Most Full Proof Way To Smuggle Cocaine?

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
Hey what's up guys? (Mods if this is in the wrong section you can move it, If it's inappropriate for this Forum delete it)

I live in Texas and actually have a hook up in Mexico that can get KG's of Cocaine. Problem is crossing it over and then crossing it again through the secondary border while bringing it up north.

Now I have been thinking about it and it seems to me that probably the best way to smuggle it is by paying a mule to swallow up to a KG in Mexico and walking it through (Can dogs smell it through your stomach? No right?). This person would be an American citizen (of course) with a passport so they don't have to hassle with the Border Patrol. Then sending Her up north (Through the secondary Border) while I follow and make sure everything goes A - OK!!! lol. I know most people that are caught with pellets in their stomachs are people on flights that look like they don't belong so they get asked questions ect ect and that's how they catch them. But I have never heard of Border Patrol demanding x rays on someone who is walking across the border. So IDK.

Now this is just an Idea, I don't know if I'm gonna go through with it but I just would like to know my options. I have never used Cocaine, and I'm not rich either. So if this turns into shit I would set me back hardcore. Also I don't deal drugs so even if my mule gets caught and starts singing I can't get arrested for just her word right? Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
Well I don't see why I would "Need" to be a User ( I would think it would be an advantage seeing as how I wouldn't want any for myself. Also i wouldn't wanna nickel and dime because it would run a higher risk of getting caught. Where I'm from cocaine is relativity cheap (I live on a border town) So it wouldn't be worth it either. When starting a new business (Legal or Not) you run a risk of losing money. I don't know many people who can just throw thousands of dollars down the drain while not being affected by it. The reason I'm thinking about it is because I think it's a pretty good plan with low risk high reward. The hardest part is getting the KG cheap which is already solved.
Sounds good but wouldn't it be a little weird bringing a mule across the border? I'm sure somebody will stop you. I have wondered why they just don't fly it up here more it seems like you have less of a chance of getting caught.

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
Well I wouldn't really bring a mule across the border, I wouldn't be with her at the time (I'm trying to be as careful as I can) . She is an American citizen, I say mule just because that what she would be. She wouldn't look out of place. Flying is where it gets sketchy because that's where they catch most people with X rays. I go to Mexico all the time walking across and I have never seen anyone asked to take an X- ray. Border Patrol don't care too much about people walking across, they don't even have dogs in that Area. They focus most of their efforts on the cars passing. But Flying maybe would be better after a couple of runs and I get more money for it.


Well-Known Member
i'll be the drug mule. the product might not get to it's intended destination though.


bud bootlegger
i think the title of this thread should be.. "how to kill someone and land in jail in one easy step.."

how would you feel if one of the balloons were to burst mid shipment and the person died?? so not worth it imo.. there is a reason why coke is cheap in mexico and the price goes up the minute the same coke reaches the us of a.. there is a high risk involved in getting it across the border, and one left up to someone willing to trade off their freedom to make a few bucks in the process..

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
Lol, are you a girl? I would like to use a girl because boys aren't trustworthy. LOL JK. I wanna use a girl because they seem not to get as hassled by Border Patrol/Police as boys do.

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
Well that is always a possibility, but I would be able to sleep well at night. I'm not forcing anyone to do it, if they do it it's because they want the money and are willing to take the risk out of their own free will. Also I would be trying to stay out of jail with all of my precautions. I know there is still a chance but like I said. I don't deal drugs, If my mule gets caught it's her word against mine.


Well-Known Member
If you're not a user of a dealer, then why are you getting it? and why take the risk? If they catch the mule and he/she sings you'll still go to jail for getting it in the first place.

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
Well I'm not a dealer but that wouldn't mean I couldn't sell it to someone up north for a good price ( I guess that turns me into one? idk). Where I'm from it's cheap so it isn't worth nickel and diming it. Taking it north is where it gets pretty valuable. Also the reason I'm thinking about it is because the risk is relatively low. If they catch my mule (Which is a very low risk the way I planned it) and she/he sings I can't be arrested for nothing. They will need evidence and not just the word of someone they have in custody already, with no evidence and just his/her word maybe they can get a search warrant but there in lies the advantage of why I don't sell. They will find nothing and have no evidence against me( I'm smashing this laptop lol). I think it's a smart idea but I could be wrong. I just want to know what you guys think about it.


Well-Known Member
It's a big border. You're an intelligent person. Buy it and run it yourself. No mule payment! It's for the money. Personally I think you're an ass for considering exploiting a mule and keeping your hands clean. Your motives are profit and reputation. What about the other person you'll betray and deny? Ahh, the forum is 420, weed, and legal.

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
How am I "Exploiting" anyone? I'm not going to Africa/Honduras to find a poor woman that needs money for chemotherapy. The person I get will probably be down to rob a bank if they knew they would get away with it. While yes like most people in the world I would want money in return. Reputation? Yea because I would really go around telling people what I did to seem cool....:roll:

Marla 420

Well-Known Member
True, but I thought maybe you were just being an Ass (No pun intended). I actually have a gay friend who could probably fit 10 keys up there (Practice) but I don't know if Dogs would be able to find it. I heard they could, So that's why swallowing it was my idea.