancouver BC


:peace: PEACE AND HAPPY GROWING !! :peace:

marijuananation I am not going to read all of that but the amount of light/watts/lumens is what determines yield. Obviously there are many other aspects but this is the main variable. You're going to grow over 50 lbs a month using rockwoll and sog? Good luck with a shit load of reservoirs and physical work along with all of the health problems you can see with rockwool. I'll grow 1/10th of the number of plants and get the same yield and have a ton less work to do. If you or your friends grow in soil and sell to dispensaries well, ill stay away from that medicine. ESPECIALLY if it is outdoor.

"The more mature the plant is before you flower it the better the quality of the product will be, it has nothing to do with size".
-How are you going to argue for sog methods (flowering when plants are very immature) and argue against it at the same time? Not really sure what page youre on here. And btw as plants mature they grow in size.

"He must be joking when he says that commercial SOG growers are not growing 30 lbs a month"
-Actually I said that it is much more efficient to grow less plants if you are growing as much marijuana as 30+ lbs per month.

""Commercial Productions in Hydroponic systems, tend to use the Ebb and FLow system on flood tables. this is still one of the easyiest to maintain, and easyiest to cleanup... and pretty much the best way to grow without much work involved. ""
"Actually the easiest most forgiving garden method to maintain is soil or a soilless mix so he is definately way off in that aspect."
-Actually he said Comercial Productions In Hydroponic Systems. In case you didn't know soil is not used in hydroponic systmes so YOU my friend are way off. Not to mention soil harvests are inferior in every department ecxept taste. This is why Cali has much much MUCH better buds than BC.

Whatever tho to each it's own peace out.
damn that field of hindu kush looks pretty. reminds me of a magazine article done on reeferman (reeferman seeds). his style of outdoor growing was very similar
...the amount of light/watts/lumens is what determines yield. Obviously there are many other aspects but this is the main variable...

Whatever tho to each it's own peace out.

I'm one of those "go big or go home" people so I've got the lighting side pretty well locked down. Still appreciate the info though! :)
Over the years I found I have gotten lazy and moved away from ebb & flow to soil in pots and coco in pots. Now I grow in dirt in raised beds and just water and every 2 months top dress. Very happy with the results and my yield has never been better. Yup organic. But I'm not rabid about it, just works very well for me and I have more time to do other things. I water once a week and no ph adjust or anything. I have 10 1000w, 2 600w 6 400w and 16 t5"s
Whatever tho to each it's own peace out.

I'm not going to get into a pissing match with someone who has 30 posts and no reputation.

I actually believe the main variables to be The Grower and the Genetics of the plant not the ammount of light.

I can get a better quality yield of bud off of my 600 watt hps light than I could get off of my 1000 watt light because I can get the light closer to the tops of my plants, therefore using less light to grow more higher quality bud. ( the only difference is the penetration depth of the canopy. and my cure for this is lollipopping the shit outta my ladies.

Every commercial grower I know uses soil in BRITISH COILUMBIA CANADA, I do not know of one person using a hydroponic system for the commercial cultivation of marijuana.

How the hell do you figure that it is more effecient to grow less plants if you want more finished product in the end as quick as possible.(remember commercial cultivation, not a basement grow operation, this is not even close to a commercial level)

The only time someone would grow less plants for longer is if they were legal growers, most of the time it is the legal growers who grow less plants bigger because they are scared to go over there 15-25 plant limits, so they grow 2 - 4 plants per 600-1000 watt light
spend longer and more time vegging and grow less plants for the maximum yield. (like myself)

I think not for the commercial cultivation of marijuana they want there product grown and sold they dont want to be vegging there plants 2 months plus.. take those cuttings let them root and throw them into flower.

I do not grow in rockwool and SOG what thread are you reading pal? I was simply saying that it is a possibility.

I am a sunshine mix #4 grower. Look at my journals.

Mature plants can be a cutting from a mature mother plant..

it doesn't mean that I am going to grow my plants to become monsters until the mature, I am gonna let my mother mature and take clones from her, therefore the clones are all mature enough to be placed immediately into flower.. (hence nothing to do the size of the plant but the maturity of the plant).

soil harvests are inferior in every department ecxept taste. This is why Cali has much much MUCH better buds than BC.

So what you are telling me is that Cali growers only grow in hydroponics??

California and the rest of the USA has and always will be behind BC on our marijuana quality and quantity)

Us British Columbians have a much more Superior product than that of our american counterparts.

what strains has California come out with?? BC BIG BUD?? BC KUSH?? TRAINWRECK?? SHISKABERRY??

nope california decided to create california orange schwag weed..

that tells you right there that the USA is behind BC in the race for the Best yielding and best quality marijuana.

