Well-Known Member
Anyone know what the most efficient reflector (reflectivity) design is? Anyone know what the most efficient finish (reflectivity) is? PICTURES WOULD BE GREAT!!!


if you are talking about building your own, this 1 works well or me i have built 2 of em, easy to make if you got something that cuts meatal sheeting, i used a still saw :s its the making the holes for the fixtures thats the pain in the ass, easy if you got a drill and a metal drill bit, i took the hard route and had to punch all the holes with a lump hammer and hole punch
I cut it with this, would of rather done it with an angle grinder, and i made a kyte/diamond template to mark out the corners, was quite easy its the punching holes and wiring thats the pain in the assit worked out pretty good for the short amount of time i used it...and yea, the top got real hot!! burned myself once when i had to raise it...growing pot is just so much funner/cheaper/more rewarding when you put hard work into it and hand make stuff instead of buying everything off a did you cut that shit? 4 mils is pretty thick...
No, these are ok just not alot of wattage, i know what u mean tho, the spiral ones are alot better. the heat in this thread is coming from the cfl's almost touching the top of my hoodAre those the UK CFLs that get hot as fuck after an hour being on?
I hate them.
If you are UK, go to BnQ and buy the spiral ones.![]()
Cool tubes are awesome when you need to control the heat...From what im hearing as far as feedback goes, the Cooltube is one of the best reflectors you can buy for the money. But the hydrofarm inline air coolable reflectors are bomb diggity too.