We always have and we always will be superior, sorry to burst your bubble, but it's a proven fact.

WHy do you think we can trade a kilo of our BC GRADE B for a kilo of your A grade COCAINE??

hmmmmm.. because your commercially grown weed is never grown properly, it is never flushed properly, I have alot of family in the USA and I have smoked alot of USA marijuana never once has it ever compared our BC Grade A. (personal preference please do not take offence)

I am not talking shit about americans I am simply expressing my views on american quality of marijuana, please do not take offence to what I have written. Thank you.



There has been a debate as to which growth medium is most beneficial for home- or commercially-grown plants.

On one end there is soil, the traditional growth medium that has been used for thousands of years to grow plants, and on the other is hydroponics, a more recent practice of growing plants with water and nutrients but no soil.

So the question remains, which process is more suitable for growing things?

One of the most important advantages of hydroponics over soil growth is the absence of weeds and pests in hydroponic growth environments.

Soil can play host to a variety of insect pests and plant parasites as well as competing weeds that can take away valuable nutrients or sunlight from your plants.

Of course, if you are growing a small number of plants indoors in small pots, then chances are that you won't run into too many problems with weeds or pests that you can't handle as needed.

However, if you're planning on growing many plants that require a good deal of nutrients and live in a pest-susceptible environment, then hydroponics may be the way to go in order to avoid spending money on pesticides and herbicides.

Hydroponics also benefit the overall growth of the plant in terms of size.

Root systems spread throughout soil in order to increase surface area and the chance that the plant will absorb minerals and water that percolate through the soil.

However, with hydroponic plants, the nutrients are present all throughout the liquid mixture, so the root system does not have to be as extensive as with soil-based plants.

This means that the plant can devote more nutrients and energy to growth above the root system, which is the kind of growth that people generally want.

Furthermore, plants that are grown hydroponically do not need to be repotted in order to accommodate growing roots that might become too large for the initial pot to contain comfortably.

The hydroponic plants are constantly supplied with a ready stock of water and generally reach maturity faster than soil-grown plants.

It might seem as if hydroponics require more water than soil-based plants.

The contrary is actually true in this case, as hydroponic systems generally use up to one-tenth less water than irrigated soil crops.

Is there any way that soil is better than hydroponics?

The answer is yes.

Since hydroponics depends on adding balanced nutrient solutions at particular times during growth, it is quite possible to make mistakes when giving nutrients to the water-grown plants.

With soil-grown plants, excessive nutrients can be more readily absorbed and carried away by the soil.

Although hydroponics is not a particularly difficult system for growing plants, it is one that requires a good deal of attention, research, and care.

In conclusion, hydroponics carries several advantages over soil-growing and could benefit the grower in a number of ways.

However, soil-growing has been tried and true for centuries and is certainly not inferior to hydroponics so long as the grower is diligent and careful.

:peace: PEACE AND HAPPY GROWING !! :peace:
damn that field of hindu kush looks pretty. reminds me of a magazine article done on reeferman (reeferman seeds). his style of outdoor growing was very similar

Thank you, I used every tip out of the marijuana grow bible (Highly Recommended) for that harvest, it was so much work but at the same time so rewarding and totally worth it.

Peace and Happy Growing !!
Well BiteSize, if ya got one thing from this thread it's probably that everyone has their own ideas and experiences. Perhaps it's not about finding the one method that's so much better than the other, and more about what method will work best for you and your particular circumstances. good luck
A couple of other points

When people talk about ways to grow they tend to quote the top 8% of growers results as to what is better. Are you in or will you ever be in that top group? You need to master all six elements to get there. To many variables in hydro for me, too time consuming also.

There is much less work to dirt farming vs hydro.

There is far more to go wrong in hydro than dirt. I speak from experience.

Stick with one real good plant and learn what it loves, experiment with other seeds looking for the replacement.

Dirt people and hydro people are like ford vs chevy.

It's good for the soul no matter how you roll...
A couple of other points

When people talk about ways to grow they tend to quote the top 8% of growers results as to what is better. Are you in or will you ever be in that top group? You need to master all six elements to get there. To many variables in hydro for me, too time consuming also.

There is much less work to dirt farming vs hydro.

There is far more to go wrong in hydro than dirt. I speak from experience.

Stick with one real good plant and learn what it loves, experiment with other seeds looking for the replacement.

Dirt people and hydro people are like ford vs chevy.

It's good for the soul no matter how you roll...

Well said woods....I do take issue with a couple points though. I don't think that you can say, depending on the setup, that hydro is "much" more work than dirt. Growing with hydro for me has been almost boring in the sense that I only work on the grow for about 20-30 min a day. Except for training and other things which I would do regardless of how I grow. I have friends who grow in soil and soiless and they're always bitching about how much time they spend watering and how messy it is. If you have a run-to-waste setup, that makes watering a lot easier but I still don't see how hydro ends up being sooooo much more time.
I agree that if something goes wrong you can lose everything, but in a larger setup with multiple reservoirs it's not going to be a major loss like it would a small scale grower.
A couple of other points

When people talk about ways to grow they tend to quote the top 8% of growers results as to what is better. Are you in or will you ever be in that top group? You need to master all six elements to get there. To many variables in hydro for me, too time consuming also.

There is much less work to dirt farming vs hydro.

There is far more to go wrong in hydro than dirt. I speak from experience.

Stick with one real good plant and learn what it loves, experiment with other seeds looking for the replacement.

Dirt people and hydro people are like ford vs chevy.

It's good for the soul no matter how you roll...

where are you getting your information from?
marijuananation I am not going to read all of that but the amount of light/watts/lumens is what determines yield.

I really wish that you would have, read my post fully and then responed.

Your posts would still be up, but you had to be rude to to me and to others and I had to have your rude and insulting comments removed,aswell as my own.

I hope that you decide to learn and share your experiences as opposed to arguing and insulting members on our forum.

I hope to have better more positive experiences with you, for the sake of you keeping your account priveleges.

There is no right or wrong way to do anything in this world, it all boils down to personal preference.

I only ever try to give proper advice to people on this forum and send them in the right direction.

If I do not know the answer I will not answer the question.

However if I do know the answer and you do not, don't get offended because I proved you wrong, take it in stride and use that knowledge as power..

To the next person that asks that same question you didn't know the answer to previously, Now may you hopefully be the person to set them in the right direction with the correct answers.

I don't know everything about everything, nor do I try (that is ignorance)..

I am constantly learning more and more everyday that goes by.

If you do not agree with someones thread or post, there are other more simple ways to get your point across as opposed to insulting or being plain old rude to members.

Peace And Happy Growing Everyone !!
If you or your friends grow in soil and sell to dispensaries well, ill stay away from that medicine. ESPECIALLY if it is outdoor.

Most of the California Despensaries are supplied by Outdoor Growers while most BC dispensaries are supplied by Indoor Growers. (PROVEN FACT- PLEASE ASK YOUR Cali DESPENSARY where 90% of there products come from they will tell you "outdoor growers")

Why ?? Because Cali's outdoor weather produces some phemnominal marijuana and there is alot of land to grow it on, without the risk of getting busted and going to jail for 25years for a few hundred plants as you almost certainly would if you got busted with an indoor grow of that magnitude (in the USA that is).

How are you going to argue for sog methods (flowering when plants are very immature) and argue against it at the same time? Not really sure what page youre on here. And btw as plants mature they grow in size.

Mature plants can be as simple as taking cuttings from a fully mature mother plant.
The cuttings are an exact genetic replica including Matureness.
You can therefore place cuttings directly into the flowering room in a SOG method with all of the plants being fully mature and "small" therefore maintaining a perpetual harvest without the need to veg plants for any given ammount of time.

Actually I said that it is much more efficient to grow less plants if you are growing as much marijuana as 30+ lbs per month.

On the contrary my friend..
It would be much more effecient to fill the grow room with as many pants as possible and crop out as quickly as possible with the least ammount of work possible as opposed to having only a few plants wasting the electricity and water to veg them for two months, when you could already have harvested a crop and started flowering another one, by the time your few plants are done vegging and are ready to be placed into the flower room...

In case you didn't know soil is not used in hydroponic systmes so YOU my friend are way off. Not to mention soil harvests are inferior in every department ecxept taste. This is why Cali has much much MUCH better buds than BC.

once agian you are way off my friend, if you would have read my post as opposed to being "mr. know it all" (you are constantly putting your mouth into gear before your brain is turned on)..

Did you know, only about half of American weed is even grown on home soil.
Foreign schwag floods the market and therefore you never really know what youre paying for, not to mention the fact that youll end up paying almost twice as much for it as I would in Canada (I also know where it comes from and what strains I am getting)

You would have read that I clearly state the differences between soil and hydroponics, I am not some new grower just entering the world of marijuana cultivation, I am a seasoned Veteran of this game.

Once Again !!

In my conclusion, hydroponics carries several advantages over soil-growing and could benefit the grower in a number of ways.

However, soil-growing has been tried and true for centuries and is certainly not inferior to hydroponics so long as the grower is diligent and careful.

Oh I see now. Please put up my previous post in which i addressed all of your questions and showed alot more proof then you did by using one of the best marijuana dispensaries in california that does NOT purchase or sell any buds grown in soil. The rest is all there. You can't just win an arguement by taking down my post. I'm waiting for the day that you can show me some BC Big Bud danker then the buds i provided. BC supplies all of U.S. with the standard lime green middle of the line big bud that people all over the country smoke on a regualr basis. The foreign schwag is yours.


So in your conclusion you have no arguement and you take bot sides.

The difference is the GROWER !!

The yields could be comparable in either method.. (Per square meter is how marijuana is measured by finished product weight)

bigger plants = bigger/more buds, but if you have a large ammount of smaller plants taking up the same ammount of space you can get the same if not a greater yield (in less time)...

but for the commercial cultivation of marijuana almost all of them are running a SOG method and placing clones directly into flower.

they are in the business to produce alot of product in the shortest ammount of time possible.


We have a winner !!!!
So what you are telling me is that Cali growers only grow in hydroponics??

California and the rest of the USA has and always will be behind BC on our marijuana quality and quantity)

Us British Columbians have a much more Superior product than that of our american counterparts.

what strains has California come out with?? BC BIG BUD?? BC KUSH?? TRAINWRECK?? SHISKABERRY??

nope california decided to create california orange schwag weed..

that tells you right there that the USA is behind BC in the race for the Best yielding and best quality marijuana.

We always have and we always will be superior, sorry to burst your bubble, but it's a proven fact.

WHy do you think we can trade a kilo of our BC GRADE B for a kilo of your A grade COCAINE??

hmmmmm.. because your commercially grown weed is never grown properly, it is never flushed properly, I have alot of family in the USA and I have smoked alot of USA marijuana never once has it ever compared our BC Grade A. (personal preference please do not take offence)



:peace: PEACE AND HAPPY GROWING !! :peace:

Well I agree with most of yours posts but a lot of your post above was just plain silly and comes across as ultra arrogant with a splash of ignorance . Funny you mention BC Big bud. It was one out of about 30 strains I grew this year and it was by far the WORST. Grew big buds but that was it. Terrible smoke and little to no aroma. Grew indoors and outdoors, in hydro and in soil. didnt matter it was garbage. BC Kush doesnt hold a candle to other Kushes I have grown. Saying Ca hasnt produced any good genetics and doesnt produce good quality bud is crazy. I didnt see anyone bashing BC but you sure took your bat to Ca .......
you know what I find sooooo funnyyyy ???

You calling me an amateur and then trying to debate facts and give people advice about marijuana cultivation, when you have posts with questions like the ones that I have quoted you in below??

HA ! HA ! HA ! shut up kid your a JOKER !!

when you are ready to become a man, I will accept your apology and teach you all that I know about marijuana

Not one person even bothered to respond because you are clearly not ready to start growing and clearly you should not be in the marijuana cultivation industry..

Keep buying that weed from your local dealers (we love supplying them with our BC world renowned marijuana)..

Here are some words of wisdom that I came up with: before you can give someone advice, you must first ask someone for advice.

Thread: Plant selection questions???

Take your own advice that you give to people, you look like an idiot in the quote below also.

ONCE AGIAN: How the hell are going to honestly sit here and tell me that you have any clue what the fuck you are doing in a grow room with questions above, but posts like this?? once again me proving you are a fake !!

You don't even know when a plant reaches sexual maturity in the post below.. really.... are you serious !!
Why don't you know what AN nutes you are going to use.. (thats the first thing I decide, I don't wait until the last minute to get my nutes, thats a rookie move)



Hahaha!!! That guy got owned.
So in High Times and such I always see these amazing grow ops where there are people running up to and above 100 plants but rarely do they go into the specifics of the operation.

My question is what methods of growing are the indoor commercial standards? I realize you could take any type whether DWC, Ebb and Gro/Flow, Aeroponics, even soil and scale it up but what are really the most efficient operations?

Please keep the "if you don't know you shouldn't be asking" comments and such to yourself. I'm one of those forward thinking and planning type people so I appreciate the info. Thanks! :mrgreen:

Follow my op, I'll have 360 total. 180 flowering, 180 vegging.

I grow in CANNA Coco with Coco A+B and the rest of the line.

Clones are taken and once rooted are potted in 5x5 pots and vegged for
4 weeks and then are transplanted in to 5 gallon smart pots and begin

I have 12 4'x8' trays with 2x 1000kW bulbs over each tray (24,000 watts) in
flower, with 15 plants per tray (15x12=180).

I top feed using a reservoir, pump, hose and waterwand. I run on a perpetual cycle
so 90 plants move in to flowering once a month, so I'll be harvesting 90 once a month.